
Witch's Second Life

Disclaimer! This is a fiction story that is written by an author that has nothing to do with the real world. *** Born into a famous noble family, became a talented witch, even became one of the closest people to the Prince. Perfection enveloped him, made him forget that humans were the most changeable creature. Evan was a high-level witch who accompanied the Prince, who was his best friend, to the field of battle. With purpose: eradicate monsters. He thought only monsters would perish, unfortunately his life also perished along with the monsters. He was betrayed by the man he called Best Friend. A death full of remorse and vengeance, bringing him in the gates of second chances. He was revived, although in the form of another person. On his second occasion, Evan was already determined to take revenge. But before that, there was something more important. He had to survive, in order to get his revenge on his best friend. Disher, The Crown Prince. ***

Hime_Samaa · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Ch 8 Start Executing the Plan

Of all the things Hiraeth realized from the moment he opened his eyes was a fact that being grateful for the food was important. It was because there was no assurance that he could eat the same meal or not for tomorrow.

It was different compared to him in the past. When he was a young master in the Evescent family. At that time, bread that was too sweet, or too chewy became a problem for him in the morning. Just being dissatisfied with the way the chef worked, he often ordered the butler to fire the chef.

It was obviously different from his current life, he was very grateful if there was no dry bread on the dining table in the morning. Don't ask further about drinking milk, he just drank it once and even his mother brought the milk from her work place.The untouched leftover milk as the child of the baron was sulking.That was what his mother said.

Their current breakfast was the last one in their kitchen, Hiraeth could not complain, for he realized that the woman he called mother was also trying to get food. His mother asked him to be patient because she would get wages within three days.

Hiraeth did not have a high expectation from the wages his mother mentioned. He was sure the wages were not even enough to buy food in a month, but his mother was lucky enough as she often got leftover bread, so it could help to save money.

"Mom, do we have a hoe?" Hiraeth asked, noticing his mother, who was getting ready.

"Of course. You can look behind the House."

When noticing his mom getting ready, sometimes a question crossed in his mind, was Irish okay all this time? Even dirty and disheveled clothes could not hide her beauty, especially with silver-white hair that was very noticeable on her pale skin.

It could be believed that at work his mother often experienced bullying by other workers because of his mother's physical appearance, or maybe someone tried to harass her, either the workers or her own master. All the assumptions could happen, as not all masters use their brains properly. Some of them just put their brains inside their heads to keep them alive.

In the previous life Hiraeth often heard that servants were being abused by their masters, but instead of getting protection, they were accused and punished on the excuse that they were the ones who seduced the master.

Hiraeth really hoped that his mother was in protection. Although she was not the same mother in the previous life, the woman he called mother this time was much better than in the previous life. He could feel the wholehearted love from the woman in front of him, even at every touch and her words.

That was different with his mother in the previous life. They rarely met, and also rarely even ate together. Even the memories he had were only servants. The only moment they could meet was at dinner time, and they often missed it. It felt that they were busier than the royal family.

"By the way, why are you looking for a hoe?"

"I want to go to the Kerinci area." Hiraeth answered while chewing the bread.

"For what?" Irish was surprised, she didn't expect her son to want to go to the area, in which there were not a lot of people who dare to go there.

"I want to try something."

"But it's dangerous!"

"Everything will be okay, mom. "Doesn't the Prince Disher go there to make sure that the area is clear of monsters? Even since five years ago. So there is no reason to be afraid.!" Hiraeth made an excuse.

"It's not only monsters, there are also wild animals!"

"I know. I will be careful. Besides, I'm healthier now... please mom... give me a chance..."

Irish sighed, then she said. "Under one condition?"

"What's that?"


"Be careful when you step in Kerinci forest. Even though the monsters have been exterminated, there are still wild animals roaming around!" the mother warned him.

"I will bear it in my mind."

"Okay then, I will take my leave."

Irish left the house, heading to the Baron's residence where she worked, while Hiraeth picked up a worn backpack then put some things in it. Like dagger, small knife, lighter, container, to bread for breakfast he left on purpose.

Before leaving, Hiraeth took the hoe that was behind his house, according to the instruction his mother gave, After getting all the tools he needed, Hiraeth intended to step in the forest to hunt wild animals. He was already determined to eat three times a day until he was full and improved his physical strength in order to be able to use magic.

But beforehand, he had to make money. The most effective way this time was to hunt wild animals for their fur, skin or even horns.

Before doing all that, he needed a quarters in the middle of the forest. At least it became a safe place for him to wait for or store some stuff. The most important thing was he was not seen by humans, in other words he had to step in an area rarely explored by humans.

Kerinci forest or rather the Kerinci Mountains area was already safe from evil creatures such as monsters, it was just that many did not dare to come there as they were afraid there were monsters left or afraid to meet wild animals.

Hiraeth was actually also afraid, especially when he felt the quiet atmosphere of the forest, but he pressed his fear and looked for a proper tree for his quarters right away. Until finally he figured out a tall, big and lush tree.

As the first step Hiraeth collected some small trees with the size of a wrist or smaller than that. When he was at home, he found rope and nails in the shed. It was likely that it belonged to Irish's husband, also known as the father of Hiraeth who was said he had died of an illness.

In this case, he was grateful for some useful tools and those really helped him in this mission.

"First, let's build a treehouse as a quarter. Most importantly it forms a flat seat and enough space to lie down and put things. Then, a hanging ladder that can be rolled up. Ah, looks like I must make a trap for small animals like rabbit and fish." Hiraeth murmured, looking at the paper he scribbled.

"At least I'm not back home empty-handed today."

Yes, of course Hiraeth realized that all was not as easy as he imagined. He had to be careful with the surroundings, making all goods he mentioned from the quarters to the trap, of course it all took time, moreover, the tools he used were also limited.

"Huft… I don't want to be poor for any longer!".