
Wishing Dragon

What am I going to do? To avenge my mother's death or not? Should I kill this dragon and end my journey? ---------------------------------------------------------------- A boy, who lives in a village, a cursed village. It landed upon them by a mystical dragon. The most powerful dragon with the ability to destroy the world with just one thought, the wishing dragon. A few years passed by after his mother's death, he decided to embark on this journey to find the dragon... What allies would he meet along this adventure and what would he do when he found this dragon?

ChristyLEY · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Cry Of Help

"So...How long are we going before we reach there?"Liam asked as they walked along a small road.

"I'm not sure...maybe about a couple of hours?"Leo answered as he guessed the estimated times." If we keep resting or stopping, then, maybe it will take a longer time to reach there...maybe even a day..."

They were back on track after letting Leo rest for a day, giving him time to regain his energy.

"That long! Then, wouldn't that mean we won't be able to rest..."Liam slumped his back, showing Leo that he was upset about the thought of walking without rest as well as having rest but needed another day. (A really indecisive choice if you ask me)

"Well...we can try to reduce our resting time and continue our journey, maybe we could reach there before sunset."Leo gave his suggestions and Liam nodded in agreement.

After walking for quite some time as they chatted, joyfully along the way, Liam suddenly thought of asking Leo a question, he was curious for a long time.

"Anyway before you decided to come to the cursed village, where I live, do you have any companion with you?"Liam asked, curiously awaiting for Leo's reply but to his surprise, Leo immediately froze in place.

"What?... Why did you suddenly ask that?"Leo gave an unexpected reply as well as giving Liam a shocked expression.

"Well...just curious...since you know, the moment I saw you, you were alone...Were you a lone wolf?"

"Well...No, I was in a group of three but an accident happened and..." Leo seemed hesitant, his face was showing a bit of sadness as if he was reminded of a horrible past."Well...um...I'll tell you that another time."

He was avoiding Liam's question for some reason...Even though Liam is the type of guy who would persuade someone until he gets the answer but seeing Leo's saddened expression reminded him of his feeling when remembering a bad past. He didn't continue asking and just nodded his head and said.


There was silence as rustling leaves were the only sound they heard. Liam was thinking of a ton of reasons why he refused to tell him, Leo wasn't the guy to hide something from the ones he trusted. (at least that's what Liam thought)And isn't he one of the people he trusted?

Liam thought of that for a while before dropping it, he then thought of something else to ask. Leo was drinking some water at that time but Liam didn't wait for him to finish and directly ask.

"Hey, Leo...what took you so long?You know when we(Liam and the guard) ask you to wake the princess up?"Liam asked he didn't forget about it and Leo was the one who promised him that he would tell him when they were out of hearing reach.

Leo immediately choked on the water, he was drinking and coughed. His face turned red as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"What-What?Why did you suddenly ask that?"Leo spoke as he coughed slightly with the memory of the princess trying to flirt with him.

"You did promise you would tell me when we're outside of the town...And here we are far away from there and in the middle of the woods."Liam reminded him as Leo slapped his own forehead with his hand.

He didn't expect Liam to remember that...No, more like, he himself forgot about him digging his own grave.

Leo didn't know how to reply, he didn't know if he should tell him all about it or say a lie. But he was bad at lying! So how was he able to get himself out of this mess, he sorta created?

"Um...Well..the princess...she-"Leo was about to say it out because he couldn't lie and couldn't avoid it any longer but suddenly an unknown scream from afar rescued him.

The scream was a woman's cry and it sounded as if she was pleading for help. It sounded really dreadful and pitiful which caught their attention immediately.

"What was that?!"Liam asked as both of them switched their sight to where the sound was coming from.

"I don't know but whoever is shouting desperately needs help. Let's go!"Leo said as he dashed into the forest, going off of their tracks again...

"Wait!... Arent we going to...Forget about it!"Liam wanted to stick to the plan but the moment he wanted to tell Leo, Leo already disappeared into the woods.

Why can't our journey just go smoothly?... Liam thought as he chased after Leo.

They were both sprinting toward the sound, the cries were obvious now, they could even make out what she was yelling about.

"Stop following me!"They heard a feminine voice shout."I did nothing wrong! Leave me alone!"

"No way!You..."They suddenly heard a male voice add-in, they couldn't hear the next line he was about to say but he sounded furious and excited at the same time while the poor girl kept screaming for help.

As they got closer to the sound, they could hear a lot of footsteps, those two were not alone, there were more. Leo ran to a certain place before stopping and dragged Liam down with him on his knee, which caused Liam to yelp.

Leo then covered his mouth and shushed him before pointing toward the scenario in front of them. There were three people holding daggers in their hands as a frightened, innocent girl stood in front of them. Luckily, they weren't seen by those dangerous-looking thugs since they were hiding behind the bushes and those people looked too heated to be aware of their surroundings.

The girl, who was being cornered by the guys was so stunning like a princess straight out of a storybook, even more beautiful than the princess they knew. (That's what Liam thought since he dislikes the princess...)

She has long pink hair and light green eyes. She was wearing a brown top and black long pants and her hip had a belt. There were two small pouch bags hanging on her hip belt.

"You better be prepared for what comes next..."A man with scars on his right arm said as he stood forward.

"What do you mean?"The girl asked, for some reason her voice wasn't trembling instead it was loud and clear."I won this bet fair and square!"

"You cheated!"The guy exclaimed as he pointed at the girl with his dagger. Then, said."Grab her!"

It was now obvious that the guy with scars on his arm was the leader while the others were just his workers. The leader stood on his spot, not moving a single step while the others did as he commanded. They approached the girl slowly, their face was tensed with excitement.

"Go away! Don't come any closer!"The girl yelled, pitifully as she stood there, pathetically.

Leo and Liam couldn't continue to ignore the scene any longer and jumped out of the bushes, heroically. All the gang members looked at them with shock, same with the girl.

"Now, that's just unfair, picking on a defenseless girl."Liam said as he shook his head disappointedly with his arms crossed."Pick on someone your own size!"

He hid behind Leo as he yelled that smugly. Leo was impressed yet confused by Liam's sudden urge to push him into a fight. Leo then cooperated with him.

"Ya, pick on someone your own size."Leo continued as he stepped out.

Leo wasn't taller than the leader but instead the same height, they were both staring at each other as if observing one another opponent. The leader for some reason, suddenly gave a smug, kinda evil smile and Leo returned him with a fierce deadly glare. (It doesn't suit his attitude at all!)

There was a terrifying aura around them as they glared at each other dead in the eye. Leo's hand was placed on his sword's handle, readied to pull out his sword anytime. He then turned to Liam, his fierce glare was gone, replaced with his original friendly look.

"Go get the girl, "He whispered."Take her and run."

He managed to finish his order in time before the leader landed an attack. He dashed to Leo with his dagger on his eye level, it was obvious he was aiming for Leo's vision but Leo with his fast reflex immediately took out his sword and defended.

He slashed his sword across the air almost cutting the leader's hand but luckily the leader managed to withdraw it in time. At that time all the gang members were now forming a circle around them as both of them threw combats at each other.

Liam took the chance when everyone was distracted to complete his task, he stealthily sneaked past them and to the girl. The girl was stunned by the sudden fight happening before her and didn't see Liam coming. He patted her shoulder and she screamed, which made Liam immediately threw his hand on her mouth with panic.

He shushed her, then, pointed to a way for her to escape with him to a safe zone. The girl understood and nodded. Then, both of them swiftly got out of the scene.

Both of them sneakily walked for a time before dashing wildly, deeper into the woods when they heard a sound. (It wasn't the thugs but the girl accidentally stepped on a branch.)

They panted, breathlessly after they hid behind a tree.

"I guess we're safe now..."Liam sighed as he looked back to see if anyone was following them."We seem to run quite far away so...maybe they won't find us..."

I hope Leo's fine...That was the only concern on Liam's head right now.

"Thank you for helping me..."The girl unexpectedly thanked him.

"For what?"Liam asked as he turned back to the girl. Liam was too stunned to even speak when his eyes lay upon her, she was so gorgeous.

She was like the perfect girl that every man dreams of. Long shiny hair, sharp pretty eyes and smooth, white skin. Liam couldn't move his eyes away from her as if he was hypnotized by her.

"Umm...Is there something on my face?"The girl said, shyly as her cheeks blushed pink.

"No, no... there's nothing there..."Liam's cheeks flushed more redder than hers.

They were silent for some time before both of them opened their mouth, about to speak.



Both of them said at the same time and they blushed again before both of them continued.

"You start first,"

It was really an awkward situation for Liam since most of the time, he wasn't the one to start a conversation and it was Leo's job to communicate. (He was the one who always took the talking role!)

"I'll start first then..."The girl then said, slightly clearing the awkward atmosphere."Umm...I'm really sorry for causing so much trouble for you and your friend...Is he going to be alright? He was left there alone and facing a lot of them..."

"He's going to be alright! I guarantee! He is strong!"Liam assured, strongly, he believed that Leo would be alright but even so he was still a little worried. (But he didn't show it!)

"Oh, ok...Thank you again for helping me..."

"No prob!"

That was their conversation before going back to silence but before the awkward feeling returned the girl spoke out.

"So... what were you about to ask again?"The girl asked, she didn't seem so tense as before anymore as if she was starting to feel comfortable with him.

"Oh, right! I forgot..."Liam replied and blushed again as he thought. How can I forget about that?! Before continuing in a calm manner."Well... what's your name?"


She was cut off by rustling leaves as Liam immediately grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into the bushes next to them. Then, pulled her down on her knees, both of them knelt down to hide from the unknown predator.

There's no way...Liam thought as his heart rate increased. Did...Leo lost?

With that thought in mind, Liam took out his bow and grabbed an arrow, his blood was filled with rage. If whoever was there, that was from the thugs, I will kill them!

He stood up from his spot and the girl hastily grabbed his hand. Liam turned around and saw the girl staring at him with a scared and worried look.

He then mouthed.

"I'm going to be fine,"

Before releasing himself from her grasp, he quietly and swiftly dashed to the tree near them, which was the one they had hidden behind before. He leaned his back on the tree then peeked out of the tree to see his enemy.

The moment he saw the guy who was maybe their enemy, he dropped his bow and arrow on the ground.