
Winters Rebel Heart

Lily Winters believed her life was perfect. Everything was going so right during her first year at Cambrick College. Until she discovered that her high school sweetheart was cheating on her, and apparently, it wasn't much of a secret. Now what can Lily do when unexplainable things begin to happen? Not everything is what it seems in Cambrick, and Lily soon realizes there may be worse things than a bad breakup.

Moonlightbelle · Fantasy
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Chapter 7

The sky is exhibiting deep purples that are slowly fading to a cerulean blue, and the absence of pollution is illuminating the stars. It's breathtaking seeing the clear night sky and the crescent moon in all its glory. I wish I could take a picture and savor the view forever, but the photo would only tarnish the memory and look dull in comparison.

I can feel the vibrations rattle the ground the closer we get to the falls. One of the guys must have lugged a bass speaker all the way there—though I shouldn't be surprised. The more intense the vibration is: the more I can hear the song booming through the forest. It's one of those upbeat songs with depressing lyrics where you don't know if you should cry or dance.

You left me alone tonight of all nights

Why do you think, I wouldn't know

In the night, the moon's afterglow

where we once poured our hearts out but now,

How could you be entangled with someone else

Tonight, of all nights,

I'll pack up my things and go

I won't dance alone

For tonight, I'll play the game

I'll embrace a stranger and feel the heartbreak

I will let you go

I will let go, I can dance without you

I won't be where you left me

tonight of all nights, I'll let go

I'll feel the passion of a stranger's heated touch

Like you have so many times before

You left me alone tonight of all nights

Why do you think, I wouldn't be alone

In the night, the moon's afterglow

where we once poured our hearts out but now,

I'll be entangled with a stranger 

"Hey, hey." Alice snatches my hand and snaps her fingers at me.

I clear my throat and refocus my eyes. Why did they have to play that damn song?

Alice furrows her brows at me. I know what she's thinking because she heard the song too. She doesn't have to say it but I know she's even more concerned now.

"I'm fine, I swear," I lie, not realizing I'm clenching my jaw. I shake my hand loose from her grip and smile.

"I won't repeat myself again but I will say, whatever you want to do, I'm down for," she says, trying to reassure me.

"I just need some liquid courage. I'm a little nervous trying to flirt after being out of the game for so long. I'm awkward."

Alice giggles and then shakes her head. "You'll do fine, but we'll grab a drink first just in case."

The crashing of water clashes with the song playing on the speaker. I can hear laughter and hollering echoing throughout the forest and then, everything comes into view.

People are leaning against trees some making out passionately while others are sitting on the rocks by the water. Some people decided it's a fantastic time to swim even though there's a chill to the air. But you give a Cambrick guy a little liquor and he'll strip to his boxers and swim for sure.

There's a foldable table with all the drinks and that's when I see Landon and his friend leaning against it. Alice waves and Landon's face lights up. It's somewhat cute to see how infatuated he is with her already; it's written all over his face. I wonder if this one will stick, but knowing Alice, she gets bored when they can't keep up with her. He is definitely her type though. Tall, dark and light eyes, she's swooning for sure.

I look over at his friend, he's hot in that muscular, jock kind of way. But I'm not sure how I'd be his type. He seems like the type to go for girls like Brittany.

Damn it, I need to snap out of it.

"I see what you're doing again," Alice whispers.

I flinch and untwist my finger from my hair and brush it behind my ear.

"Hey, you guys, want a dri–"

"Yes." I cut Landon off before he could even finish his sentence.

He chuckles. "Alright then." He turns and grabs two red solo cups and pours some whiskey in it and then some cola to top it off. "Here."

Alice and I grab our drinks. We bring it to our noses and both shiver from the potent smell.

The guys both laugh.

"Oh, right this is Kaine," Landon says, pointing towards his friend. "He recently moved from, uh."

"Florida." Kaine looks over that Landon with a what-the-fuck-man look.

"Right, right. Florida."

I look over at Kaine, as he laughs and shakes his head at Landon who in response shrugs his shoulders. I can see it. It explains his tan skin and blonde hair, though I didn't want to stereotype him but I think it's too late for that.

"I'm Lily."

"Nice to meet you. I feel like we've met."

"Ah, I was at the last party with Alice but left early." I shift my weight away, recalling that night makes me anxious.

"Oh, okay."

Landon and Alice are already in a deep conversation about why hockey is better than lacrosse while I can't even keep a conversation going.

God, the silence is palpable.

I shift my feet in discomfort until I speak the first thing that pops into my mind. "Surfing." I say, abruptly. "I mean," I pause. I clench my sweaty palms together until I finally speak again. "Did you surf back in Florida?"

Kaine let's out a deep chuckle as if he's enjoying the show and seeing me squirm.

"Wow, are you stereotyping me?"

"What? Me? No, I was just–"

He laughs again. "Sorry to not break the stereotypes, but yeah, I do. I lived right by the beach my whole life so I was kind of just thrown into it at a young age and fell in love with it ever since."

Mortified, I chug my drink and look away to gather my composure. "That's awesome. I always wanted to try surfing, but I was always terrified of going too far out in the ocean."

"I can take you one of these times. Cambrick actually has a great beach for beginners. Some small waves you won't have to go too far."

"I'd like that." I smile. Kaine is surprisingly easy to talk.

"Ah, how rude of me. Would you like another drink?"

"Yes please." I have a slight buzz but I need more to let go of my nerves. "So, were you a lifeguard too?"

"God, am I that easy to figure out?"

His deep chuckle reverberates my ears and I smile at him gingerly. "I mean, the board shorts and tank top kinda screams lifeguard."

He lifts his gaze from the table and hands me another drink. "Here I was trying to go for a more frat guy look."

"We'll you're nailing that too."

He runs his hands through his sandy blond hair and shakes it out. "Ouch, that kinda hurts my confidence a little."

I roll my eyes playfully. "I highly doubt I can shake your confidence."

He smirks and then lifts the red solo cup to his mouth, takes a sip and then says, "A cute girl like you? It's possible."

Alice pauses from her conversation and then nudges my shoulder. I about die from embarrassment, but I realize she's only letting me know her and Landon are going to dip their toes in the water and if we want to join.

I let out a sigh of relief.

Hope you guys enjoy! I can't wait to post chapter 8! Any ideas what's to come next?

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