
WISH: Rise To Singularity

In the wide expansive Universe there exists bountiful and boundless wonders but as different and unique as they are only one wonder is fancied by all:MANA. With the budding of a golden era, the proliferation of MANA spread through the entirety of the Universe reaching to even worlds and galaxies foreign to MANA. The introduction of MANA to said areas brought about both catastrophic and fastanstical changes to them. These worlds introduced to a foreign new life as dungeons appeared, monsters rampaged and killed, the inhabitants of said worlds awakening superpowers to combat the monsters and most shockingly the appearance of other RACES. Though MANA proliferated through the entirety of the Universe it wasn't instantaneous as at some places it appeared in a year, a thousand years, a million years e.t.c To maintain fairness and balance, worlds newly introduced to mana were granted WORLD PROTECTION for a hundred years and a shot at REINCARNATION. Thus ensuring those budding worlds weren't conquered by old and powerful worlds. Reincarnation becoming a well sought after opportunity. A process of selecting ten champions of said world to reincarnate in another well developed world with the perks of being granted three heaven defying WISHES that would be their cheats! So if it were you what would you wish for? Follow Fritz bearing the greatest superpower as he makes a wish! Imagine what you could do with three wishes but he has five! What wish would he make... How would his chosen wishes affect him... Would they be disastrous or fortuitous... Come journey with Fritz through the stars on his Adventure! NOTE-COVER IS NOT MINE TAKEN FROM PINTEREST. IF YOU WANT IT TAKEN DOWN PLEASE NOTIFY ME THANK YOU

darkHAND · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs



Stupendous treasures formed as a result of Fritz's passive ability [Dominators Touch] granting him the power to devour the origin of any being he kills. Life Orbs forming as their origins crystallises into small orbs that could be devoured by only him. 

As their origin crystallises the essences of that creature is preserved which contains their life memories, martial experiences and cultivation comprehensions. They were such a heaven defying resource that would enable Fritz's understanding of the world around him to elevate greatly, his martial experiences would deepen and most importantly his comprehension of the stages of cultivation would skyrocket.

They held such a myriad of bountiful uses for Fritz that even he felt like he was cheating! 

Imagine being embroiled in a hidden conspiracy threatening your life and being able to easily unravel it by killing one of your antagonist's subordinates and through Life Orbs obtaining their memories containing the enemies plans and the parties involved identities.

Thus shedding light about who your hidden opponent is(are), their capabilities and future plans making it easier to counter and hopefully emerge victories at the end of it all.

Broken right!?

This is the kind of cards hidden within Fritz's hand.

Waving his hand whilst resting on his bed a total of two hundred silver orbs appeared floating all around him. Fritz opened his mouth and threw one inside his mouth as at the same time the black pagoda tattoo on his left hand flashed with brilliant light as from it came out the Primeval Bodhi Crown that rested on top of his head.

With the Life Orb melting inside his mouth, Fritz vision blurred as he was unconsciously drawn into an endless purple space. Inside this fantastical place he felt a natural sense of familiarity despite it being the first time coming here, his thoughts soon disrupted by a wide rectangular screen appearing before his eyes.

Just like a video reel the screen displayed the life of a rank A Goblin Shaman. The video displayed the beginning of the Goblin Shamans life, its struggles and victories. The video showing all the major key points in the life of the Goblin Shaman.

The memory came to an end after showing its death at his hands before the screen fragmented into minute particles that flew directly into Fritz's glabella. 

For the rest of the day Fritz continually devoured the remaining Life Orbs as his knowledge regarding Gaia's Culture, Technology and History grew tremendously as for his martial experiences and comprehensions soared at sonic speed.


Standing up, he exhaled comfortably after absorbing the last Life Orb lightly stretching his sore and tense muscles. His body suddenly convulsed as a pang of immense pain struck his head, the abrupt headache bringing him to his knees as beads of sweats fell of his face.


From his body a tremendous amount of killing intent and bloodthirsty aura like a torrent of rain blasted out from him. The room became painted blood painted red due to the amount of killing intent he released as his body just like a spring it continuously released massive amounts of killing intent.

After a few seconds the bloodthirsty and killing intent aura became slightly tangible, the last drops of it having seeped from him as a putrid smell enveloped the room. The energy morphed into wailing wraiths, countless hands attacking Fritz's soul wanting to devour his soul turning him into a mindless killing monster.

The scene too gory for the eyes.



Fritz's squealed as his soul withstood the attacks of countless evil thoughts as their sheer amount was overwhelming. Thankfully Fritz's iron will together with the Primeval Bodhi Crown helped him stay clearheaded throughout the onslaught.


Having predicted that something like this might happen Fritz had long asked Minerva for a martial technique that would be able to refine one's aura. With Minerva's help he choose this unranked technique as it perfectly fit his needs.

Fritz clearly understood the concept of Balance, benefits and danger coexisted and were inseparable just like two sides of a coin. What was happening now was proof that for every action there exists an opposing force.

Above his head a negligible vortex formed as it siphoned the aura in the air which once inside the vortex would be broken down and filtered destroying any remnant will or evil thought present in it. After full refinement the energy and pure aura would be added to Fritz's own, nourishing it.

Just like a continuous loop the process repeated as this battle was a battle which its victor would be determined by the party with a large enough pool of soul force which Fritz infinitely had.

The only problem for him being the amount of time taken to fully refine the tremendous killing intent as the more time passed the more pain and suffering he had to endure as he couldn't yet bear the strain on his body and soul.

The vortex above his head increased rapidly and thus the amount of aura it refined. Proportionately the growth of his vortex increased with passing time.

After a full hour all the malicious aura was fully refined as his unconscious body emitted a potently oppressive and overwhelming aura. This dominant aura born as a result of him fully refining all the killing intent gathered within the Life Orbs. 

The amount of energy gained from them was huge as the amount of time that the owners of the Life Orbs have lived numbered thousands and the numbers of time killed numbering in the hundred thousand's since some of them were monsters that have carried out massacre throughout their lives.

Thankfully for Fritz during this whole ordeal the protective formations in his room managed to lock everything that happened isolated to his room or else the trouble he would have to deal with after would be too much.

Fritz slept comfortably that night as the tremendous pressure and strain acting on him both physically and mentally was overwhelming leaving him all weary and fatigued.

[Congratulations! You have awakened the skill, <SOVEREIGNS WRATH>! ]


Fritz coughed out a mouthful of golden blood as his body tumbled uncontrollably across the dungeon floor. Surprisingly Fritz looked haggard, his clothes torn and painted gold with ichor. Fritz's chest heaved uncontrollably gasping for air whilst a throbbing pain assaulted his chest.

His ribs cracked from a single punch of the Pugilistic Adamantine Golem but despite the pain he was enduring his eyes shone fiercely with flaming battle intent. 

For the first time ever, Fritz has suffered an injury from a single round of battle.

Smiling happily, 'No wonder these three dungeons are reputed Newbie Killers.'

Fritz was a freak as even though these three dungeons were called newbie killers the people who came with the name titled them so regarding the countless groups of immensely talented Vital Stage awakeners that lost their lives attempting to clear them.

Yet here he was inside the dungeon in which normally speaking he wouldn't even be qualified to be classified a newbie at with his Mortal Stage cultivation attempting to solo clear it.

A while back before finding himself in his current predicament, Fritz woke up refreshed from his unconscious state to the embrace of the morning sun of a brand new day and a brand new him. Even though nothing had changed in him, Fritz's eyes shone with maturity together with hints of vicissitude as well as profound knowledge.

He then proceeded swiftly to carry out his plans of clearing the three dungeons of Iron Haul city after a few detailed inquiries about them. 

Firstly, he cleared the [Orichalum Sky Eagles:: SSS] dungeon controlled by the human race which took him two hours to clear which was quite troublesome to enter as he underwent a series of repeated registrations and investigations before gaining clearance and paying a thousand Spirit Coins to enter.

Having cleared the dungeon, he paid another 5 kg worth of Orichalum ore to the investigative guards near the dungeon gates before proceeding to the next dungeon on his list owned by the Memnon race [Mithril Panthers Lair:: SSS]. Yet, instead of the fee charged by humans the Memnon race demanded twice the fee as he paid two thousand Spirit Coins to enter and 10 kg of Mithril after exiting.

Same as the first dungeon it too he cleared within two hours leaving behind the Spirit races [Adamantine Golem Fest:: SSS] as the only dungeon he hasn't cleared that now he has entered proved much more troublesome to clear

Regarding the first two dungeons long clear time was because of their dungeon bosses that proved quite the worthy foe's. The Orichalum Sky Eagles upon sensing him all flew to the sky under the commander of the Orichalum Sky Eagles Alpha as they then proceeded to barrage him with attacks from the sky.

Even though Fritz could fly it proved quite difficult to kill them all as this was after all the first time engaging in air combat.  

As for the second dungeon his main problem came as a result of the innate ability of the Mithril Panthers abilities to reflect attacks and also the ability to ignore most weapon attacks as they just bumped onto them without dealing no damage.

Nevertheless, he managed to come out on top of them.

Thus bringing us to his current injured and haggard appearance inside the [Adamantine Golem Fest:: SSS] dungeon as he faced the dungeons boss monster, the Pugilistic Adamantine Golem.

Fritz smiled happily, his gaze locking onto the opponent before him, his fighting spirit raring to go and his origin trembling in excitement.

At last he had met a worthy opponent.


How exciting!


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