
Wished Upon A Shooting Star and Started the Apocalypse

"I feel so jealous!" After reading the ending of her favorite webtoon, World Savior, Dawn, doused in envy aimed towards the novel's heroine, makes a hasty wish that she will soon regret. Comes morning of the next day, Dawn is scared out of her wits when she sees her small town engulfed in flames and terrorized by giant monsters. When Dawn made such a half-hearted wish, she was only thinking of the heroine's harem of hot guys! Not the setting of World Savior, which was set in an apocalypse overrun by powerful monsters and demons. Now that her world is thrown into chaos, a twisted survival game modeled after the same novel that Dawn once loved, Dawn finds herself entangled with new friends and foes, all while pondering why her world resembles that of World Savior. While fighting for a way to survive in this new world, a few twists and turns reveal that not all is what it seems. But what shocks Dawn the most is that despite her intentions, the cannon-fodder characters that she ends up saving fall in love with her. "I just wanted a way to survive! How was I supposed to know they were all going to grow 'real' feelings for me?!" - - Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Romance, and Reverse-Harem! -Please note that the female leading character will have an reverse harem and not all members will be male! Meaning she will not end up with just one person! More like five or more, lol! You have been warned! Cover: Commissioned by the amazing COMT216 Grammar/Edited by: Ana-DaughterofHades You can find me on: Tiktok: @haremqueen705 Instagram: haremqueen18 PS: I'm just an author who loves anime, webtoons, k-dramas, you name it! My dream is to one day see the stories I write become their own anime, but I know I still have a long way to go. So please give my story a shot! Thank-you and enjoy~! XD

Harem_Queen · Teen
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

23.) Hell Paradise pt.1

Warning: This chapter contains explicit material. You have been warned!


{Name: Kris}

{Rank: Pawn-Lvl. 6}

{Skill: Call of the Undead}

-Grade 1: Skeleton Warriors

{Banker: Undead-Rich-God}

{Coins: 800 coins}

Kris's training session with Daniel allowed him to see a fatal weakness with his army of skeleton monsters. They weren't unified and lacked commands. Each time he would summon them, they would automatically rush into a fight blindly.

To improve their fighting ability, Kris learned to connect his mind to his skeleton monsters. A feat that was not easy as the summoner's concentration could not be disrupted. But with Kris in control, he could manipulate their movements which increased his army's chances. Another flaw Daniel pointed out was how easily his skeleton army was to defeat.

Daniel, who had a natural talent for manipulating mana, began teaching Kris how to use mana and insert it into his skeleton army. By fueling them with portions of his mana, Kris strengthened their defense and offense stats, allowing them to endure battles longer.

"Is it just me or have they buffed up?" inquired Dawn, to which Lily laughed out loud. Fueling the skeletons with mana fully unlocked Kris's undead summoning skill which resulted in them changing into this menacing and bulking-looking appearance.

"Looks like Daniel did a good job training him! I knew they suited each other!" Lily beamed with pride.

"A necromancer, huh?" the succubus said in a monotone voice, but her eyes gleamed with interest as she stared down at Kris.

Kris watched his army of skeletons battle with the {Lvl.4: Jack-o-Lanterns Reapers}. A swirl of black mana emitted from his hand and transformed into a sphere.

"Death Cannon!" The surge of black mana was released, reducing the enemy monsters, creating a hole in their defense.

"I'll keep her occupied! You guys continue!" Kris commanded. Heeding his words, the group sped through the opening and made their way inside the tent.

"Great! Now I'm going to get an earful from that lazy bastard!" Instead of her usual monotone tone, sarcasm laced the girl's words.


Meanwhile, after stepping through the tent, Dawn felt as if she had entered a completely different world. One filled with debauchery no matter which way you turned your head.

Floating in the air were artistic crystal lanterns. A thin pink haze covered the entire room. Randomly arranged in various places in the room were comfortable lounge areas and beds, some shielded by a purple transparent veil.

The group saw beautiful succubi. Their looks and skin tones varied. They entertained their male customers as they lounged on the plush violet sofas scattered throughout the room.

"O-Oh my!" stuttered a red-faced Lily when her eyes caught sight of two beautiful succubi, twins from the look of it, with their blonde hair styled differently from each other and their scanty pink outfits. One of them was passionately locking lips with a man. While at the same time, her twin's bubblegum pink lips were busy pleasing the man's lower half.

Dawn caught another man shamelessly nuzzling his head between the naked chests of two busty succubi who giggled at his actions. This wasn't even the worst of it. Dawn's ears flushed red as her eyes took in more explicit scenes, moans and groans filling the air.

"N-Nothing interesting is happening here. So let's move forward!" Dawn hugged Neko-chan to her chest and covered the feline's eyes as she kept her eyes straight towards the elevator stationed on the far side of the room.

Which proved not to be a problem for the group as Dawn and Lily quickly ran for the elevator with no interference. Rin and Trevor calmly strolled after them, paying zero attention to the erotic scenes happening around them.

By the time they reached the elevator, the door closed. Trevor glanced at both Lily's and Dawn's faces, which were red as ripe tomatoes and smirked.

"Mistress, you're burning up!" Rin fretted, placing his hand against Dawn's burning forehead.

"You guys act like you've never watched porn before!" Trevor teased the two girls, which earned him a glare in return.

"Not the live version of it!" shouted Dawn before realizing her mistake as Lily shot her a pointed stare, and Trevor burst out laughing.

"The biggest pervs are always those you least expect!" said Trevor as the elevator brought them to the second floor, and Dawn hurried to get off.

Yet she paused when she heard an alluring voice singing before mixing it up by spitting out rap lyrics. The music that was playing had an R&B/Hip-hop vibe, and Dawn saw they had entered yet another room.

The rich interior of the room was the same as the one they had just left with the walls painted a bright pink and the trim gold, minus the mini pole dance stages placed throughout the room.

"This place is truly a sexual paradise," Dawn blankly muttered as they advanced, seeing various rough-looking men sitting down in couches and chairs.

Lascivious smiles sat on their faces as they enjoyed the shows performed by various attractive succubi. Their looks rivaled young idol stars and mature supermodels, erotically moving their bodies to the beat of the music.

Towards the middle of the room, Dawn questioned the wall of horny men, who kept whistling the name 'Sugar.' The sight of them reminded the short brunette of animals in heat—directing their heart-eyed gazes towards a woman singing and erotically dancing on a giant heart-shaped pink stage.

In the middle of wrapping her golden brown legs around a gold pole, was a beautiful succubus, rapping into a white diamond-studded mic in her hand. The way she moved her body, not to mention her voice, stole the mens' hearts.

Her flirty blue eyes never left the crowd, her pink and blue two-tone long hair twirling after her. The tight-fitted white dress she wore did nothing but show off her shapely hourglass figure adorned in flashy gold jewelry.

Every action of this woman put people under a spell. Dawn had to fight to tear her eyes away from the sexy succubus. In the back corner of the room, she spotted a section with stairs and guessed they led to another room that existed in this dimension of space that once belonged to Diva but was now under the control of Jerry.

"That's where we need to head!" Dawn told the others, pointing towards the direction of the exit.

"Then what are we waiting for?" grouchily asked Trevor. Yet just as he took a step forward, a jack-o-lantern appeared in the air and announced,

"Intruders! Intruders have entered the building!" said the pumpkin, its glowing red eyes depicting a hologram picture of Dawn and the others before disappearing.

The room became silent, and to Dawn's horror, all eyes focused on them. The air in the room immediately became hostile as the succubi and Players drew battle stances.

Dawn smiled nervously, hearing Neko-chan hiss at the crowd as some began drawing near the two with weapons in their hands. The view of the exit could no longer be seen, blocked behind the crowd of Players and succubi.

"Yep! We're screwed!" said Dawn.

*blushes and hide behind a corner* If you like the chapter, please drop a comment! Thank-you for reading today's chapter~! XD

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