
Prologue: How To Get Weaker Part-2


[System: as you can see host, you are extremely overpowered, even I can only somewhat suppressed you for a little bit. Host you also have to remember that I leave out your <Traits>, <Skills>, <Equipment>, and <Companions> because it would take a very long time to read.]

SlimeBait: "Ah, those Innate Traits are such a pain in the a*s. I can't even die even if I want to."

[System: Host can seal himself away forever is the closest solution to what host wishes for.]

SlimeBait: "*Sigh*...wait, since I made those innate traits then I can destroy them right?"

[System: Host please, did you even see the powers underneath each of the innate traits? It will create something even more ridiculously strong to counter your attempt at destroying it.]

SlimeBait: "Never mind dying then, can you like just make me reborn or something? I want to experience the life of a mortal striving for powers not, instantly killing GOD the moment I turned 20 and also the multiverse with it due to me just being present here!!! Bloody hell that was f*cking stupid."

[System: I don't blame you host, your last three incarnation was not much better. Once you reached 20 years of age your seals are broken no matter how strong it is.]

SlimeBait: "Hmm, how about making a seal that have a flexible trait that can adapt to any of my wacky power-ups?"



[System: That is actually proven to work 100%, however there needs to be a catalyst that keep the seal in check or else it will be extremely unfortunate.]

SlimeBait: "How strong do those catalyst needs to be?"

[System: About 1/10 billionth of your power at the very least, and if the catalyst is even stronger then that's better because it will allowed you to suppress all your innate traits to lower forms of themselves or possibly seal them up completely. However if you somehow die your seal will brake and you will become even stronger than you already are and possibly make a new trait that make this method obsolete.]

SlimeBait: "That's stupid, but we're making progress at least....Ah! I got a solution to that. How about, I create a specialize reincarnation cycle that hold many bodies of mine. There will be 5,000 seal on each of them, my body itself as a catalyst is extremely stable and the seals that are made using it will be insanely powerful. That way if I somehow die my soul can just go to another body to be re-sealed and release back to the mortal world."

[System: Host you do realize that your body is also VERY overpowered right?]

SlimeBait: "Hmm...Then what if I create another set of 5,000 seals to lock each of my individual organs within my body? That way when I reincarnated, I won't accidentally brake half the planet the day I'm born. Ah yea also my soul, mind, aura and even you system...goddammit I'm overpowered as f*ck."

[System: Host I think that you're the only one across all the multiverse that can safely say that without appearing as a hypocrite or a fool.]

SlimeBait: "Midas you're an a*shole. Anyway carry out the plan, there will be in total 12,000 seals in all, but lets make that 20,000 just so be safe."



[System: It is done host. Oh I also use your essence to make many other gods who will govern over the new empty multiverse, well not for long at least. Also a plus is that I make you a little bit weaker in the process.]

SlimeBait: "You the best you a*shole of a system."

[System: I know host, you tell me that for the fourth time now.]