
Towards camp half-blood!

"Huh... who are you?" - Asked Thalia, still sounding a little confused.

Focusing on her I answered.

"If you are asking for my name, it's Lysandros, Lysandros Evermore! But if you are asking why I can do that magic-like thingy, then I am as clueless as you" - I said, shrugging my shoulders, even though I really knew why I could do it, but I decided to act the part of a demigod runaway who did not even know what a demigod even was.

"Could I ask the name of you two beautiful ladies? And the brat with the sword as well..." - I asked, trying to sound courteous... or not.

The little girl giggled again - "I am Annabeth! This one is big brother Luke, don't be mean to him, and she is big sis Thalia!" - I could not help but smile at this little ball of energy.

"Hey! I am not a brat! I'm even older than..." - Hissed Luke, annoyed at me for calling him brat.

"Hush! I was talking to the pretty ladies!" - I interrupted him, trying to annoy the heck out of him. They seemed friendly towards me, who seemed to be in the same shoes as them, even if Luke was getting red, and seemingly about to cut my hair a couple of centimeters shorter, he still had done nothing, and even Thalia started to chuckle at what I said.

"So... what was that thing?" - I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"You really don't know?" - Thalia asked, a little shocked on how someone could use such a spell and yet be so clueless at the same time.

Seeing me nod, she sighed and started her explanation.

"So, you see, you should have noticed that you are not the same as the other kids around right?" - Not even waiting for me to confirm what she had just said, she continued - "Well, congrats! You are a demigod! Which means one of your parents is a god!" - If not for her deadpan tone, I would really think she is talking serious - "And so, the monsters, who just like the gods, are also real, want to have a taste of our ass..." - Yeah, she should watch her mouth around our 7 years old little friend.

I was not even surprised when Luke, who at some point aproached her, gave her a small slap to the head, admonishing her.

"Watch your mouth, there is a kid here!" - I gotta give it to him, as the oldest around, he is at least responsible, or maybe he just wanted to hit something after I irked him earlier, and he maybe did not want to risk angering the one who just busted the ass of a monster twice his size easily.

If it were the later, he really did miscalculate, as Thalia, as a daughter of Zeus, could also bust his ass. And bust his ass she did... kinda, zapping him to oblivion.

Note to self: don't mess with Thalia too much if I don't want to have the same fate. Luke is now in the ground foaming at the mouth, with his hair standing up, and smoke leaving his body. Yup, noted.

"Ahem... as I was saying, the monsters always come after us, and because of that most demigods end up having an early death, we are trying to reach camp half-blood, a place where many demigods gather, to have better chances at surviving. Would you like to come with us?" - Faking a cough to hide away her embarassment, she kept on talking, saying some really depressing things in the middle, and then inviting me over, just as I wanted!

"Oh... That is... a lot... to take in. Is that place safe?" - I asked, feigning astonishment. With all due honesty, I think I deserved an award for my great acting!

"Yes! There are many like us there!" - She answered immediately.

"Cool... where is it?" - I asked finally.

"Ahem..." - She faked a cough before saying in a voice much lower than before - "Long Island, New York..."

With an expressionless face, I look her dead in the eyes and ask in a calm and collected manner, which seems to embarass her slightly - "You mean the one on the other side of the country, almost 3000 miles away? That Long Island?"

She answers again while averting her gaze, as if knowing the absurdity of the task at hand - "Yes?"

I look around towards Luke, who also looked away, acting as if he did not notice me glaring at him. Heck, he even started humming! Talk about recklessness! Even little Annabeth started looking at the ground.

I release a deep sigh, and ask again - "So... how exactly are you planning to go all the way towards New York?" - I said in the same deadpan tone.

Shit! She even started blushing! This is no good sign! And her answer did not betray my cursed expectations.

Still averting her eyes, I kidd you not, she said in a low voice - "By foot..."

Really? I probably would have been better off going there alone, but it is no use to think about that right now. In an exasperated manner I tried one last time.

"Did you... at least have enough money?" - And unfortunately, they did not betray my expectations.

Now red until the tips of her ears, she ended up saying almost as in a whisper - "14 dollars and 23 cents..." - Seems like even the rebelious daughter of the god king does not have skin thick enough to not be embarassed at all with the ongoing situation.

Rubbing my temples, I let out a deep sigh. Taking a deep breath, while repeating in my mind that they are just kids, and don't know any better, I managed to calm down.

"Okay! Let's go towards this camp half-blood you just talked about, but first, we need to change some of your plans!" - I said after a brief pause to regain my bearings.

"Hold still for a second!" - I said while taking a deep breath, and joining my hands together in front of me.

"Hide our tracks! Obscure their view! Cover us in hidden shadows! They never see, never hear, never feel, never sense! Our presence shall thin out! We were never here! Never there! Forgotten Vagrant!" - I cast one of the biggest spells I have ever developed, and it was really draining, especially so since I first created it to affect only a single target, with a couple of adjustments, I managed to make it multi-target, but the load was much heavier on me. That alone took out over half of my reserves, leaving me almost at the 30% mark. At least it worked just as intended, after I finished casting, everyone was suddenly enveloped by a giant shadow.

Panting a little, I sat onto the ground in a corner to recover from the sudden exhaustion of using so much mana in one go.

"What... was that?" - Luke asked a bit wary.

"Just... a spell... to conceal us... so monsters won't find us... without some really stupid... bout of luck..." - I said taking breaks to breathe in between words.

"Help me... up..." - I said extending my hands towards Thalia, even though Luke was nearer.

He went over to help me, but I refused his help and insisted on being helped by Thalia. Who frowned at my antics. But one have to be shameless to know happiness! So I did not give up, and she eventually relented and helped me up.


"Guhuh!" - I scrunched over my stomach in pain, as she just punched me, while Annabeth looked at her with a curious gaze, as if trying to understand why did she just punch me. The world is unfair little girl... Luke then came over and helped me back up. Maybe I judged him wrong this entire time.

"Learned your lesson?" - He asked with dead eyes, while I could only nod with tears in mine.

And so he helped me towards a convenience store, where we sneakily took away many supplies and essential items those three just did not think to bring along with them. Then we just left. Now, if you ask me if I paid, I would only be able to say that if not even monsters can detect us with my spell on, what more of just some regular mortals! Praise me!

* * *

Author notes:

Thanks for all the support and power stones folks! It really helps to know there are people out there appreciating my ramblings!

Now, whom do you guys think is MC's mother? There have been some clues, and I am giving another one: there is no mention of any of her demigod kids in none of series, so I can assume she had none, but her immortal kids were quite important in one of the books from HoO! Good luck!

Some heads up towards MCs treatment towards Luke, it is because he resents him, as in both his lifes, he always dreamed of having a family, and he thinks Luke, who had not only a caring mother (though arguably really bad in the head), but also great friends he could call his family, decided to abandon them due to his somewhat stupid (even if not unjustified) hatred towards the gods.

Have fun! I will try and write the next chapter asap!

Peace out!