
Winter Rain

Xiao He Ling could be called as the heartthrob of his hometown, a ball of sunshine loved by all~ But the one who made his heart throb to the point that...he couldn't even breath properly...was that one boy who appeared in his life out of nowhere and made his whole life upside down...

MayDreamer · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Chapter 10

The Next Day,

"Xian, have you taken your medicines?"

"Ling for the 10th time, I have taken my medicine, drank enough water, checked my wounds. I don't feel uneasy. Now can we leave for the race?" Ling asked as he came out of his room, ready to go out.

Ling who was filling his small bagpack with food and water, looked at him and grinned,

"Hehe, I am just a little nervous...let's Go!"

With that both of them left for the grounds.


"Boss everything is ready!"

"Okay, what about that Jason and that big mouth?" Shen asked as he sat on a chair.

"We are here! To win~~" Jason said as he smiled and walked towards shen in full confidence.

Shen didn't say anything but just rolled his eyes.


"Jason don't say things you will regret later." The trainer said as he came inside the garage with Ling and Xian.

"Hah! Regret? We shall see in the end who regrets the most. Mike! get ready!" Jason said as he existed the room followed by Mike.


"This man just when will I get rid of him!! Xian, will you do me a favour?" Shen asked as he held his hands, "Even if you lose just make sure to hit him once---"

"Big Brother Shen! What are you saying?" Ling shouted and pulled Xian's hands away form his.

"Ling don't worry even if he hits him, he will be safe and it will only look like an accident that keeps happening in such races. Plus, Jason chose him himself, so he won't be able to charge him too---"


"Brother! I know you hold grudges against Jason and I also know that he is a pain in the neck but you still don't have the right to hurt him! And taking Xian's help to do something like this...I will never allow it!" Ling said as he stoof before Xian.

His serious eyes and voice, made Shen throat go dry.

"F--Fine! I won't do anything...you didn't need to lecture me for this..I am still older then you..Xian this things are for you. Wear them and come out." Shen mumbled as he sulked and left the room.


As soon as Shen left, Ling shoulders relaxed and he let out a breath of relief.

"I didn't think you will go against him." Xian said as he walked towards the table.

"I didn't go against him, I just did what was right." Ling said as he sat on the chair beside him.


"What if your righteousness leads to dispute between you two?"

"It will never happen, not between me and Brother Shen...you might have already noticed he loves me a lot to be angry with me let alone hate me."

"You sound really arrogant right now, do you know that?" Xian said as he wore the last leather glove.

"Leave this topic and focus on your race." Ling said as he stood and walked towards Xian, he then zipped his leather jacket, dusted off his shoulders, "Do your best! And leave the rest!" He said with his beautiful smile.

"I will"


At the starting point, both of the parties were getting ready for the race and now the final checkup of the bikes were being done.

"Boss, if I win this race, you will increase my pay upto to 50% right!" Mike asked as he wore his gloves.

"Of course I will and...if you manage to break a bone or two of that arrogant boy...I might as well give you a bonus." Jason said as he tapped his shoulders.


Hearing him, Mike couldn't help but feel a bit nervous then excited, "...But boss if by any chance...I end up losing then will you throw me out??"

"That's a good idea but don't worry...because no matter how awfully you play...you will still win." Jason said with a wicked smile, making Mike to raise his eyebrows.

"Boss What do you mean?"

"Just don't stop and keep moving." Jason said completely ignoring the questioned gaze upon him and left for the tent from where they will be watching the race.


Shen who was looking at the wicked duo sensed the werid air between them, "This foxes must have plotted something! Xian keep your eyes and ears open all the time and keep your safety above all." He advised Xian who wore his helmet tightly and nodded his head.

"Shen come back and take your seat!! Or are you having second thoughts now?"

"This little piece of Shit!!" Shen mumbled before leaving for the tent while glaring at Jason who was grinning at him.


"Are you two ready?" The Trainer asked as he stood between the two of them with a green flag.

Mike and Xian looked at each other once and then nodded their head, started their bike making the whole ground fill up with dust and the Vroom Vroom sound.

"On your Mark!! 1! 2!" Before the trainer could say 3 Xian glanced at Ling who was in the tent looking at him, Ling noticing him nodded his head,

"3!! Go!!" With that Both of them left the starting zone in full speed.


In this race, both the racers had to pass through high areas and forests which were more like a maze. The race was of total 10km, and in every 1km there was a checkpoint, the one who crosses the most checkpoints before reaching the ending point will win the race.

And currently both of them were in neck to neck competition.


"Both of them have passed through the 1st checkpoint at the same time!" The staff at the 1st checkpoint said through wakie takie.

"It's just the start, I am sure Mike will win with flying colours."

"True, Jason it's just the start so don't fly so high, or you might get hurt."

"Both of you keep quiet and look Xian is nowhere to be seen!" The trainer said making both Ling and Shen to widen their eyes and look at the screen.


"The heck!! Where did he go??"

"Shen, did you not tell your biker to memorize the map? Maybe he lost his way." Jason said with mockery clearly visible in his voice.

"No! it can't be Xian is a quick learner with amazing memorizing skill...there is something wrong for sure!" Ling said with a shaky voice, as he turned around to leave the tent but Shen held him back,


"Ling! Where are you going?"

"Bother Shen, I will go and look for him. He might be in trouble!" Ling said as he struggled to get out of his grip.

"Hey little boy, that's against the rule and if your friend is really in trouble then he can call for assistance you know....well if he is conscious and alive~"

"JASON!!" Shen was about to hit him, when one of the staff said,


"This is the 4th checkpoint and Gu Xian is the 1st one to pass through here!"

Hearing this Ling quickly ran towards the monitor and there he saw Xian riding his bike in full speed, a smile crept on his lips and his anxious eyes and heart finally relaxed.

"Hah, this boy almost gave me a heart attack." Shen said as he sat on his chair with a sigh and Jason stood there with a red face and clenching his fist tightly,

"How!! Is this possible!!" He thought as he looked at the screen that showed Mike was still passing through the 3rd checkpoint.