
Winter Spirit with a Chat Group

Join Aster Frost in his journey across the multiverse, the Spirit of Winter is reborn in the world of magic and the plot grows to follow the world and the Chat Group quests. This MC will be a kind man but not an angel, and as the northerners say... "WINTER IS COMING !!"

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Chapter 45: Party Wipe.

Kirito who caught the trail of Asuna was like a hungry wolf that charged straight in for the kill. The first thing he did was grab a copy of ALO from Aster, who asked him to use his Nerve Gear, instead of the Amu Sphere.

Upon asking the reason, Aster just smiled and said that there will be a nice surprise waiting for him. Kirito who followed the advice did get a nice surprise and thanked Aster in his heart a million times. Kirito's avatar from SAO got overlapped with the new one in ALO, which in turn got him his old stats and items, which were inaccessible.

But he got a gift that was worth much more than all of that, he found Yui's Tear in his inventory and quickly revived her. She turned into a navigation pixie and explained hoe the ALO was a new carpet spread over the SAO.

To avoid being caught by the system, Yui asked Kirito to delete all of the teams he had from SAO and changed her designation to the system and gained an independent slot to go through it.

While Aster on the other hand was going through the data Sugou sent him and no matter how much the man tried he could not hide all of the mess he had made because of his incapability to handle the job. His idiocy and god-complex got him to ignore the small details that he thought no one would be smart enough to trace.

Handing over the paperwork to Koron Sensei, he dived into ALO with the Nerve Gear, which gave the same reaction as it did for Kirito. Frost was back in the game and by tomorrow, everyone will know of it.


Frost did not change his name and for the racial selection, he went with the Undine, his fighting style did not need magic, and with his Unique Skill Invincible missing here, he needed some healing that the Undine race was the best at.

Frost laid in wait for Kirito and Leafa to arrive in Alfheim, Neutral Territories, just to get involved in the fight against the Salamander Party. The Sylphs and Cat Siths were on a diplomatic meeting to discuss a joint raid at the Yggdrasil.

The time came and the Salamanders swarmed in, and Kirito landed before the Sylph and Cat Sith bodyguards here to protect their leaders.

The first thing he said was, "Sheathe your swords, everyone!"

Which made the whole audience to be dumbfounded, and a single doubt crossed each of their minds with varying amounts of politeness, "whos is this?"

"Hey, Kirito! Don't do stuff like that, you are ruining my show here!" hollered a voice that made the heads turn and face the arguably, most charming man they had ever seen.

"Stand aside, I want to see how this goes, join me if you like, it's got betrayal, backstabbing, action, politics, idiocy, and a lot of action that would have started if you did not pause the show..." Aster jumped down the branch he was sitting on.

"What are you doing here?" Kirito asked with a surprised face that quickly turned into anger, "You bastard knows everything and still won't interfere, how could you let this happen?"

"Why would I interfere, I am blue, she is green, that little one is yellow and those guys are red, see, this is called being neutral to enjoy a good show." Aster shrugged.

"You racist little... Damn it, Just help me out here and get these Salamanders to retreat. I am quite sure I remember the deal, you help me and won't ask for payment." Kirito sported a smug face by the end of his words, which made the others even more confused.

"Hah~ Oi, Eugene! One-on-one duel, the winner speaks and the loser listens. Decline and I will party wipe you guys and laugh at your souls." Aster spoke as he took an errie-looking scythe out of his item storage.

"Who are you and how dare you talk to our commander like that??" raged a random Salamander.

"Shut up!" spat Eugene, silencing the grumbling bunch behind him.

"Since you dare utter such arrogant words, I would like to see what an Undine could do against a party of 70 Salamanders equipped with battle gear." Eugene smiled.

"Alright, you guys move out of here, the whole field is the boundary, step out and you are disqualified and I hope you remember that this little thing in my hand is not a sword or a shield." Aster chuckled as the others were still in shock.

Kirito and Leafa convinced them that it will be fine and the Salamanders took the field. "Flight will be banned for the battle duration and it will only stop until one side is wiped out." Eugene snickered, not knowing that he just nailed his own coffin.

Seeing that the Salamanders were not advancing, Frost chuckled, "since you won't advance, I will and make sure to resist as much as you possibly can to let me enjoy this dance."

Frost rushed in and slashed with his scythe, the slash sent the three tanks who tried to block him flying away with broken shields and red lines on their bodies. He did not stop there, he was actively slashing the Salamanders left and right like he was a farmer reaping wheat in the fields.

The audience was stunned to witness such a sight, even for Kirito who had heard a lot about Frost wiping the party sent by the Holy Dragon Alliance to steal the Christmas Boss back in SAO, watching it firsthand was a whole different world.

He made it look so effortless, as he was dancing on the battlefield, his weapon moving fluidly as his lips chanted heals and buffs on himself. Three minutes in the field and only a third of the party brought by the Salamanders remained and most of them that were left were too scared to make a move now.

Leafa who was standing beside Kirito tugged his sleeve and asked, "who is this guy?"

"This is Frost, a friend from another game whom I also know IRL. He was called a lot of names but the one that stuck the most was the 'Masked Monster' because he wiped a party all by himself. he also has this knack to use uncommon weapons from the Shogunate Period." Kirito spoke with a nostalgic expression, unaware that his words were clearly heard by the others near him.

Eugene finally stepped up for the finale, now that his party is wiped out, he still had a serious face and his eyes burned with fighting spirit. He charged in with the sword and tried slashing Frost, but his blade was blocked by Frost's scythe, the man simply kicked him in the gut and the Salamander flew away.

"Hey, get serious, I am trying to have some fun here. You are the strongest, right? come at me with all you got!" Frost chuckled at the fallen figure of Eugene.

Frost dropped his scythe and rushed in at Eugeo, only to start clobbering the man with his bare hands, a punch to the face and a triple kick to the thigh, waist, and head followed by a roundhouse kick from the other side. The clobbering did not stop there, Frost cast a heal on his foe and kept showing him with fists and kicks and finally caught Eugene's face with one hand and planted him in the ground like a radish.

The ones witnessing were unable to think anymore, like their brains just went on an error 404 and stopped working. Eugeo on the other hand finally turned into a wisp of the soul after Frost canceled the healing spell on him.

"Hah~ that was refreshing and now," Frost walked up to the floating souls of his vanquished foes and pointed his finger at them with a serious expression, and started laughing, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you idiots dare to call yourselves the strongest race with that bit of capability? You guys act so high and mighty and now you morons were party-wiped by an Undine, tell me are you satisfied? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Seeing the ruthless figure of Frost who was now mocking the dead Salamanders like a fifth-grader. Kirito facepalmed and shrugged while Leafa did not know how to talk with this man anymore.

"Now that I won, I speak and you listen. You Salamanders will join the Sylphs and Cat Siths to raid the Yggdrasil tomorrow and since you guys are so high and mighty, you will pay for it. And I want all the ledgers by the end of the week, and don't dare think I will not find out if you cut corners." Forst chuckled as Sylvia, the Sylph leader revived the Salamanders who were looking at the sky with a broken expression, while their valiant commander looked no better than a zombie who was doubting his existence.

"Did you have to do that to him?" asked Kirito pointing at the zombified commander of the Salamanders.

"He was boring, even you are better than him. 'Strongest' my cold butt." spat Aster.

One more chappie coming tonight.

Anyways, get me those POWER STONES!!!!!

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