
Witch: Accumulate Experience Through The Knight Breathing Technique

Crossing over to the alien world, he became a fallen noble lord. But with the help of the proficiency panel, he started to gain EXP through his family's Knight Breath Technique and followed the footsteps of an ancient and mysterious sorcerer step by step. Thus began a mysterious journey.

Tian Li · Eastern
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1205 Chs

How to Transcend the Bloodline Path? (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

This made Levi realize that the method of knights might need to be changed and perfected.

Success was due to the bloodline, but failure was due to the bloodline.

In his opinion, if he could turn Bloodline into something that was the icing on the cake and not necessary on the path of knights, that would be a better method.

At that time, it might not be a knight technique anymore, but a brand-new transcendent system.

Unfortunately, with Levi's current realm and vision, it was obviously impossible for him to jump out of the framework of a knight to create a new transcendent path.

The reason why Levi created the Ancient Saint Dharmic Formulation was also because he referenced the knight technique. In the end, he still could not walk out of the framework of his bloodline. It was naturally very difficult for Levi to jump out.