
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

The Sky Domain Part 1

Alduin was rolling around in the bed in his little house. He felt the burning rays of sunlight hit his face.

"Is it that time already?" He said groggy.

He hopped up and went to the bathroom to get ready. He took a shower and brushed his teeth. He saw himself in the mirror.

His dark green hair was messy and disordered. His white eyes still looked tired and weak. He walked out of the room, grabbed his shirt, shorts, and robe, and walked downstairs. He slowly trotted down the stairs. As he could, he smelled a delectable scent. When he walked down, he could see a young lady cooking.

The lady had short blonde hair, and heterochromatic eyes, with her left eye being blue and her right eye being green. She wears a pure blueish-white dress that compliments her hair and shows off her curvy figure. She also didn't wear any shoes or socks. This was Arleth Sparrow, Alduin's fiancee.

Alduin sneaks behind the lady and grabs her waist, startling her.

"Ah! honey..."

"Sorry. You just looked too cute. I couldn't help myself."

"Well, go sit down. Breakfast is almost ready."

Alduin sits down in his chair. He looks over at a baby carriage he bought, which makes him blush. Arlteth walks over and places pancakes and bacon in front of him.

"I know what you're thinking, honey." Arleth said while pouring hot syrup into his cup. "You don't have to apologize for sleeping in."

"I know, but I was supposed to cook with you today."

Aretha kissed her fiance's cheek and rubbed his hair.

"You spent a lot of time planning our future yesterday. If anything, I should be saying sorry for you for not helping more."

"Thank you, sweetie."

Alduin kissed Arleth on the lips. Though she was shocked, she liked it and kissed him back. He put his hands on her waist while she put her hands on his face.

"Honey, you're food will get cold. At least eat the desert afterward."

"Why can't I just have both together."

Arleth couldn't help but chuckle a bit while kissing her fiance again. "You're so greedy."

After breakfast, the two walked over to Arleth's parents' house. Alduin was very nervous. Arleth held his hands as they walked.

"Don't be so stressed, honey."

"It's just... you're father doesn't exactly like me. Though, I can't blame him. You did choose to marry an orphan."

"Hey, come with me real quick."

Arleth dragged her fiance across their small village. They ran together under the cyan-colored sky. Then they reached the edge of their island, they saw a sea of clouds under them. Arleth sat Alduin next to her.

"You know. I often wonder what life was like before the war. I dreamed about one day going below the cloud and exploring."

Arleth leaned back onto the emerald grass and looked up at the cloudless sky.

"I heard stories from my grandparents about life under the cloud sea. But I can't imagine my life without this island. Just staring at the grand beyond helps calm me."

Alduin has looked at the island thousands of times. But never has he ever just sat there and experienced the sky. It was beautiful. He felt like he was a part of it; the great beyond. He felt the cool air hit his face, yet he felt warm inside. He saw sky dolphins and little dragons flying skating across the cloud. It started to bring tears to his eyes.

Arleth scooted closer to Alduin and hugged him while rubbing his shoulder. Alduin wiped his tears away.

"Thank you for showing me this, sweetie."

"No problem."

Alduin hugs Arleth back and kisses her on the forehead. He was ready now. Alduin helps Arleth up and she leads him to her parents' house. Arleth knocked on the door and they stood outside for a minute. She then knocked on the door again, and a few seconds later, an older woman came to the door.

She had long, green hair tied in a ponytail and green eyes. The tall, attractive woman hugged Arleth so tightly, that she began flailing to get free.

"Ok, Mom, you can let me go now. I can't breathe..."

Arleth's mom let her go.

"Oh, sorry. It's been a week and I've missed you."

"You could have visited whenever you wanted."

"True. And look who it is. The man of the hour. Come here, my future son-in-law."

Arleth's mom walked over to Alduin and hugged him equally as tight, cutting off his air circulation.

"H-Hi, Mrs. Sparrow."

"Oh, please. Call me mom."

The woman let Alduin go and he chuckled nervously.

"Hey, mom, is father home?"

"Sorry, sweetheart. He went out a few hours ago with his crew. He'll be back tomorrow."

"Oh... so, I was worrying about nothing." Arleth said while holding the back of his head.

"You two should go hit the town. You have the day off. Spend time together."

There was a baby crying in the back of the house.

"Ooh, your little brother is throwing a fit."

Arleth's mom kisses Arleth on the cheek while holding her tightly, embarrassing her.

"Give me lots of grandchildren, you two."

This flustered Arleth and Alduin. Before either could respond, Arleth's mom slammed the door in their face. The two talked about children in the past, but they never talked about sex. The two looked away from each other, say and red-faced. Alduin broke the awkwardness and held Arleth's hand.

"There's a new restaurant that opened a few days ago. Do you wanna try it with me?"

"Y-Yeah. Let's do that."

They left the house and started walking to the other side of the small, floating island. Since the island only had 200 people on it and everyone was so close together, everyone knew each other. The young couple greeted and waved to people as they walked. They got into the restaurant and sat down together.

"Hey, sweetie. While walking, I felt several strong gusts of wind. Was that you?"

Arleth was shocked he noticed. She looked down, anxious. Alduin reached across the table and rubbed his worried wife's hands.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"I know, but... it's just spirit stuff."

"I don't believe that."

Arleth looked more guilty and couldn't even make eye contact with Alduin anymore.

You see, Arleth was a race of humans known as Matenga. They are humans that can manipulate the eight elements through an energy supply known as synergeta. Only one out of every five thousand humans have this condition and no one really knows how people get it. It's more of a genetic defect if anything.

"Sweetie, please, tell me. What's bothering you?"

Arleth lets out a sigh. "The Sky Emperor sent me a letter."


The sky emperor was the ruler of the sky. He ruled in the kingdom known as The Heavens and was the most powerful man in the world. He had more money, status, power, women, and war plans than he knew what to do with. His power was absolute and his will was unquestionable.

"Why did he give you a letter?"

"He wasn't me to be one of his wives."

"Y-You directly?"

"Well, as you know, he obsessed over powerful women and matengas. His whole harem consists of them. So, when he heard there was a matenga in our village, he sent the chief a letter demanding I become one of his wives. If I don't..."

"Sweetie, why are you just telling me this?"

"I-I didn't want to worry you. I didn't want to put you in danger. You know how psychotic he is."

To most, the sky emperor is known for his greed and lust. When he wants something, it's already his. If he wants proper, war, or even slaves, it will be his. He has over 100 women in his harem, and it's widely known he murders his harem members if they lose their sex appeal or defy his orders. And this was the man who was contacting Arleth.

Alduin could see it. Arleth's worried face. It wasn't for herself or her body. It was for all the people in the village. What would the sky emperor do to the people if she refused? What would he do to Alduin if she refused?

Alduin got up and sat next to Arleth. She turned away from him, but he pulled her in closer to him from her shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry. It's only going to make you more and more stressed. You're going to go gray early."

Suddenly, people outside began running to the edge of the island. Alduin and Arleth also ran outside and looked up at the clear cyan sky to see a massive fleet of huge metal ships and flying robots heading for the island. In front of them all was a giant dragon.

The dragon must have been four hundred feet long. It had a long serpentine-like body with white scales and green feathers all over it. It had beating orange eyes and four long, scaly legs. And it was divebombing towards us with the rest of the ships in tow. There was also a person on top of the dragon, though they couldn't be identified.

Arleth started backing up in fear. Her eyes contracted, her legs were shaking, one of her hands was over her chest, and the other one was holding her head in shock.

The robots and airships surrounded the island and the dragon landed. On top of its head, the figure began evident.

She had pale pure white skin and dead cold black eyes with shadows under them. She had long wavy black hair tied in long twin tails. She had an Alice band on her head and earrings as sharp as daggers on her earlobes. She wore a tattered gray yukata with pitch-black heels with blades on them.

She looked around at us. She then jumped down from over a hundred feet in the air from the dragon's head and landed perfectly on the ground. Then, she spoke up.

"Where is Arleth Garnt?"

"I'll as once again. Where is Arleth Sparrow?" The pale woman said while grabbing a katana on her hips. She pulled it out and a massive yellow energy blade formed around the katana.

Still, no one said anything. She then spotted a woman holding her baby. In the blink of an eye, the baby was in the pale woman's hand and she had the blade up to the baby's throat. No one could even see her move. The mother was shocked and tried to frantically run at the lady to get her baby back, but many people held her back.

"I am Sapphy Terinas, the 6th wife of his majesty. This disrespectful silence will not be tolerated. I know Arleth is here. So, tell me where she is before this becomes a bigger problem."

Arleth moved past Alduin and moved through the crowd to get to the front. The baby began crying due to the plasma on his throat. This only made the mother more hysterical. The mother began flailing, calling out to her crying child. Then, before things got worse, Arleth broke through the crowd.


Everyone turned to her.

"I'm the one you want."

"Oh, so you are."

"If I go with you, will you leave the people of this village alone?"

Sapphy looked over to Alduin.

"Mostly. We will kill your fiance though."


"His Highness doesn't like sloppy seconds. So, I'll be murdering your partner over there and taking you to his highness myself. He'll surely reward me for doing such a good job."

Arleth clenched her fist.

"Are you showing me disrespect by clenching your fist? Bad move."

In an instant, blood exploded from Sapphy's hand. It was the baby. It had several ice spikes coming out of his body that were dripping with blood. No one could move after that. They were in a death game. If they so much as sneezed wrong, they would die before they even knew it.

Sapphy raised her hand and many of the airships and machines began to activate their guns and rockets. The massive dragon behind her looked at the citizens with lust and glutton, like a starving predator to its fatty prey.


"Why, you ask." Because I'm infertile and can't have babies. So, I'll also demand you line up all your children for slaughter. If not, we'll simply murder you all."

The mother snapped. She charged at the Sapphy. Sapphy drew her sword and the temperature on the whole island dropped 30 degrees. She swung her sword at the lady, and blood gushed everywhere. But it wasn't the blood of the mother. It was Alduin's blood. He pushed the lady to the ground out of the way of the sword strike. This spilled out a tone of blood from his back.

Arleth rushed over to him, trying to pick him up. This stained her pure white close with shades of red.

"Honey! HONEY!!!"

"Ugh, ok, that hurt."

Arleth looked back at the lady with bloodlust in her eyes.

"Wow. He just made my job easier."

Many of the villagers began to back up in fear. This made Arleth raise her hand again, and surprisingly, many of the ships put their guns away. However, she was far from done. She looked back at her massive dragon and nodded to it.

Directly after that, she grabbed Arleth's collar. However, to Sapphy's shock, her hand came flying off, making her jump back in shock.

Arleth kissed Alduin on the forehead before getting up off the ground. Sapphy noticed a lessen in Arleth's hand. The razor-sharp war fan was dripping with blood.

"You damaged the sky emperor's property. An unwise decision. A big mistake you'll surely regret."

Arleth didn't even realize what she did until she made this mistake. All the villagers began to run away frantically. Many villagers were knocked down and trampled over. One of them even lost a leg due to it getting torn off from the panicking crowd.

The massive white dragon unleashed a burst of flames from its mouth, dozens of villagers and turning them to ash. Many of the buildings were also razed by fire.

The ships above were preparing their weapons again, but Sapphy called them off with another hand motion. Her other hand then quickly regenerated.

"I hate young women who are more well-endowed than I am. Maybe I'll just kill you and tell the emperor you committed suicide."

"You're sick."

With a look of disgust and rage on her face, Arleth grabbed another lesson from her pockets and waved it in the air. This created a massive gust of razor-sharp wind blades. Sapphy reached her hands out and blocked the wind by forming an ice wall in front of her.

The edges of Arleth's fans generated a green energy sickle that floated slightly above the blade. She ran at the ice wall and slashed it in half with one strike. The plasma was so hot, that 70% of the ice was instantly turned to steam and water once fully cut.

She unleashed a tornado from her mouth which Sapphy effortlessly cut in half with her energy blade.

Sapphy tried to behead the Arleth with one concise swing, but Arleth managed to duck under it and tackle her; grabbing onto her waist and slamming her to the ground. Arleth also loses one of her fans in the process. Arleth tried to take off Sapphy's head with her other fan, but her hand was caught by Sapphy's.

This gave Sapphy the opening to stab Arleth through the belly button, and the katana pierced all the way through her. Arleth rolled off of her, writhing in pain.

"Thankfully these swords prevent Matenga from regenerating quickly."

Sapphy commanded her dragon to go forth and torch the rest of the village. And so, it did. The beast took to the sky and began to breathe torrents of pyro down, scorching everything in its path.

She raised her hand above Arleth, creating an ice sword. She brought the blade down on Arleth's neck. But right before it connected, Sapphy was sliced in two, diagonally. It was the energy fan and Alduin used it.


"Come on." Alduin said while picking up his fiancee."

"Y-You're bleeding so much!"

"Don't worry about me. We gotta get you out of here first. I can't rest until I know you're out of this place."

The entire village around them was on fire. It was so bad, the sky became filled with nothing but smoke. The blood of the innocent was plastered everywhere and burnt corpses were littered all over the ground.

Sapphy crawled over to her split lower half and grabbed onto it, clenching her teeth.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! How dare you do this to me?! Unleash fire!"

The dragon flew up into the sky and began twirling, creating a large ball of fire in the center of it's motions. Many of the ships also activated their guns.

"Sweetie, when I give the command, I'm gonna push you off the island."


"You said you wanted to experience the undercloud world. Well, here's your chance."

"This isn't the time for jokes! You'll die."

"This isn't up for debate."

The dragon unleashed a massive fireball and the ships began to rain hellfire. Bullets and rockets littered the sky with a giant fireball heading for the island like a meteorite.

"You're right. It isn't."

Without warning, Arleth gave her husband a quick kiss on the mouth. Before he could respond, she used the rest of her power to create a blast of wind and sent him flying off the island.

Alduin's eyes were filled with shock. The last thing he saw before he fell was Arleth smiling back at him with a loving gaze as her body was filled with the lead of the bullets.

Alduin fell into the clouds and under it, hit only water. It was an oceania below the clouds. Only seconds later, Alduin heard a massive explosion happen on the surface of the island. His mind slowly started to fade as he started to lose his grasp of his consciousness.