
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Black Order Assembled

Ilia waited inside a room at a round table with five other chairs. She looked at a picture of her and her sphinx father in the sandy desert of the Shokling kingdom. A person comes through the door.

A man with trimmed black hair and red eyes peered behind a pair of round glasses. He had a black cloak over his whole body, revealing not even his hands. He had beautiful skin and two sharp fangs in his mouth. This was Kieran, a vampire and the eye of the black order.

He sat down with Ilia at the table.

"The chimera project failed."


"We sent out 10 chimeras across the lands to ravage the people, eat them, and get stronger. But they all died to adventurers."

"Every single one of them?"

"Well, actually, from my understanding, two were actually captured by a human."


"He was a beast tamer that somehow managed to tame the chimeras. They couldn't even breach level 60 before they were both captured."

"I see... what a waste of resources."

The door opened and two more beasts entered the room.

The first of which was a bipedal rabbit who wore a red dress, gloves, shoes, pumps, and a little spikey hat with a little bow on it over the left side of her braided hair. This was Elixia and evolved bunhunero and the nose of the black order.

Behind her was a bipedal snail. It has a pudgy indigo body with a round lavender underbelly. It has vivid grey eyes and a thick, grey-spotted tail that is connected to its stomach. It has a pair of small arms with two fingers on their hand. It also has a pair of two large, thick legs with small feet that possess one toe each. This was Oroborek, a Volane Slug and the ear of the black order.

They both also took a seat at the table.

"Where are Sinnon and Maro?" Ilia asked.

"We don't know. I walked in with Oroborek and Elexia, but the others were Sinnon in sight. We know that she went to the Archive Plateau area the king said to scout out. If only she left a little later, we could have told her to scout it out herself."

"What of Maro?"

Everyone in the room went silent. The three monsters look at each other. Kieran looked back to Ilia.

"Maro died."

"Wha... how!"

"He was killed by a man in the Pez kingdom."

"Was it the king... or maybe the head general..."

"Nope. It was a reanimated."

Reanimated are people who were transferred from another world, just like Wisp.

"Impossible. There has been one in 200 years."

"Our intel has lied to us. Why is it something we don't know? But we do know there are now 6 reanimated in this world."

The room went silent. This was unheard of. Even having one was extremely rare, but six shouldn't even be possible.

"I tried to get the information out of the rats who informed us, but they killed themselves. Whatever's going on is part of a bigger scheme at large."

"Any more bad news."

"Well, because of these... rat infestation... we don't know if the information we've been given is true or not. At least over the last 14 years."

The princess palmed her face and slid back on her lower body since she couldn't fit in a chair. She was getting extremely annoyed. However, things would only get worse, as a certain someone arrived. It was the mouth of the black orders. The omnihydra, Sinnon she broke in through the ceiling.


"I'm not in the mood right now, Sinnon."

"Aw, don't be like that. I did what you asked and got the 10 red ogre horns."

"Well, at least that's some good news."

"Oh, and I found something interesting. Apparently, there was another divine dragon in the plateau I searched."

Everyone whipped their heads over to Sinnon.

"What did you say?" Kieran said in shock.

"Another divine dragon. She was an icebreaker dragon specifically. She was so young though and wasn't even level 100. Poor thing."

"That place just keeps getting weirder and weirder. What do we do, princess?"

"Oroborek and Exelia, take an army and slaughter the camps and outpost of the Pez kingdom. Kieran, you take a scouting team and search the plateau."

"What about me?" Sinnon asked while shoving her three heads in Ilia's face.

"You... do nothing."

Sinnon pouts and turns away, making Ilia sigh in annoyance.