
WISDOM: Battles & Survival (Arc Zero/ Rebellious Phase Arc)

A story of hardships, showing the cruel, unhandled realities of the world. Just like any other kid, Hanuzuki Hanzaki was once a playful, cheerful, energetic and a loving child. Yet as time passed by, he began to slowly change due to the influences that surround him, being in a place and living a life full of shaming and adversities. One night, on his 11th grade, the Hanuzuki Residence was being quite rowdy. Hanzaki suddenly went rushing out of the house. Followed by his exit, his father was yelling while pointing a finger to him at the door. Alone in the night, he wandered around in hoping to find a solution to his long decade miseries, but little did he know there were serious complications awaiting him. From one major obstacle to another, he broke through against all odds and faced a life life-changing event that may change the whole world at the end. Whatever lies ahead, the future would vary depending on his decisions. Note: *Original cover picture not mine. Credits to the rightful owner. *Will be changing it.

LaYa · Realistic
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45 Chs

Chapter 29 - Haunted by once more


Inside our University Gym, the grounds are filled with chairs that were arranged into a number of rows and columns and red carpets were placed along on the pathways together with the different decorations fixed all over. The seats above inside the gymnasium were full of students and guests and as well as those that were placed below on the ground. Moreover, the graduation song is being played repeatedly for the whole time and the day of our Recognition and Graduation Ceremony has finally arrived for us.

The event was taking its time to end while time by time each of the students waited and climbed up on stage as their names, awards and achievements were accordingly being announced.

"This school year finally came to an official close."

At some point it was already our class' turn to walk up on stage, so we made our line at the side.

"Yeah. The next school year would be the last, and we would be able to graduate."

"I really can't wait to go to college."

"Me too!"

"Hey guys." While Romeo and Kevin were respectively chatting with each other from behind, I grabbed their attentions as I noticed somewhat odd when it was already one of our friend's turn who's ready in front.

"Hanzaki Hanuzuki!" His name was called.

Slowly he started walking towards the middle to shake hands with the faculty members and some high positioned persons that were present on stage. When he received his certificate, he then went in front to bow and has stayed still for a moment for the taking of pictures.

"It looks like Hanzaki… is on the stage by himself." I said out of pity.

Normally, students' parents who were supposedly waiting in standby at the opposite side of the stage should have likely made their way in front already in order to be with his/her child, but that was not the case. Closely trying to observe once more, it seems that he doesn't have anyone with him unlike the others, let alone a guardian.

It was sad to look at, yet his strong, confident presence in front of many people as he started walking up on stage has probably neutralized everyone's thought towards him. I can obviously tell it by looking at some of the people's expression with their attentions on front, but nevertheless, as soon as the ceremony ended, the people have quickly flooded the entire gymnasium as they were slowly and noisily going out through the narrow exit gates of the gym when late afternoon strikes. But on the other hand, some people have stayed and gathered as they were taking some memorable photos together.

With the gang still inside, we decided to take together a photo of ourselves too.


"ALRIGHT! SUMMER TIME!" I shouted out of joy.

"You sure are hyped up, haha" Kevin remarked.

"It's summer boys! Guess we'll be not seeing each other for a few months."

"This is farewell then, yet it's really disappointing that Francis is not here."

While Romeo and Kevin were all talking around by just themselves, Hanzaki as the usual was just as quiet as he could be the whole time.

Despite the incident about a few days ago, the dude was just chillin' like nothing happened and quickly his mood went back to his normal cold, serious state.

But more importantly, still not knowing of what his problems are, the rest of us continued to let him be and take his time, hoping that this mysterious friend of ours would someday make himself open to us.

We had our suspicions, but as good friends, we didn't make a single move for the sake of his privacy. We don't want to lose an important, good friend just because of our reckless decisions.


Phew~ I'm exhausted, mentally and physically.

I didn't feel the vibes at all during the Recognition and Graduation Ceremony. It is not because that I don't have someone to be there for me at stage, but rather it was so damn warm during that time that I almost passed out because of it. Though I wanted someone to accompany me at that time, it seems that just being solo wasn't that bad after all. I guess I'm already used to it.

In the first place, I decided not to bother Manager Alvarez since I already owe him a lot, yet on the other hand, the thought would still be impossible to happen because Romeo might find out of my situation, as well as the others.

After the ceremony, it was eventually summer break.

Students who live outside the city had likely gone back to their families and some have already started their early trips for their vacation to some places. While as for a person like me, I was just taking the opportunity of the summer break to get focused on with my job. It was all just work, and problems regarding work. Yet at some days, I went back to my school to prioritize my requirements for the continuation of my scholarship. When all was good, I then put my focus back to my part-time work and have decided in taking some extra hours in order for me to earn some extra pays. Frankly speaking, it would likely turn out to be a full-time job for me.

Furthermost, gladly I haven't gone through any troubles in the process… yet until such day has eventually come and turned the tides for me. A certain day in the middle of summer vacation, it was the same bright and sunny day at my work as usual and customers keep coming in despite the blazing heat. The atmosphere was busy and troubling as always.

At the counter addressing the customers' orders, I was pressured by facing their long line in front. Although I started with the cooking, lately I became an all-around guy like my other mates after a few months of experience.

"Thank you sir. Enjoy your meal" I said to my recent customer in front as he started in carefully taking all of his ordered food. "Yes sir? May I take your order?" Without ado, I then started greeting the next customer with my eyes fixed at the cashier-computer in front of me to prepare for the order.

"So this is where you were"

I thought that I can finally get my life going easy, but I guess I was mistaken. Disquieted by the sudden phrase, it sounded like the appearance of my kryptonite. As I looked at the person in front of me from hearing his very familiar voice, my chest was badly tightening inside me, causing me to breathe thinly as if I was being choked by someone for being flustered as the unpleasant feeling from before has instantly came back to me just like that.

"So this is where you've been… you run-away boy."

I became furious in the instant I saw my father's irritating face, but I held back my anger for I was still in the middle of my work. I don't want to give trouble at my workplace and especially to the person whom I owed a lot.

Shifting gaze, surprisingly behind father were mother and my little brother Hiro who were greatly shocked as well of seeing me in this kind of place with their sharp stares directed at me.

Good grief~ In this very distant place from our place, how can they be here?

"What is your order, sir?" Knowing the situation in front of me, I looked down at the monitor in front and acted normal to avoid trouble for the sake of my work, yet my closed fists below were already shuddering for being a bit nervous yet most out of fury.

"Keeping the composure, eh? Heh, look at yourself, you arrogant bastard. You look so pitiful while wearing that uniform, and especially being in this kind of place. Pfuu~ I wonder how poor of a person have you gotten right now. So, are you already regretting after experiencing this kind of life? HA! How naïve of you to---" Slowly he was taking his time in trying to humiliate me in front of many people with his loud voice and insulting words, but I cut his talk after a point in time.

"Just shut the hell up and tell me what is your order, you asshole." I talked back in a low tone and with a piercing look that were directed towards my father's.

"TSK! You still have that filthy mouth of yours, you shameless child. You really don't have respect for your parents."

Despite my father who was trying to provoke me with his annoying loud voice, I was able to stay calm.


Looking back, the manager has somehow noticed the commotion. Slowly he was moving towards us while taking glances, seemingly studying of what was going on.

"Hey, this is taking too long! You haven't started ordering yet!"

While we were stone cold to each other, the people in line behind were already complaining about this fuss of ours.

"Move it already pal."

"Save your arguments for later! This is a place for eating not for arguing!"

Good grief, what an embarrassing moment for me this is.

"Hmp. Consider yourself lucky. Let's go find another place Linda, Hiro! He really still had that attitude of his. Now I'm even more pissed. That kid has taken a lot of bad influences."

"Hiro dear! Don't become like your elder brother okay? That boy has a really bad attitude and has no manners."

Looking at them as they were leaving the place while loudly destroying my image, the people around was irritated by them with their annoyed faces that were showing out.

As the three of my family members have finally set their feet outside the door, my younger brother has somewhat give me a quick glance as they slowly disappear away from my sight.

"Seriously, that guy just wasted my time and didn't even order anything!"

"I know right." The rest of the mass gossiped.

"You did a good job holding your ground kid. Work first for now, okay? And… I would like to talk with you later." From tapping my shoulder, Manager Alvarez and I went back to our works like nothing happened.

Good grief~ How can I be so unfortunate today.

Later that night after finishing my shift, I then went outside beside the restaurant where the manager was waiting for me.