
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

The Sky Emperor

A fleet of airships soar through the sky. Many people below them bowed down to them like they were gods. The lead airships had a massive white and green feathered dragon resting on top of it.

Inside of the captain's quarter of the lead ship was an office. Arleth was tired in chains, restrained by her body, arms, and legs. Her mouth was covered by chains as well.

In front of her was Sapphy. She looked bored. She was repeatedly clicking a pencil as she looked out the window.

"Look at me."

Arleth refused to look at her and stared down. Sapphy grabbed Arleth's collar and pulled their faces together, but Arleth still refused to look. Sapphy backhanded Arleth back onto the chair. Sapphy then got her face.

"I said, look at me."

Arleth headbutted Sapphy, making them both bleeding from their heads and knocking Sapphy to the ground. Both healed in seconds. Sapphy got up. She was clearly fuming but hid it behind her blank expression.

"You know, I hate you. Where does someone like you get off of being rude to someone like me? Don't think just because you're desired by the emperor, doesn't mean I can't cut you up a bit if you act disrespectful."

Sapphy grabs Arleth by the hair, making her scream in pain. Her cries were muffled by the chains as her scalp began tearing. Sapphy dropped her back onto the chair and sat back in her chair.

"You know. His Majesty actually did want you specifically. You and your fiance were spotted by the emperor. He saw you two together through his orb. He saw how happy you were when your fiance was massaging your shoulders a couple of weeks ago. He fell for you instantly and he hated that you looked so happy without him. Understand I hate you, but my attack wasn't personal. I was simply following orders."

Arleth was trying to unchain her hands without Sapphy noticing. She remembered a technique her father taught her many years ago and tried to distract Sapphy from seeing her hands while she loosened the chains.

"I don't get it... no, I do. Well, I get why the emperor likes you. You have unique eyes, silky golden hair, a voluptuous figure, a sweet voice, a warm smile... what I don't get is why you'd sacrifice all that for people like the villagers. I mean, even your fiance. I would have left if you would have just complied and let me kill him... Ok, maybe I would have killed a few babies too. But I wouldn't have murdered your whole village if you just followed my instructions."

Arleth untied her chains and they started to slide down her wrist. She grabbed onto them with her hands, so they didn't clang on the ground. She still had the one under her chest, under her knees, and covering her mouth. She begins focusing on her legs next.

"With a body and voice like yours, you could have been someone special if you came to live in The Heavens. You would attract so much lust and attention."

Arleth revoked the chains from her legs too. While Sapphy was still talking, Arleth fired a powerful gist of wind at her, knocking her into the wall. Arleth used the air to tie her up against the wall. She flexed and busted out of the chains and tore the chains apart from her mouth.

"You asked me why?" Arleth said full of pity.

"It's simple really. I love him. I loved them all. My attraction goes beyond just money or sex. He's my best friend and he truly cares about me. I'm not the 139th option. But that's a feeling you'll never understand I guess."

Arleth moved her hands up and started guiding the air out of Sapphy's lungs, making it hard for her to breathe.

"I know my fiance's still out there. And once you're dead, I plan to go search for him."

Beneath Arleth, the ground started to get cold. Her bear feet started to grow frost on them. Arleth backflipped out of the way and milliseconds later, an ice spike shot up under the spot of where she stood. This canceled her technique and allowed Sapphy to catch her breath again.

The automatic door of the office swung open and over a dozen soldiers flooded in with assault rifles and swords pointed at Arleth. Sapphy grabbed her own katana and activated its synergeta mode.

"Be a good girl, and put those chains back on, before we have to get violent."

Adleth couldn't take them all on and she knew it. So, she complied. She knew they wouldn't kill her and she didn't really care about pain. Plus, she needed to get into the castle. She wanted to kill the sky emperor personally. He was just a man after all. If she could sneak up on him, she could kill him. So, she complied.

"The emperor loves to take women who are engaged. He loves the feeling of taking someone else's girl. I don't know if it's the satisfaction of him knowing he can get any woman or the sadness that the guy feels that makes him love it so much, but he sure does. And he loves breaking women like you. One's that love their partners so dearly, but all fall for him anyways. It won't take long. Trust me.

The guards took her away and Sapphy slouched back in her chair.

"I really hate that girl."

About 1 week of riding later, Arleth had arrived at The Heavens. Guards came to get her from the dungeon and started leading her to the castle with Sapphy at the helm of them. Arleth was taken inside the castle and chained to the wall in the king's room. Sapphy then slapped her across the face.

"Behave yourself. I'm not trying to have the emperor take my head because of you."

Suddenly, a man walked into the room. He had a very handsome face, red hair, and purple eyes. He was muscular, but not too muscular. He was very tall and wore an orange, brown, and gold business suit. He also had a crown on his head with black gloves.

"Well done, Sapphy. She's just as beautiful as I remember. Leave us."

"As you command."

Sapphy walked out of the room, leaving me and the man, who Arleth assumed was the emperor. He looked different than in the pictures.

The Sky Emperor put his hand on Arleth's cheek and caressed it while licking his lips.

"Such tender, soft skin. Silky hair, beautiful eyes, luscious lips, lovely-"

Suddenly, Arleth bit down on the emperor's hand, making him reel back.

"Do you ever shut up?"

"Oh, don't be like that. Let's go down."

The emperor grabbed a sword and slowly cut away at the front of Arleth's shirt. He was so excited, sped up, unable to contain his obvious lust. The top of her shirt ripped open, enraging and embarrassing her.

"Oh wow. Your breasts are even more beautiful in person. So big and round. They look so soft and-"

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew the Sky Emperor back. His cheek ended up getting cut by the blades of the wind. He looked back at Arleth and saw her rage. Her clothing, just like her skin, was also sealed right back up.

"Lovely. I was hoping you'd fight back."

The emperor reached into his pocket and pulled out a remote with a big red button to hit. He pressed it and the chains surged with electricity. Lightning spark from Arleth's body and she screamed in pain as the lightning burned her body. It felt like her atoms were being torn apart. It lasted for 20 seconds, hit the pain nearly killed her. She healed in only a few seconds from the burns. Though, she still felt all the pain. It causes tears to fall down her face from the pain.

The Sky Emperor walked back up to her and licked the tears off her face.

"Delicious. I love the tears of an innocent maiden like you. You're way too good for that guy anyways. I can give you a life most only dream of if you just do everything I say."

"Not a chance."

"Why are you so committed to that guy? From what I've seen, you're still a virgin. I mean, shame on him. If he's not gonna devour this feast in front of me, that's on him. His loss."

The sick, perverted man slid his hand down Arleth's body.

"It's a perfect hourglass. I think I just found my new favorite toy. You're perfect."

Arleth was so furious, she wasn't even angry anymore. She just wondered how a man this twisted and lustful could exist. She had her village destroyed, her friends killed, lost her fiancé, and is now getting sexually assaulted and groped. All because of this man in front of her.

"Alright, let's get to the main course."

The emperor's hands slid down from her chest down to her hips. He caressed them for a bit before lifting up her skirt. Before he could get a good view, the door swung open. It was a female knight who walked up to the emperor.

"Sir, my fe-"

Suddenly, the emperor backhanded the knight across the face, knocking her to the ground. She looked up to him in fear and he looked down on her with disgust.

"You bitch! How dare you interrupt my fun time and speak without my permission!"

He kicked her in the stomach multiple times before finally calming down.

"Men and women both have purposes. Man's purpose is to die when I tell them to. Women's purpose is to gratify me as semen dumpsters. And neither is to do anything I tell them not to. So, if you talk out of turn again, I'll... how do I put this lightly... murder your little brother and rape you to death. Un...der...stand...?"

Arleth knew how evil the Sky Emperor was, but seeing him in person drained her confidence. Calling him pure evil was an understatement. Ironic he was the ruler of The Heavens when he acted more like the devil himself. She wanted to kill him but knew she couldn't. The difference in fear and power the two commanded was drastic.

"Now, I give you permission to speak. I better like what I hear?"

The female knight got up while clutching his stomach.

"The wandering sky market has refused to comply with your demands."

"I see. Alright, I'll go murder them and just take what I wanted. I tried to give them a chance. That leader should have known better. Everything he ever owned, his market, his employees, his money, his daughter; it all belongs to me. Keep an eye on that girl while I'm gone. If she breaks out, I'll slaughter that bitch made brother of yours in front of you. Just a little it of motivation."

The Sky Emperor walked out of the room, leaving them there alone. The knight stood outside the chamber room to hard the only exit. Even after all of that, the only thing Arleth could think of was Alduin. She just prayed and hoped he was still alive.