
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The Sealed Sky Demon

Wisp was riding on Igneous' back to the location that Syrup told him about. It was a giant lake in the middle of a rocky field. Wisp hopped off of Igneous' back. Igneous tried to drink the water, but Wisp stopped him.

"Hold on. This water's toxic."

At Cleric level 8, Wisp obtained the skill "sightsee," which allows him to see status conditions and curses. Wisp took a bowl out of his backpack that he crafted last week and put some water from the lake in it. He then used the cleansing skill he learned at level 17. He couldn't heal the whole lake. That would have taken him to have been level 250 to even attempt.

Igneous' tail wagged happily and he drank and Wisp patted his head. Wisp then looked out to the middle of the lake and saw an altar in the middle of it. Leading to it was a stone path on the other side. Wisp hopped from stone to stone to the middle of the lake where the stone altar was.

It had warnings all over it telling him not to open it. But from the aura it was giving off, it was only level 37. Whatever was in here, Wisp and his companions should be able to beat if they focus and work together. Plus, he didn't want this constant threat so close to his house, so he had to deal with it.

He summoned Argriss and Midro on the land as he lifted the stone key from the altar keyhole. Suddenly, the sky turned red above us. I ran back over to my friends on the land. A beam of darkness arose from the altar. About a hundred feet above the ground, the creature appeared.

It was a winged beast, reminiscent of the vermilion bird from Chinese mythology. Its body is mostly blue, accented with dark purple stripes and purple geometrical shapes. It has 4 long pointy appendages where its feet were meant to be. They were like scaly spider legs mixed with squid tentacles that took off half of the beast's height. And it was already around 22 feet tall.

It released a powerful roar that caused a massive gust of wind from where it was. It looked down on them with its reptile-like green eyes.

"Argriss, do you know what that is?"

"I do. It's a Veragalion. Several centuries ago, they were used as rides for messages for the demon king's army. The average level of them was usually 75. Being sealed must have drained a lot of its power."

The Veragalion opened its mouth and a bright mouth began glowing from its throat. From its mouth fired a giant green laser. We all jumped out of the way. It left a giant char mark on the ground. Wisp looked back at the blackened, flaming ground. If that beam had hitten him, he would have died.

The giant bird dive-bombed down at them and fired another laser from its mouth. Midro ran up to where the beast was diving. The Veragalion fired another huge beam from their mouth, but Midro sidestepped the beam. The bird tried to curve back up. Midro's eyes locked on to the vicious beast and launched her sword from her mouth by propelling it with a fireball, slicing its left wing, and making it fall to the ground.

Wisp and Argriss ran up to the beast and stabbed it in the back with their weapons, making it roar in pain. The Veragalion spun its body and threw the two of them off of its back. It fired another laser at Midro, but she had to dodge. The Veragalion smacked her with his wing, sending her flying into a tree and breaking one of her legs. While still on the ground, before it could take off again, Igneous bit down on its neck. The beast tried to fire another beam at Igneous, but it only made him bite down harder on its neck, canceling the beam. The Veragalion then tried to knock Igneous off of it with its wings. Igneous blocked the first one with its tail. The second one hit his face, knocking him off. While still recoiling from the damage, the Veragalion fired an energy laser at Igneous, blasting him back and knocking him out on the ground.

This greatly pissed off Midro. After all, no one was allowed to beat her rival except for her. Wisp ran over to her and healed her wounded leg, draining his mana greatly. He took out both of his daggers again. She picked up her sword again and the two ran up to him. The beast was about to fire another laser, but Argriss ran beneath him and stabbed him in the mouth with his halbert, stopping the laser again.

Midro ignites her sword with her fire and slashes one of the beast's eyes, making it explode and making the Veragalion roar in pain. Wisp then followed it up with a "fatal strike," stabbing the beast in both of its wings, making it collapse.

[Veragalion submitted. Taming Possible.]


The magic circle appeared under the Veragalion and Wisp tamed it. His rogue skilles leveled up three times from this and his beast tamer skill leveled up once.

[Taming a monster at a higher level than you will help you increase your rank. Though, if the monster is too strong, you will die.]

[Veragalion tamed. Would you like to rename him?]

Wisp held his chin and entered deep thought. He contemplated what to name the creature. Before he did, he healed it first. The beast became a lot more friendly. It didn't try to attack him. It seemed the Veragalion had accepted Wisp as its master.

"I think I'll name you... Eclipse."

Eclipse was added to my screen after Igneous in the next empty spot.

"Good, now transportation will be easier."

Wisp turned his head and saw Igneous' gaze piercing at him, which made him jump back in shock. Igneous was very jealous from Wisp words, worrying his purpose would be served and Wisp would have no more use for him. Wisp patted his head.

"Don't worry, boy. I'm not replacing you. We're all one family, so let's try to get along."