
Witch Taverjv

Cecil is a typical young man who enjoys spending time with his grandmother. When he awakens, though, things alter. Everything in his immediate environment changed. The tavern is now his property. He must not only entertain this unusual individual who keeps knocking on his door, but he must also look after this adorable and gorgeous renowned witch. ... I am a new author. ... Disclaimer: The cover is not mine.

Kiiub · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Princess and Tavern

Cecil has been standing behind the counter with a practically boring expression, waiting for the guest to arrive since the morning.

But as you can see, no one came.

"Yep, we are in the middle of the forest. How could a guest come here?" He said to himself.

"System, what if guests don't come? Can we change our location?"

[Host, patience is required; also, we cannot move our position for an unknown reason; if you ask me what that reason is, I cannot provide an answer.]


Cecil had almost completely lost his bearings; he was just a young man trying to make the most of his life, but...Suddenly, his life resembled that of the protagonist.

He even considered leaving, but the instant he did, he felt as if he was about to lose something vital, which he couldn't pinpoint, so he quickly dismissed the idea.

Walking to the nearest chair, he sat and asked, "Can you provide me with some entertainment, like manga or a novel? I'm getting bored."

[You need tavern points, host.]

"Right." Cecil sighed once again.

Outside, he heard a horse, which caused him to peek at the entrance before standing behind the counter with a smile.



The door slammed open, making his smile twitch a few times.

"Master, do—"

Cecil immediately cut her off and said, "do nothing unless I order so."


"Oh, my, oh my, what is this poor-looking place? I feel like my skin will be dirty by just looking at this place," said in a cute voice, yet with arrogance.

A girl who appeared to be only 15 years old came into his sight.

The girl is dressed in a blue princess line with a mixed white and has pale cream blond hair wrapped into a twin ponytail with blue eyes glancing around as if she is looking through the rubbish.

Overall, her appearance reminded him of a spoiled princess.

However, he ignored her remark and still kept his smile and said, with a respectful tone, "How can I help you?"

When Sybella saw Cecil's attractive face, she murmured, "Not bad."

"How about being my bodyguard? I swear I'll offer you a high position, power, ladies, and wealth if you only say yes," she added, her gaze fixed on Cecil as if expecting him to accept.

"However, princess, we must not accept people from this place! We do not know what danger they will bring," the guard leader in her walked forward and said.

"Shut up! Did I allow you to talk?" Sybella shouted.

"B-But princess, it's for your safety." 

The guard understands that meddling with the royal family's decision will cause death, but this place isn't called the Wood Land of Devils for no reason.

"Shut up!" 

"Keep your guard raised, and some of you guard outside and safeguard the carriage in case something happens," the guard leader ordered quietly to his subordinates, knowing he couldn't persuade the princess to change her mind.

While observing this, he couldn't help but compliment the guard for doing an excellent job and even interfering with the princess's decision to ensure their safety.

But, unfortunately, their princess was unconcerned.

Looking at the carefree princess, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but I reject."

"Oh my, you dare to reject the princess,"

Sybella smiled, but anyone could tell she was angry.

Who is she?

She is only the fourth daughter of the queen of Pridraire, the Empire of Princesses; everyone adores her; she is regarded as a genius; and with her lovely face, any man will accept whatever she commands with drool on their faces.

"How about this?" Cecil offered, pulling a lollipop from his pocket with a cheeky smile, "... This is my apology for rejecting the great princess."

The guard said, "Let me taste it first, princess, to make sure this is not some kind of poison," and was ready to accept the lollipop.

"How dare you taste the food of a princess? Go outside, I'm done with you!" The princess yelled angrily.

"I'm sorry," the guard immediately shut up and said in a low voice while his head was lowered.

While the other guards patted his shoulders with pity and shook their heads.

"Hump!" Sybella snorted and looked at Cecil, "Bring it to me! Hurry!"

"Alright," Cecil says, and then waits for her reaction.

The princess's eyes widen and gleam as she carefully places the lollipop in her pink and adorable little lips as if a new world has opened up to her, and she furiously licks the lollipop at every turn.

"What is this?! It's wonderful, addictive, and sweet!" The princess's eyes sparkle.

'Of course, even an adult never tires of it,' Cecilia thought inwardly.

"It's called a lollipop, princess."

"Give me more! No, give me everything you have!" Sybella exclaimed hurriedly.

"Unfortunately, princess, I only have one, and you eat it," said Cecil, and continued, "But I have more delicious things than a lollipop princess."

"Really?" Sybella's eyes shine and she drools as she imagines food more delicious than lollipops.

"Here," Cecil pointed to the board above, where he showed the menu list.

"Chicken wings and coke," Sybella muttered while looking at the menu.

"Give me these two, faster!" She ordered while drooling.

After a second, Cecil walked to her table while carrying the chicken wing and coke.

"Enjoy it."

Without further ado, like a hungry beast, she immediately devoured the food.

"Cough! Cough!" Sybella choked and immediately drank the coke.

After eating, Sybella had a satisfied smile on her face as she patted her tummy.

Cecil was speechless when she saw there were no bones left on her plate.

"How about becoming my chef? I'll give you what you want: territory, title, or woman," Sybella offered.

"It may seem enticing to the princess," Cecil said, "But I will decline since I still have a more essential job."

"It's a pity, but I can't force you," Sybella said. However, you need to add more to the menu, and to make me satisfied, I'll pay you double. Give him 5 gold!"

"Princess, do you have a book or map that you no longer use that I could have before you leave?"

"Such a bold word, but I'll let you this time," Sybella smirked and walked to her carriage before ordering, "Give him what he wants!"

After that, a guard brought him a map and a magic book and said, "This map is of our continent and this magic book."

After saying that, the guard leaves.

"Remember to add more to the menu; I'll bring my bestie!" The last yell of the princess before disappearing into the forest.

After they left, Cecil fixed his eyes on the book and map before going in.

The map depicts empires and kingdoms, with the Suven Empire on the north side, the Pridraire Empire on the east, whence the princess descended, the Ancient Duchy on the west, the Church on the south, and the Devwilnds in the center.

Even though he now knew the empire's name, location, and other details, he still did not know where he was because the map depicted many forests.

He then examined the magic book, which was a raven with a blue fire pattern surrounding it, and the words "Fire Elemental" written in the center.

Slowly, he opens it, revealing the knowledge that lies within.

Fire elements are one of the four primary elements, and a person who can manipulate fire elements is known as a fire elemental.

Every person is born with a crystal heart, which varies in color according to the elements they were born with: red for fire, blue for water, green for air, and brown for the earth.

The book also shows how to control fire elements and other fire skills.

After reading all the content, he closed and asked the system with an obvious answer, "Do I have a crystal heart system?"

[No, since you are not a natural-born citizen of this world.]

Cecil nodded, despite his slight gloom; after all, he was just a modern man, and performing magic is a fantasy for many.

He quickly regained his energy; this is a fantasy world, and there must be a way to perform magic without a crystal heart.

"System, how many points is this?" He asked the system and show him the five gold coins he earned.

[Because one silver equals one point, you now have 50 points.]

"Tell me what I can buy with these points."