

Samuel is a young boy that keep giving a delight for everyone, sometimes he's a naughty child but he cares for everything, especially for his love ones, he has kind heart that easily can be melted. One day he met Larry, he is a stubborn boy the troublemaker one, who always skipping the class, causing trouble and mess everyday. After he met Sam would his life could change? Develop a feeling towards each other if they still don't know what their heart says and what future they will overcome.

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49 Chs


"What?" Sam asks him with confusion on his head, "There's something you want to tell me?"

"there's something going on?" philip asks them.

"You go first there, I'll treat you next time." Sam said to philip.

"O.. okay, I'll go first there." Philip replied and he quickly goes to cafeteria.


"What is it?" Sam asks him confusedly.

"Why you late?" Larry said to him.

"Jeez, I thought there's something wrong." Sam said, "I woke up late because I slept late last night." He replied.

"Last night? What were you doing last night?" Asks him.

Sam couldn't speak and he doesn't want to tell he stayed up all night thinking about him wit his weirdo last night, "staying up? Sewing last night. I guess." Sam replied awkwardly at him.

"What? Sewing? Hell what are you doing?" Larry said to him.

"But first, let me go.. it's hurt." Sam said while looking at his hand.

Larry immediately took his hand from him. "What's you up to?" asking him.

"Let's go to the cafeteria, i'm hungry now." Sam replied and he grab larrys hand and they went there immediately.

They was choosing to buy but sam lose his appetite. "Jeez, nothing I like." He said as he looking at the foods and he kept sighing.

"Hey! What you want? I'll pay it." Larry replied to him, Sam looks at him like a puppy as he pouting his lips, "Nothing here I like." he replied and he kept sighing again.

Larry stares at him and he stares back, "You know what's on my mind? Larry asks him.

"Yeah but the gate was already close. " Sam replied to him.

He immediately grabs Sam's hand and he holds it tightly they went to the back of the school to climb over the wall, "but I can't climb that. " Sam said.

Larry grabs his hand again, "no.. I'll help you. " He said as he whispered.

"How? " Sam asks him.

Suddenly, Larry carried him and he startled, he looks at Larry's eyes and they got sparkle, "w.. what are you doing? Put me down." Sam said awkwardly to him.

"Lower your voice.. reach that edge and go up and wait me there if you gets out?" Larry replied and he did what larry said to him.

After he gets out Larry was looking around and he quickly climbs to get out. "Hey! Watch out." Larry shouts at him and he falls to am. They both fell on the ground as he holding his arm.

"Ouch, my arm."

"Why didn't you move?" Larry asks him and he stood up, he gave his hand at sam to help him stand up, "here, let's go."

"My freedom. My favorite, my choice! Got my appetite back!" Sam said and he felt delight and active.

Larry was staring at him and his smile secretly.

"Let's go and sit there." he said and he grabs larry's hand to run and crossed the road just to get in on the street foods court and they sit on the chair.

"I'm hungry now, auntie! Can I get grilled chicken intestine?" Sam asks her.

"How many?" The woman who sells asks him.

"Just.. 10!" Sam replied immediately.

Larry got startled after hearing it and he holds his smile back, "such a dork." He said to himself.

"Who's dork?" Sam asks him.

"Nothing, just wait your order there." Larry replied to him.

Sam goes forwarded his face over to larry's face and he got confuse.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"What do you want?" Sam asks him and he smile again.

Larry saw it again and it fills his soul.

"J.. just, grilled pork." He replied and he quickly drank the water beside him.

"Thirsty?" Sam asks him.

"Y... yeah." Larry replied awkwardly to him.

"Auntie, just add two grilled pork! And two cold drinks." Sam yelled.

He looks at Larry and he got confused, "what's wrong with your face? Did you suddenly got a fever?" and he about to touch Larry's face but larry slapped it, "what's wrong with you? Get off your hand from me." he said madly to him.

"Why did you get mad at me? Then why did you turn red suddenly? Don't tell me-

Sam slowly closes over his face again at him, and Larry was about to explode because of turning red.

Suddenly the woman who sells those foods came over to them as she holding the orders and he went back to his chair, "Wow, looks yummy." and he giggled.

Larry got butterflies on his stomach and he tried to calm down himself, "It's hot." He said.

"What? Yeah, definitely hot." Sam replied and he laugh softly.

"Y.. yeah, hot." Larry said and he unbuttoned his shirt.

When Sam was about to bite his food, he looks at Larry, "You sure you're ok? You are really turning red. Why you look like that?" he asks confusedly.

"Huh? N.. no, it's nothing. I felt hot." Larry replied awkwardly to him.

"Then grab your food, we will go back to the school."

"Where's my soda, auntie? You forgot our soda!" Sam shouts and Larry smile secretly at him.

After they ate outside they went back to the wall, "this hard life again." Sam said as he looks at the wall.

He turned around at larry and he raises his both hands.

"W.. what are you doing?" Larry asks him.

"What's gotten into you? Carry me now. Let's go back to our house." Sam replied at him.

"Y.. yeah." Larry said awkwardly and he carried sam so that he can reach the edge.

"Wait me there." Larry said to him and Sam jumps off.

he climbs up and the guard saw them.

"Hey! What are you two doing there!" The guard shouts and he run into them.

He jumps off immediately and he holds Sam's hand, they run quickly until they get back to the their room, "that.. almost caught me." Sam said as he gasps. "W.. where's my inhaler, I think I'm going to pass out." He said and he digs up his bag.

"Jeez." Larry sigh and he sat down on his chair.

"What did you two did? Why did you look tired as fuck?" Philip asks him.

"N.. nothing, it's our problem, not yours." Sam replied as he put his inhaler in his mouth.

"That was so harsh." Philip said and he lean his head on his desk again.

Sam sat down and he looks at Larry, "that was so fun." He said as whispered.

Larry got startled and he suddenly looks at sam, their eyes met without any reason.

"Why is he cute?" Larry asks himself and he slapped his face in front of him and sam startled, "why did you do that?" he asks .

Larry realized doing his weird habit again, "n.. nothing, just relaxing my face." he said awkwardly and he slapped his face gently.

"What's wrong with him?" Sam asks with full of confusion on his head.

After they attend it their class, Sam walk heading to the library.

"Hey! Where you are going at?" Kairo asks him and he runs towards Sam.

"I'm going to the library, why?"

"Oh, nothing.. I'm going to the library too, I'm taking some books there, next week we have a quiz. " Kairo replied.

"Oh, really?.. me too, we have been coming quiz next week. Let's go there." Sam said while they are walking into the library.

"By the way, jeez.. I'm tired today, the guard reports me that there's students who climbed the wall." Kairo said and Sam startled after he heard it. "Oh, really?"

"Yeah, I asked the guard if he remembered the face, but he answered me that he didn't." Kairo replied as he looks down and he kept sighing. "My great grandfather will going to give me some punishment again." He added.

Sam felt guilty and he wants to speak out, "senior? Um-

"Yes? What is it?" Kairo asks him,

"I have to say something.. but-

"Speak out, what is it? " Kairo said and he waited for sam to speak.

"Uhm. The-

"Sam! Hey!" Suddenly, Larry shouts and he turned around.

Larry walks over to Sam and he holds Sam's shoulder, "what's the problem?" Larry asks them.

"Well, sam want to speak out something.. what is it again Sam?" Kairo asks.

"Oh, nothing. Just let's go there." Sam replied to him awkwardly.

"Yeah, let's go." Kairo said.

Larry got to wonder and he got mad, he holds Sam's hand and he takes him back, "Where you go?" He asks.

Kairo took sam's hand from him and he replied to Larry, "we will go to the library. What's wrong with that?"

He holds Sam's hand tightly and Kairo look at his hand, "Right? Sam? We need to go?" he asks.

"No, Sam will go to home now. Maybe next time we-

"Larry, we must go to the library, next week we will have a quiz, we must study too, would you like to join us?" Sam asks him.

Larry got mad and he holds his temper back to himself, "do whatever you want." Larry said Sam and he walked away from them.

"What's wrong with him?" Kairo asks sam.

"I don't know too. Let's go the library." Sam said to him and they went there.

While they are studying Sam was focusing on his book as he takes note faster, Kairo was smiling secretly to him, he kept staring at sam without any reason, Sam notices it and he got confused, "what's wrong? Does something wrong with my face?"

"Nothing.. go on just a study." Kairo said as he smiles at him.

"What's wrong, you kept staring at me like that." and he continues his studying.

Larry was watching them from afar, crushing the can on his hand and he walked away, he went back outside, he looks like a stress person who didn't know what's going on to him. Suddenly the dudes came back, Larry stood up and he faces them.

"HA HA HA, it's lucky.. it's my turn again." The boss said and he quickly punches larry in the face.

Larry fight them back, but the three dudes attack him and they thrust some fist at him, "beat him up." The boss summon to his boys and the dudes kept punching him, Larry let himself to be punched by them.

He was looking at the sky, facing the sunlight on his face and dripping the blood came out of his nose and mouth. Suddenly the rain poured and the dudes left him alone. He was still on the ground, lying down alone besides his blood and he let himself nothing to do.

Sam was walking on the street while the rain are pouring on the top of his umbrella, he got was surprised that the rainwater was bloody and he followed where it was coming from, he startled what he saw, he dropped his umbrella and he got wet, he immediately run to larry and he calls for some help, "Help! Help me! Somebody help me! Please!" He yelled as his tears are falling down.

"Please, help me!" He kept yelling for help as he trembling.

Someone's car stopped and he saw the two young boys on the floor, he went out of his car and he gave some help to them, they quickly went to the hospital to cure him.

Sam was seating beside him and he was holding Larry's hand, "I was too late, I'm sorry.. I didn't protect you at all." as he held it tightly, "please wake up." He added.

"I'm not dead yet." Larry said and he took his hand from Sam.

"You're awake now? Who did this to you? Please tell me.. those dudes again?" He asks him as he trembling. "You look pale now." Sam said and he touched Larry's face.

"Leave me alone. Go out from this room, shut the door and go back to your dorm." Larry replied to him and he tossed around. "I don't want to see your face." He added.

Sam got confused, "what's wrong with you? Does something I make some mistake? Tell me. I'm sorry." Sam replied.

"Leave now!" he not intentionally shouts at him and sam got confused.

Sam walks over from the door and he looks pity for Larry, he doesn't want to leave him, but Larry force him, he closes the door slowly and he walked away from the room.

"Does your friend is ok now?" The man who helped them asks him.

"Yes, sir.. thank you for helping us. He's on the good condition now." Sam replied as he smiles at the man.

"Its remind this to me before. Don't ever let that to your friend, I have one guy friend who beaten up back then and I'm yelling for some help, when we are in middle high school. I left him because he told me to leave, but I don't want too.. he's suffering silent leukemia that day, It's been a long years I didn't saw him. He was just the man of my life but above took it from me, but he has a family now and he's gone." The man said while they are sitting on the waiting chair.

"Then what happened to him?" Sam asks him.

"He dies, I was too late to protect him. We're just happy back then, after a month I heard that he will have a kid. His girlfriend got pregnant by him. I tried to forget him but it always enters my mind." The man said to him.

"I'm sorry." Sam said.

"Why did apologize? I'm sorry I'm the one who will apologize, I brag this story to anyone who knew it for just today." The man replied, "Good that your friend is in good condition right now. I'll leave you here now because I have appointment to catch, I hope to see you again."

"you look familiar to me but i couldn't figure it out where i seen you." sam replied and he giggled softly.

"By the way, I already paid his bill, he can go to his house without any worries, I cover his bills. He can discharge whenever he wants."

"Thank you very much again, I hope to see you again." Sam replied and he hugged the man.

"Sir? We have to go now. The time is walking, we can't waste it." His secretary told him.

"Yeah.. coming." He said to his secretary. "Take care, kid." He said to Sam and he walked away.

Sam was waving his hand as a goodbye, he looks at the room where Larry is in. "I'll come back tomorrow." He said he goes back to his dorm.

He laid on his bed and he was staring at the ceiling for about minutes, "that man was so kind but I'm curious who are the other man that above took it? Love of my life? It's a weird but it's kind a gave me some chills. But I want to know it." Sam told on himself, "Argh! I'm doing it again. I'm not reporter though." He added.

He packed his clothes in his bag and he hesitate if he will go back to larry, "Argh! Put that again. He was kicking you out of your ass, I don't know what's the problem of that jerk but he's acting weird right now." He said to himself.

He put his clothes back to the drawer, but he immediately backs it to the bag and he went to the hospital. He slowly opens the door and he checks if larry was already sleeping. He walks slowly and he put his bag on the couch gently just larry won't hear that noise and make him awake.

"Why are you here?" Larry asks him and he startled, he got muted, "um-

"I said get out of here and don't come here.. I have already forced you to go out why you still here?" Larry asks him madly.

Sam couldn't control his temper and he walk closer to him, "what's wrong with you? If you have some problem you can take that with me. Larry, we are friends. You can speak out whatever you want. I can help you." Sam said to him.

"You're doing this shit again, I don't want to be friends with you!" Larry shouts at him and he gets up, "I need you to get out from here." and Sam got startled for what larry said.

"What? You don't want to be friends with me? Larry you should tell me sooner. If you don't want to make friends with me, then sure. I'll never leave you here alone, I don't want to but you force me.. what's wrong with you?"

"Go out n... ouch!" Suddenly, Larry touches his broken arm.

Sam goes closer to him and he immediately checks it. "Give me your hand. What's wrong?" he holds larry's hand and he check it. "I don't know what's going on with you right now. If you don't want to be friends with me, I'll grant it for you, but I can't leave you tonight... you said you're afraid to ghost?" Sam said as he looks at Larry's hand.

Larry was staring at him. "You can leave now if you can." Larry replied to him and he laid down.

Sam was about to leave the room but he kept staying besides him.

A few hours Larry woke up and he saw sam was falling asleep on the couch without a blanket, he took the blanket from him and he put it on Sam's body just won't to catch the cold and he goes back to his bed while staring at sam, his tears are falling down even without reason. "He's a stubborn kid, really." He said to himself.

Suddenly someone knocked on the and it was the nurse, "sir? I'm going to change your dextrose."

"Oh, ok." He replied.

When the nurse was changing his dextrose, Larry kept staring at sam.

"He's kind a cute, he worried about you a lot, sir." The nurse said to Larry and he starting to confuse. "What do you mean?" He asks.

"He's worried all day to you, he kept walking in the middle of the hallway, kept asking me if you're going to be ok. If you're going to be stable now, If you're going to recover quickly." The nurse replied as she fixes the dextrose.

"Did he really did that?" Larry asks her again and the nurse nodded to him, "It's all done, sir. Have a good night." and she walked outside.

Larry went closer to sam and he kneeled down, "does this dork really worried about me?" He asks Himself and he pats Sam's head.

The morning came and Larry woke up and he didn't see sam, but he had seen some prepared breakfast, he went in tthe table and he takes a look on it, he sat on the sofa and he saw the message left by sam and he read it.

("Don't find me if you gets woken up, I granted your wish. I hope you will recover fast, I'm sorry that I'm always a stubborn kid and making you annoyed, I'm not going to make you mad anymore and never close to you this time. Enjoy your breakfast.)

After he read it, he felt heavy on his chest, but he ignored it, he chose not to be close anymore with sam but his mind kept telling him that he needs sam. He eats the breakfast, after an hour he got discharged.