
Chapter 3

"Hey, hold on a second," Oliver says, gripping my hand again.

I turn around, narrowing my eyes playfully. "Stop. You're going to give off the wrong impression." I unlatch my hand from his grip.

He sighs and throws his head back. "I'm sure they will still approach you even with that belching mouth of yours, but you really shouldn't do anything you might regret. I mean, at least think about it first." Oliver crinkles his nose while he looks in the direction of Alice.

Who is he, my babysitter now? "Any more requests, Dad? I swear, I'll be good." I bat my eyes and throw my hands together like I'm pleading for my life.

"I mean since you asked." He pauses and rubs the nape of his neck. "You should really talk to your aunt. She's worried about you especially after your breakup with—"

"No. Don't." I shift my weight away from him. I try to gather my composure, but the frustration rolls off my tongue. "I mean, everyone knew! Is that what you want me to tell her? Honestly, Oliver. I'm not feeling it anymore. I'll see you around." I storm off towards the back gate.

I faintly hear Oliver telling me to wait up and it quickens my pace. I told myself repeatedly that I'm over it. But right now, it seems to have opened back up like a festering wound that is struggling to close, and rips back open with the slightest mention of him.

I pass the gate and once I'm out of view and away from the lingering people—I book it down the street until the anthill of a house is nothing more than a blur. That's when all the thoughts of him resurface. His arms wrapped around her thin frame. His rose-colored lips kissing hers the same way he used to kiss mine.

I bite down on my bottom lip from the sudden memory of us hanging out in my room, alone. Aiden was my first kiss. My first everything. I gave him everything, and in return, all he gave me was empty promises and kisses full of his disgusting lies. He never loved me. Not for real. All those times by the Falls were lies.

God, how easy was I to manipulate?

It takes a couple of minutes before I can see Cadlet park. I look like a blubbering mess if anyone decides to drive by. But I couldn't care less; each step is excruciating.

The weight of everything hits me all at once and I collapse by the swing set. Sand beneath me: tears flood my vision. I grip the sand like it will somehow ground me, and for a split second—the contrast of the cold sand soothes my frantic heartbeat but that feeling is fleeting as the tears refuse to quit.

A metallic tang assaults my tongue. I lift my hand from the sand to wipe away the tears and curse in frustration as I dust off the sand that's stuck to my palms. I slowly pick myself up and slump my body onto the red slide that's only a few steps away.

I'm giving him too much power over me, but it's hard. It's hard to take the power back from someone I thought I could give my all too.

I kick the sand under my white converse and curse again when the sand makes its way into the holes of my black jeans. It's definitely not my night. I let out a heavy sigh, throwing my head back. Oliver didn't deserve that, but he hasn't been around. He wasn't there when I needed him the most. I sound petty, but it's true and it's how I feel. These nasty emotions I wish I could rid myself of. 

The wind stops abruptly, and I hear the crunching of dead leaves from behind. I lift my head but there's no one.

The street lights flicker on and off.

I shut my eyes and take in a deep breath. "It's nothing. I'm probably just hearing things. I've always been a chicken." I mumble under my breath, trying to reassure myself. I exhale and open them.

That's when I see a dark figure standing below the light post.

My heart thumps against my ribcage desperate to break free and run away from the danger it now senses.

The dark figure's silky voice rings out like a melody dancing along the stagnant air. "To be all alone on a night like this, tsk." He pauses. "Some friends you have."

The dim street light continue to flicker on and off; I can only see glimpses of his appearance before the light shuts off completely.

The smell of sulfur hits me and I crinkle my nose in disgust. Then the light flickers back on; brighter than before like the time I visited my aunt when she was working the knock shift at Skypoint. His presence is just as uninviting as the hospital at 3 A.M..

 In a split second, he closes the distance between us. All other thoughts are cast aside. He cranes his head and then clears his throat as his chestnut tunic and black trousers ominously pulsate against his tall frame. 

There's no wind, no slight breeze to help me make sense of the sight before me.

This isn't normal.

I scramble to get off the slide, jump down and then book it towards the opposite street; hoping I can somehow outrun him. My pulse vibrates throughout my body and adrenaline kicks me into high gear. All sound is mute except for my frantic breathing and my heartbeat doing cartwheels in my chest.

I look back and his eyes are like hot coals floating in the darkest part of the night. His stance, predatorial. I blink and he's gone. I squeak and move my legs faster.

I turn my head back and slam into a street sign. All the air is knocked out of my lungs and I gasp like a fish out of water. I grab at anything I can reach, but still end up falling on my ass.

Disoriented, I try to get up. My eyes widen and I try to muster up a scream for help, but he places a hand over my mouth. I scream and scream, but no sound comes out.

He hushes me and then mouths for me to be quiet. His ears twitch like he hears something, but I still can't hear anything over my thundering heartbeat.

I hesitate to speak once he removes his hand from my mouth. "Wha...What do you want?" I ask like a fucking idiot.

His serious face dissipates and his dark eyebrow perks up in amusement. "I'd advise you to choose your words more carefully. Since I want many things, but then again, I'm more interested in taking." His voice trails off as his glowing eyes flicker to the open forest behind me.

My mouth hangs open in shock. My body unable to turn and run. He caught me. Somehow he caught me. Am I going to die? Is he that psychopath terrorizing our town?

I scoot further away but I know it won't save me from the situation. I muster up what little strength I have. "I… I have nothing to offer, so I should be going."

I'm hallucinating. This can't be real.

I see faint blues veins moving in his skin, and silver horns that spiral out of his forehead. His coral eyes look exactly like flames dancing in the wind the closer he leans in.

"Hm. It seems you have no idea. What a pity. I'd make the deal now, but it seems you don't know the extent of your troubles and that's no fun." He lets out an exaggerated sigh then snatches my hand. "Until next time. You'll be wanting my assistance then," he says gingerly and plants a small peck on the back of my hand that sends a tiny zap through me. Then he winks and vanishes. And I sit there dumbfounded like a creature didn't appear and disappear right in front of me. Like I wasn't just running for my life a second ago and he caught me like I was nothing but a fly.

What the actual fuck.

I rub my eyes and then open them again. Absolutely nothing. I stand up; my hands trembling.

I pat dirt off and call the only person I have left.

No answer.

I call Jon again and again, but it continually goes to voicemail. I hiss under my breath and press the call button one more time. Right away, his deep voice rattles my ears.

I sigh. "Hey, can you come take me home?"