
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
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29 Chs

I Hope This Can Last Forever

Wisp was signing a contract with Syrup that would allow him to open his businesses. He would trade livestock and honey in the farmers market and he'd sell his beast tamer books in adventurer shops and bookstores. He wrote them on different species. He had ones about cavernoids, volane kitsunes, cephlorods, and basically every beast he'd tamed.

He walked outside to get some fresh air and Sol ran by his side. The two of them sat on the edge of a cliff together. They took in the beautiful scenery together.

"Big brother, what are we gonna do now."

"Rest. With Willow and Argriss running my army, Dahlia running farming, and Mist running the books, I have nothing to really do except look after them. It's like I'm playing an idle game."

"An idle what?"

Wisp smiled and rubbed Sol's head.

"Never mind."

Sol sat in Wisp's lap. He hears footsteps behind him. It was Midro, who curled up next to him. Wisp forgot that this whole journey of his started with a little fox he healed in the forest. He petted Midro.

"Thank you, Midro, for everything. I wouldn't be here without you right now."

"Big brother... are you gonna go back to your old world?"

"Oh, heavens no. I do miss a person close to me, but they'll be fine. Plus, I can't just leave you all now that I'm here."


Sol hugged Wisp. Wisp hugged him with his free hand. He levels up again as a beast tamer from this moment with Sol and Midro.

Later, he headed to bed, like he did every night. However, as he was trying to close his eyes, he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door slowly opened. It was Dahlia in her strawberry pajamas. She was wiggling with a shy expression.

"Is something wrong, Dahlia?"

"Oh, um... I was just wondering if, we could sleep together..."

"O-Oh... uh."

Both blushed. Despite her being there for 2 months now, they haven't slept in the same bed once before.

"A-Are you sure you're ok with this?"

"Yes, but only if you are."

Wisp thought for a moment and made himself embarrassed. He could barely contain himself when they kissed. God knows what he'd do if they slept in the same bed together. But it was something he always wanted to do. He moved over and patted the bed beside him.

"Thank you, darling." She said with her cow-like ears twitching in happiness.

Dahlia got under the sheets next to Wisp. Wisp tried to avoid looking at her. The moonlight shines over her gorgeous, buxom body and her adorable face. She looked at him with longing eyes as she slid her hands into his.

"Darling, do you like me?"

"I-I think so."

"I don't scare you anymore, right?"

"No, you don't."

"Good. That makes me happy. I love you, so much. You're so amazing. I'll always love you and care for you."

"I feel like I don't deserve you."

"Likewise... I believe, that when two humans of the opposite gender get married, they copulate."


"Do you find my body attractive enough to..."

Wisp blushed and started shaking with embarrassment. Seeing this made Dahlia flustered.

"N-Nevermind!... Maybe another day."


"But until then-"

Dahlia hugged Wisp into her, little spooning him. She loved doing this since being the submissive one made Wisp happy. She rubbed the back of his head and he hugged her tightly.

"I hope I'm not too bosomy for you."

"No, I like it. Please don't stop."

The next day, Wisp and Willow sparred together in the field. Everyone took their lunch break to watch them and their mock battle. Wisp was level 109 and Willow was level 108.

Many of Wisp's blade strikes were blocked and parried by Willow's tough and scaly arms. Her hands were just as tough, smacking away his daggers multiple times. Things only got worse as her wings burst out from her back. They were like tentacle blades, whipping themselves at Wisp. This, along with Wisp's powerful limbs made if like Wisp was dodging 12 blades at once.

One of the wings tried to take his head off, but he dodged beneath it. As two more came from him underneath, he grabbed onto the wing above his head and threw himself above it. Willow fired an ice beam at Wisp while he was still in mid-air. Wisp countered this by using killer's edge and splitting the ice beam in two. Though this left his hand with frostbite, Wisp quickly self-healed it.

And just like that, the 3 minutes of the fight were up. Wisp fell back to the ground in exhaustion. Willow walked over to him and offered him a hand up.

"Thank you."

"No thank you, master, for your time."

Later that day, Wisp watched from the roof of his house as his family had a party to celebrate Silvertail and Greenwood's 40 anniversary. He smiled as they danced, drank, and talked to each other.

He looked up to the sky, remembering how he first got here. He recalled all the suffering he went through. All the torment and pain, just for this moment. And he'd do it again if it meant he could be here with all his friends.

"I don't know if you're listening, but... thanks for this, Vivianannah... Actually, maybe I shouldn't thank you. You made Willow suffer."