
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Argriss was being bullied by his fellow cavernoids. He wasn't supposed to fall in love. Cavernoids were just creations for war. They could barely be considered monsters, yet an error in Argriss's creation code gave him the ability to feel romantic emotions. This, along with his low level, made him prime for the bullying of others in the demon lord army.

One day, his commanding officers asked him to kill his lamia wife to prove his loyalty to the demon lord army, but he refused. So, the general had her publicly executed in front of everyone via blood eagle. Then, Argriss ran far away, fearing he would be next. He didn't know where he was going, but he just knew he couldn't stay there.

Argriss was suddenly woken up by Willow in the middle of the field. It seemed he had fallen asleep. It was all a dream. A bad dream at that.

"Did you get sleep last night?" Willow asked, leaning down to pick him up.

"Yeah... sorry, I'll get back to work."

Argriss walked back to the house, which was almost done with construction. They just needed to finish one more room and the new house will be complete. Argriss tried to lift up a roof part of the house which weighed 15 tons. It was extremely heavy. Argriss pulled as hard as he could, but couldn't seem to do it.

"Dang it..."

Dahlia walked past him and grabbed the bottom of the roof. She lifted it with one hand and put it on her shoulder. She effortlessly threw it up on the ceiling of the room, almost crushing Greenwood in the process, causing him to yell at her in anger.

"My bad."

It's been a week since Dahlia joined their house.

Argriss watched as Dahlia worked. After she helped put on the roof, she went to the farm, which she became the head of. She plowed the fields, watered the plants, took out the weeds, and basically did everything. She could manage all this because of her impressive stamina and physical strength. It also may have something to do with her being a humanoid dairy cow... just saying.

After that, she went into the house to bathe in the hot springs Wisp had up in his house. He did this because he was tired of taking them to the river 3 miles away every single day.

After she washed up, she put on new clothes. Thanks to the wardress, who Wisp named Parker, he was able to make new clothes so he didn't have to walk around in the same two pairs of clothes all the time. And surprisingly, this also showed Greenwood was good at sewing. Now, Dahlia wore a long dark blue dress with a dark blue ribbon around her left horn. She had a cowbell collar around her neck and another dark blue ribbon around her tail.

She walked to Wisp's room and knocked on his door.

"Darling, may I come in?"


Dahlia walked into Wisp's room. She hugged him tightly as he sat on his bed. However, this made him uncomfortable, so she took her hands off of him.


"N-No... it's fine... p-please hug me again."

Dahlia couldn't contain herself and hugged her again. She seemed so loving and peaceful when she hugged him, but it still put Wisp on edge. He couldn't shake the feeling that she could snap at any moment, just like his ex-wife did.

"Dahlia, can I tell you about something?"


Dahlia sat next to Wisp and he told her everything. He wasn't usually so quick to tell people about his past life, but he needed Dahlia to understand where he was coming from. He told her about all the awful things his ex-wife did to him. Her aura began to spike with rage.

"I understand if you're mad at me for lying to you all this time. If you want to leave, I completely understand."

"Leave, are you crazy? No, I'd die if I did and I love you too much to leave anyways."

"Then, why are you so mad?"

"Because of that slut. How dare she hurt you. If I ever find her, I'll peel the flesh of her face and make her eat her own organs!"

Wisp chuckled awkwardly and looked away from Dahlia. He was still embarrassed and uneasy when around her. She slid her hand across the bed and put it over Wisp's hand, holding it gently.

"Thank you for being honest with me, my love. It truly means so much to me."

"You're not mad."

"Of course not. I'm only mad that people would dare to hurt someone as wonderful as you. You know, before I joined you, I was actually a soldier in the demon Lord's army."


"Yeah... My mother was one of his top generals. But when she died, I had all these expectations put on me to be better than her. But I simply couldn't do it. I had strength, sure, but it was nowhere near good enough to become a demon general. I was mocked and looked down upon because of this."

"I'm... sorry to hear that."

"Maybe that's why my instincts brought us together."


"Oh, nothing... Darling, I don't want to pressure you with expectations. If you need to take it slow, I'll go at whatever pace you need to feel comfortable."

"Thank you, sweeti- I mean, Dahlia!"

Wisp's face turned red as he misspoke. This made Dahlia blush and laugh. She got close to his face and held both of his hands, which made him more flustered. She pulled back from him.

"Sorry... hearing you call me sweetie triggered something in my brain."

"No, I can't blame you. I misspoke."

"Well, I should get back to work now. Also, Silvertail suggested we should go on a date sometime. You know, to get you more comfortable around me."

"Y-Yeah... sure, I guess."