
Wishing For This Day

Ryker can't escape his past and now it's caught up to him. All of the despair that he had kept hidden is beginning to overflow until the day after his birthday he returns to the grave of his lost Father and his twin brother who passed away 9 years ago the day before.

Frosty_Mo · Fantasy
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4 Chs

It's Tough Being a Kid

???: You awake Big brother?

Ryker Kid: Why are you here Ethan?

Ethan: Mom and Dad have been calling you for dinner for a while now.

Ryker Kid: Oh crap have they really, I'm done for.

Ethan: You should hurry up before it gets cold, They made the best beef udon tonight.

Ryker kid: I've never had udon before, let's go quick before it gets too cold.

Ryker kid/Ethan: We're hooomeeee!

???: Where have you been Ryker?

Ryker kid: Sorry dad, I fell asleep under the Willow again

Yuuta: I told you to pay more attention to the time because we'd be making dinner early tonight.

Ryker kid: I know I just got really tired.

Yuuta: Don't do it again ok. I won't be happy if you're late for dinner like this again.

Ryker kid: Ok I won't.

Emelie: There's my little warrior, now where have you been all day, I couldn't find you anywhere.

Yuuta: He crashed under the Willow tree again.

Emelie: Again? You do that so much, I guess you've found a spot for your tree house.

Yuuta: You're not supposed to spoil the birthday gifts the day before.

Emelie: It's fine if he gets one a day ear-

Ryker/Ethan: TREEHOUSE!!!!!

They had been asking for a treehouse since the boys had turned 4.

Emelie: That's right, We will be starting it tomorrow after we celebrate our little twin heroes birthday parties.

The twins look at each other in excitement and anticipation.

Yuuta: you two better get to bed on time so you don't spoil your birthday gifts.

Ryker kid: I'm 7 years old mom, I'm not a little kid anymore.

Ethan stands next to his brother with a smile in agreement on his face.

Emelie: That's right, you're my little knights.

Yuuta: And my future Sages.

Emelie: Pulling her husband aside*. You know that's a sensitive subject with Ethan.

Ethan was Ryker's twin brother, Ryker was the oldest by 10 minutes exactly. The only problem was, Ethan couldn't use magic to any degree. This didn't stop his parent's or brother from loving him, but it did separate him from everyone outside of the family and so they kept him close by since he was basically defenseless and would surely meet prejudice.

Yuuta: I'm sorry abou-

Ethan: About what, I'll still be the strongest, I don't need magic to be the strongest knight.

Ryker kid: That's right, Who needs magic.

Yuuta: Alright you two, Ethan you get ready for bed and Ryker, finish your dinner.

Ryker/Ethan: Fineee

After dinner Ryker and Ethan went to bed and tried as hard as they could to go to sleep.

The next day the boys woke each other up and immediately ran downstairs to find their parents sitting at the table next to each other with grins from one side of their faces to the other.

Ryker/Ethan: Good morning!!

Yuuta: I think it's time we started this day with a bang, You two ready for your first present.

Ryker/Ethan: YESSS!!

Yuuta: Well then I have some amazing news.

Twins: What is it?!

Yuuta: You two are gonna be brothers again.

Twins: What?

Yuuta: Your mother is pregnant!

Twins: Really!

Emelie: Yes.

The family starts the day off with great news and great celebration. And so they did for a few hours until.

Emelie: Are you two ready to show us where you want your treehouse.


The family set off to the patch of forest behind their little culdesac. When they arrived the boys told their parents they would find a spot for the treehouse when Yuri showed up from down the street.

Yurie: Heyoo I'm here!

Ryker: Hiya Yurie!

Yuuta: They were just about to go find a spot for the treehouse.

Yurie: You're getting a treehouse! Lucky.

Ethan: Wanna come with us.

Yurie: May I join them?

Yuuta: Of course.

The three prepared to set off but first they had to change shoes so as not to get their good ones muddy, Because it had rained hard the night before.

Ethan: I'm ready!

Yurie: Me too!

Ryker: I'm almost ready just gimme a sec.

Ethan: Hurry up you're taking forever.

Ryker: OK one sec.

As Ryker finished fixing his boots he noticed a reflection of himself in a puddle next to him. He saw a tall young man with Black hair and Pitch black irises.

Ryker: This isn't real, this can't be. I'm too happy for this to be real.

Right before Ryker snapped back into reality his twin brother playfully smacks him on the shoulder trying to stop his daydreaming.

Ethan: Hey, you ok? You drifted off again.

Ryker kid: I'm fine, let's go find the perfect tree!

Yuuta: That's more like it.

As 3 kids headed deeper into the forest Ryker, again found himself wondering what he saw in that puddle. The three kids approached a small river that was notorious for under toes.

Ryker: Ok guys I'll highjump across and help you across with some wind.

Ethan: You sure you can make it that far?

Ryker: Easy. Are you sure you can make it that far?

Ethan: No problem as long as you two are here.

Ryker: Now that's what I like to hear.

Yurie: Lets go!

The three jump across with Ryker and Yuri going first. The two then helped Ethan across with their beginner magic. About a half hour later they kids found a tree they thought would be perfect for the treehouse.

Yurie/Ethan: Perfect

Ryker kid: I think this will be the best treehouse ever!

Yurie/Ethan: Agreed.

Ethan: I'll go get mom and dad.

Ryker: How will you get across the river?

Yurie: I'll go with him, we'll be right back.

Ryker: Ok see yah.

The two ran back towards the edge of the forest. While Ryker watched them run off he had a strange feeling creeping up on him, A feeling he didn't want to accept or think about.When he realized he couldn't avoid it anymore, something within him changed and as he looked off at the treeline he felt anticipation and deep agonizing fear. This fear chilled him to the core and for the first time in an eternity, he froze, unable to move.

Ryker: What's happening to me? Why can't I find the strength to move. Why does looking over there scare me so much?

The wind picked up and the trees rustled in front of him. In pure fear Ryker prepared himself for a fight, a fight he had fought before. But where could he have done this?

Ryker: Show yourself! Now! HUGGHHH!

Ryker powers up to full emitting fast but short lived gusts of wind.


Yurie: What are you so worked up about!

Ryker: Waahah! You scared the crap out of me Yuri.

She had run ahead of the group as they were coming back.

Yurie: Everybody else is still pretty far back.

Ryker: Is this real?

Yurie: What?

Ryker: I-is this real?

Yurie: I sure hope so, it'd suck if this was just some dream.

Ryker: Yeah it really would. Why did you run so far ahead of everyone?

Yurie: To get back here. I thought you would get bored all alone here.

Ryker: Thanks, but that river is really dangerous, you should've stayed with the others.

Yurie: I'm fine. I know you wouldn't let anything happen, I know you would show up to help.

Ryker: I-What? Just try not to do that, I'd die if something happened to any of you.

Ryker to himself: Wait, why is Yuri here? She wasn't here the first time.

Ryker had become self aware as he was staring into the trees but hadn't realized it until Yuri's comment.

Yurie: You ok? You don't usually say stuff like that.

Yuuta: What are you two doing over here? You had me worried Yurie that you might have fallen in the river.

Yurie: I'm just fine, so when are we gonna start the treehouse?

Ryker's Father, Yuuta Itsuka was a sage candidate under training to become a high level sage, Being such a powerful mage he was capable of all sorts of spells and skills. One of these being a healing spell that could heal plants as well as animals.

Yuuta: So this is the tree? Looks a little beat up don't you think.

Ryker: It's not to beat up for a sage, is it?

Yuuta: Right you are. I can patch it up in a few minutes.

After Yuuta had patched up the tree and made it look like it had just entered its prime, That feeling began creeping up again, like an invisible hand holding Ryker's body back and as soon as the feeling began to dissipate.

Ryker: Where am I?

I would like to confirm this now before the question comes up in the future but yes, the events of this story are canon and did in fact happen during Arc 1. I will reveal the real events of the day Ryker saw in Arc 2 of the story.

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