
Witch: Accumulate Experience Through The Knight Breathing Technique

Crossing over to the alien world, he became a fallen noble lord. But with the help of the proficiency panel, he started to gain EXP through his family's Knight Breath Technique and followed the footsteps of an ancient and mysterious sorcerer step by step. Thus began a mysterious journey.

Tian Li · Eastern
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1201 Chs

Level 16! (6)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Levi clenched his fist, black flames blazing. His body filled with boiling battle intent.

"I never expected to encounter such perfect creatures. I've been idling in the ancient tower for three years. Finally, I can stretch my muscles," he said.

Then, he took a deep breath and accelerated suddenly, descending!

Ban Gu and Ya Gu looked at the dark silhouette in the sky and simultaneously threw a punch!

Sacred Skill, Amethyst Serpent!

The fist wind formed a hundred-foot-long purple serpent, soaring into the sky!

In mid-air, the Dragon Abomination laughed madly, its dragon claw piercing into the purple serpent!



Sparks flew, and metal clashed!

The purple serpent was split in half and dissipated into nothingness!

The demonic dragon claw stomped down!


The earth collapsed under tremendous force!

The two Amethyst Race experts were like stakes driven into the ground!