
Chapter 18: practice

The next morning, whitney is still asleep because she didn't have class that morning, but much later in the day. suddenly, Lola walks into her room, banging pots and pans together. The noise became unbearable that whitney used her pillow to cover her head. "wake up" Lola said as she bangs the pots and pans even harder. Whitney rolled over to the other side of her bed "five more minutes" whitney said as she held her pillow even tighter. Lola then drags her blanket off her body. "wake up, you have to practice" she said but whitney was still reluctant. Lola takes a deep breath before she then spoke in a calm soft tone "I know you are a good dancer, but you need to practice to become better dreams don't come easily" Lola said as she turned around to leave her room. on her way to the door, "wait" whitney yelled, causing Lola to stop and turn around. "let me shower" I will be out in 10 minutes" whitney added. "I will make you breakfast so hurry" Lola said to whitney and exited the room. 10 minutes later, whitney is out of her room. she is putting on a pair of shorts and a hoodie. moments later, Whitney is in the kitchen and found a plate of toast and bacon with a glass of juice at the side and a note. "meet me at the padio when you are done eating, love Lola" said the note. Whitney smiled and then sat at the table. few minutes later, whitney is done with eating and headed for the padio . she finds Lola sitting on the floor with her laptop on her lap. "I'm here" whitney said "what are you wearing" Lola asked "clothes" she replied "anything wrong" whitney said "you don't look like a dancer ready to practice, you look like who is ready to Netflix and chill" Lola said. Whitney sighed, "I will change" she said " better" Lola said, "I I'll give you 5mins" Lola added.