
Wishing For A Nuclear Winter - A Fallout SI

___________________ Cold, Dark, Painful. A Normal Man wakes up in a strange place, barren of any familiar sights, with only the stars as a familiar glow. A normal day takes a turn for the strange, leaving confusion in its wake. With only some tools, and knowledge that he definitely should not have, he makes his own little haven in the barren Mojave… …And a little more. {Potestas Per Pacem, Pax per Potentiam} ___________________ “Strange, I know, but He isn’t something you should mess with! He just… appeared one day, taking the Mojave by storm! God help you if you piss him off, for he has no mercy!” - Micheal R. Jameson, Former New Vegas Citizen, Current Sanctuary Hills Mayor

Dumby_3054 · Video Games
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Make Way For The Courier!


[Main Quest III: Make Way For The Courier!]

-= Wishing For A Nuclear Winter=-

I was fiddling with my pip-boy, glancing at the brahmin that was sipping from the small, slightly irradiated river

It was... an awkward first few minutes walking along the trail with the caravan. It took a few stray bloat flies to start another conversation with Joshua, and even then, it was about 'Whether or not I would like to play a round of caravan'.

Joshua, I'm a little busy here.

Doing a thing called: being a fucking bodyguard.

While Joshua over there was chilling in the shade of his Brahmin pulled carriage. Hell, he had some snacks and a book, relaxing, while I had to walk in the fucking hot-as-hell sun, on a summer day!

(I asked.)

Yes, I'm bitter, how could you tell?

"What are you bringing to Goodsprings anyway? Are we talking food and water or just plain guns and bullets?" I asked out of the blue, taking the opportunity to boil some water with a bowl helpfully provided by Joshua, as we were making a stop near a small lake.

"A mixture of both, and explosives! Pete's helped me out with raiders the few times I've gone to deliver, so I thought I'd repay the favor. Contrary to what he might tell you, Easy Pete's a master with explosives. I still remember the time he blah blah bla-"

And I tuned it out immediately.

Being as old as he was, I was surprised to learn how much of a chatter-box this guy was. Based on his first impression, I'd assumed he was one of those 'No Nonsense' people, hell, he had the death glare down and everything!

I learned about the death glare thing when a lone raider was visibly hesitating on whether or not he should engage. Joshua sat up straight, looked him in the eyes, and I don't want to say what happened next because I took an hour of my day to make myself forget.

Note to self; Never piss off Joshua.

"Hey boy! Get off your lazy ass and look alive! We got company, and not the good kind!" Joshua shouted, retreating to his carriage to grab his service rifle. Looking to where he pointed, I spotted a group of Legion soldiers making their way here, probably for the supplies.

"So soon? What the hell are they doing here and not... Nipton... Oh my god, I'm an Idiot! Get yourself together Arthur, this is real-life, not some Shoot-N-Loot!" I chastised myself, flicking my fingers over the switches of my pip-boy, as a Varmint Rifle materialized in my hand.

I slung it over my other hand, and crouched, taking aim at the closest Soldier, which was still a good fifty feet away.

The varmint rifle I was holding had two mods attached to it; A larger magazine, and a 3x Scope, which I am incredibly thankful for.



Otherwise, I wouldn't have made that Headshot.

...10 Perception is a blessing.

"They got Davie! Grab those Degenerates!" The one with the wolf helmet screamed, flailing his arms aggressively in my direction.

...Is he trying to point at me or something?

They've gotten close enough to where I could hear their shouting, as a spear whizzed past my face, barely missing my unprotected ear.

I flinched, and rolled to the side as another two were thrown at where I was a few seconds ago.

"You took out two?" *Bang!* another went down with a sickening squelch "Good! Now watch the master do it!" Joshua shouted, jumping out of his carriage and landing in a crouch, letting the bullets fly from his rifle.

Three shots flew in what seemed like slow-motion, hitting the last two recruits in the heads, while the third...


It hit him square in the balls! He toppled over, screaming in agony, clutching at his now splattered dick, which was now a fine mist in the desert.

I'd have felt bad if he wasn't a legion soldier. But he is, and therefore will have no pity from me.

I turned to stare at Joshua, abject horror stuck on my face. "Joshua... what the fuck?!" He laughed it off, "What? I mean, I took him down, right?" My face fell into a deadpan.

"Joshua. You shot him, in the balls. The balls Joshua! What kind of monster shoots someone in the dick?!"

"An alive monster!" He chuckled.

I raised a finger, opening my mouth to speak, before subsequently closing it, and letting my hand fall slowly, "...That's fair, yeah." I muttered.

"Now come on, let's see if these slaver-assholes got any goodies on 'em..." He chuckled darkly, grasping his hands together like the money-grubbing penny-pincher he is.

"...You worry me, Joshua." I'm being completely serious with that statement.

This old man right here, is so in-tune with his loot-goblin that it out-strips even me!

We spent the next two minutes rifling through the corpse's pockets, while the leader was still whimpering, holding his balls.

...now I just feel sad.

Picking up the Varmint rifle I laid on the ground, I aimed, and put the poor slaving bastard out of his misery, no matter how much he deserved it.

"Couldn't bear to listen to his whimpering anymore, huh?" Joshua quipped lazily, holding a burlap sack filled with caps, weapons, and the few stimpaks we could grab from these guys.

"I mean, he deserved it, but would you really want to loot dead bodies while listening to a slaving-bastard sob about his obliterated groin? No, I don't think so." I sighed standing back up. "Now come on, don't we have supplies to deliver?"

"Hey! Don't steal my lines!"

I couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped me.




"We're here! C'mon, get up and help me with these boxes!" Joshua yelled from the front. I was staying in the back of the caravan, taking a nice nap in the shade.

It seems like we've made it after... what, a day of traveling?

"Yeah yeah, be there in a sec old man." I waved him off lazily. Grabbing my gear, I hopped out of the back walking to the front, where I could spot a handful of buildings in the distance, as well as a semi-repaired gas station.

"Hey Joshua, glad to see you got here safe n' sound!" Someone shouted from the side. It was-... I forgot his name actually. I only talk to him once throughout my playthroughs so my brain just applied the name 'Goodsprings Merchant'.

Tough break dude.

Joshua turned to him, "Ah! Chet, how's life been for you bud? Make any sales recently?" So that's his name...

Chet shook his head, "Sorry Josh but sales have been kinda slow recently, but Mitchell bought a bunch of stimpaks from me last night. You wouldn't happen to have any for me, would you?"

Joshua smiled, "Well old friend, indeed I do!" he walked to the carriage and pulled out two boxes, and some stimpaks from the burlap sack. "Got everything right here! And Arthur! Stop lollygaggin' and get your sorry ass over here!"

I sighed, which made Chet jump in surprise, "When the hell did you get here!" He shouted.

I sighed again, "I've been here the entire time, I just didn't say anything." And with that, I left to help Joshua with the resupply.

[Beep! Reputation with Goodsprings has increased: Helpful]

My pip-boy chimed after I placed the last box. From the window, it looked like the sun was close to setting.

I left a note telling Joshua if he wants to find me I'll be in the saloon. I talked to a rather hyper Sunny Smiles on the way in, she was rather nice, if a bit overbearing.

Note to self; Fix up a motorcycle. I don't want to have to walk under the damn Mojave sun like a fucking pleb.

That, and I could use it to style on raiders, soooooooo...





"I said, do you know anything about a guy in a checkered suit. Had a little... scuffle with the guy, and I'd like to tell him a few... choice words." Repeated the busty red-head that only reached up to my chest.

This is... the Courier. I know I came here to meet 'em... but that was it. There was no grand plan, only some dumbass with the small hope that clinging to the courier would at least get me somewhere.

Problem is, I don't have any actual goal to strive towards, and I'm sure as hell not going to put myself into the multiverse with a handful of caps in my pocket.

But, looking at the courier, whose name is Jenny, she helpfully provided, was this walking ball of fucking fluff. Like, not physically, but in a way where you can just tell that a person is an extrovert.

That kind of fluff.

"Uh... If you mean that fucking prissy bitch that tried to steal a package I delivered," I lied, "then yeah. I was wearing a cloak though, so I don't think he saw my face."

A yes, Lies. My most powerful weapon. Tremble before it's might!

She leaned closer, "Do you know where he went?"

I nodded, "Probably headed towards the Strip. Hell, if you wear a suit 'round these parts, they're most likely from the strip." She turned to start walking, but I stopped her before she could, "It's also a five-day trip on a carriage, and Joshua said that a pretty bad sandstorm is going to hit I-95 tomorrow, So I really recommend staying in town."

Ah yes, the reason why I haven't left immediately. Apparently, around summertime, sandstorms become rather frequent around the I-95. Why there exactly? No one knows.

Or so Joshua tells me.

She pouted. "Oh-... *huff* fine! Might as well go help Sunny with her gecko problems..." She grumbled, storming out of the door in a sour mood.

I mean, someone like that's going to be eaten alive by the Mojave, and it wouldn't bode well on my conscience to let it happen.

Y'know, be a good person and all that...

...God I need a drink.

-= Wishing For A Nuclear Winter=-