

Samuel is a young boy that keep giving a delight for everyone, sometimes he's a naughty child but he cares for everything, especially for his love ones, he has kind heart that easily can be melted. One day he met Larry, he is a stubborn boy the troublemaker one, who always skipping the class, causing trouble and mess everyday. After he met Sam would his life could change? Develop a feeling towards each other if they still don't know what their heart says and what future they will overcome.

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49 Chs


"Who are you talking with?" Suddenly, Larry said and he startled as he turned around.

"Someone, our senior head school."

Larry goes walk and he notices sam's were still standing on the same spot.

"What are you doing?" Larry asks.

"What?" Sam replied, stammering.

Larry got confused and he ask, "What's gotten into you? Let's go inside, does your brain is floating?"

"huh? what, nothing.. lets go." he replied and they went inside to attended the class.


Philip got to struggle and he doesn't know what to do, he loses the class fund and he already messed up, he is with sam that seating at the cafeteria.

"So what you gonna do?" Sam asks him.

Philip stares at him with a puppy stare. "Can you lean me some money, this time?" He asks nicely.

"Um, maybe I-

Larry suddenly slammed the table and they startled, "that's your problem. Isn't you? so make an way for it. " Larry said and he'd voice is getting to raise up.

those students in the cafeteria startled and they were looking at them, "Hey, Larry lower your voice. " Sam said, whispering at him.

Philip stood up and he got annoyed, "What's your problem? Can you mind your own business?" yelling.

Larry got angry and he faced Philip, "why? You want trouble? You want to fight with me? Come on-

Suddenly, Philip couldn't control himself and he punch larry, Sam got shocked while larry fell on the ground, he got totally angry and he fights back phillip. Sam tried to stop them, but he got push by larry and he bumped his hips on the table.

Larry notices it that he pushes him, he immediately goes to him, "are you okay?" He asks, trembling and panicking.

Philip run from them and larry got angry at him. He helped Sam stood up and they went to clinic room.

"why did you fight him back?" Sam asks while seating on the bed.

he was still mad, "he punched me first, should I let him punch me? Hell no! Why should-

"Do you want to keep your scholar alive? "

he look at sam like a dog, "Yes, but he punches me first. "

Sam laid down and he tossed aroundr, "this is a warning for you, please don't do that anymore." Larry were just sighing in front of him, Suddenly, he's stomach was groaning like tiger, "Can you buy me some food, there? I didn't continue my food because of trouble." he said.

Larry went to the cafeteria and he buy some food, some students were looking at him and he ignored it, "why did you fight with him?" The auntie asks. "i saw it."

"He punches me first, auntie."

"Jeez, kids now days." and he was walking back to the clinic room.

When he entered the clinic room, he saw was still sleeping, he check sam from the top and he teased him, "still you are sleeping?.. come on don't play tricks, I know you're hungry-

Suddenly he tossed around and larry accidentally kisses his forehead. Sam got startled and they stay up for a second. "What do you think are you doing? " Sam asks, awkwardly.

After Larry realized it, he gets off and he sat down and he felt awkward. "I.. I thought you were sleeping, so I teased you. " he replied, "Here! Your food. " He handed it and he about to run.

"Where are you going?"

"In class." Larry replied awkwardly.

Sam got to wonder at him. "Why? You must stay here with me.. I'm alone here." he gets up.

Larry went back to sit again and he can't even looks at sam, "What? Are you scared being alone?" He asks teasingly him.

"Wow! You sure I'm the one who scared of ghost?" Sam replied to him.

"Why? There's nothing wrong with here, theres nothing ghost here." Larry replied at him.

Sam smirked that there's a plan on his mind. "There's something there!" He shouts and larry got scared, he climbed up on the bed besides sam.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

Larry looks at him and he realized that he was holding sam's arm, he went back to his chair and he sat down again, tried to be cool. "What? I'm not scared, ghost? There's no ghost here, why should I be scared of ghost? I'm a big man and can defeat them all-

"There's something moving there! " Sam yelled again and he went up again, he held sam's arm tightly. "Let's get out here, don't be kidding I'm scared. " He said as he got terrified, sam didn't controlled himself and he totally laughed loud at him.

Later on, when the class ended, larry and sam was walking into the gate and he still can't get over what happened earlier that were still laughing at him.

"Hey! Have you lost your mind?" Larry asks him.

"No, I'm just-

Sam couldn't continue his word and he just laughs.

"He totally lost his mind. " Larry said himself.

he went back to his dorm and he was still remembered earlier, he laughs again like a goat.

"its so funny, damn it. he scared of the ghost." as he laying down on his bed and slowly his eyes are closing.

Larry at his house thinking about what happened, not teasing by Sam, but that he accidentally kissed sam's forehead. He touched his lips without knowing and he released

"What are you doing, you jerk!" scolding himself. he immediately run to the bathroom and he face the mirror. "You! You must stop drinking beer." as he pointed at the mirror, he slapped and pinched his cheeks to wake up, "What's wrong with you this time?" He asks himself in the mirror again and he washed his face repeatedly. "damn it."

after he took a shower, he went to his bed and he laid down, "jeez, why that thing happened to me?" as he cover his face with the pillow.

when he goes to the kitchen to find some foods, suddenly the telephone rang and he quickly went to answer it, "Hello? Who is this?"

"This is your auntie, how are you there larry?" She ask trough the phone. he got happy after hearing her voice, "I'm fine here, by the way.. how's my mom, auntie?" He asks.

"She does fine here, I help my sister doing her knitting.. lots of people ordered some scarf from her. Not only scarf, but vase covers, cassette holder and television cover, she does it nicely and properly." His auntie replied to him, he smiled after hearing it, "I'm so glad to hear that, can I speak to my mom, auntie?" He asks her.

"Sure, hold on." She replied. "Sis, Larry wants to speak to you."

His mother took the phone and he greeted his son, "How are you son?" She said, nicely.

Larry got happiness and joy on his face after hearing his mom's voice, "I'm really doing great here.. please make your health be healthy every day mom." He replied to his mom as his smile.

"It's late now, we will go to sleep, your mom got sleepy. " his auntie said and the call ended.

"Jeez, should I sleep too? I'm tired now." He said himself.

Sam were laying down on his bed while looking at the ceiling, "Jeez, I'm tired cleaning the campus.. just sleep." he about to close his eyes, but what happened earlier suddenly entered his mind and he quickly open his eyes. "Why did Larry kiss my forehead? Or just accidental?" He asks Himself, confusedly. "Whatever, I'm tired right now.. I'm going to think-

He immediately gets up, "No way! Did he really kiss my precious forehead? " He asks himself again. He slapped his face two times and he couldn't believe it. "that damn shit."

He just screamed until all crows went out from the roof. His dorm mates startled and they went out, they immediately knock sam's door to ask what's going on.

"Hey! Sam!.. what's going on?" They ask him from outside, he went out, "nothing happened, I'm about to sleep but some bugs entered my ear." Sam replied awkwardly to them.

"Jeez, I thought something happened to you.. let's all go back, nothing happened here.. just a bug." His dorm mate said and they went back to their each room.

"Sorry for disturbing you all." Sam said as apologies.

Weekend and they don't have a class, Sam got bored on his dorm and he wants to hang out but he didn't know with whom. When he goes out of his dorm, kairo saw him. "Hey, Sam.. where are you going?" asking him."Hi, about hanging out." Sam replied to him.


"Yeah" He replied awkwardly.

Few minutes, he and Kairo went to the nearest convenience store and they have conversation to each other.

"so, what are you doing at the dormitory?" Sam asks him and he sips his drink.

"I checked every room if there's nothing happened." Kairo replied.

"Right.. you have an obligation, you have the highest rank among us." he said and kairo sigh."Sigh? Let's cheers." Sam said and he raised his can of soda.

they having fun, talking and laughing.

Larry was about to go to sam's dorm, but he saw sam and kairo having fun in the store. when he turned back and suddenly four guys blocked his way.

"Ha! Ha! Ha.. you're in under right now.. you don't have any guard today, Boys go get him!" The boss summons them to beat Larry up to death but he fights them back.

"You can't beat me!" He shouts.

The dudes beat him up that he couldn't fight back anymore, he was on the floor beating by the dudes and he can only hear yelling, "why? you want to pay me with your death?" The boss ask and he starting to laugh like an evil. "Let's go, enough for today.. let's kill him at the right time." He summons his boys.

Larry is still on the ground, bleeding his nose and head. He tried to stand up, but he can't, he tried it again by holding the wall and guide him to he walk until he gets on sam's dorm while his nose is still bleeding. He knocks the door, but no one heard him. Someone went off from their room and he said, "Samuel isn't there." He said to larry and he went back inside to his room.

when larry knows it, he just sat in front of the door while his nose was bleeding. Suddenly Sam came up and he got surprised. He immediately run to him, "What's wrong with you? What did happened? Tell me. Huh, hey! Do you heard me?" Sam asks as he trembling and panicky.

He helps Larry to stand up and they went inside of his room, he sat him down and he gets some water for larry, "drink this and tell me what did happened, tell me." Sam asks him, while they are seating on the bed. he drank the water and he put down the glass under the bed.

Suddenly, Larry laid on his shoulder and he got startled.

"It's warm." Larry said and he close his eyes. he just let larry sleep on his shoulder for a while, then he laid Larry's head on the bed.

A few hours, sam was preparing for dinner and Larry wasn't waking up yet, so he tried to wake him up. "Larry, wake up.. it's already evening." Larry woke up, scrubbing his eyes gently as he gets up, "What time is it?" He asks.

It's already 7: 00pm." Sam replied to him.

Larry was about to stand up, but sam stops him. "Where are you going? " He asks

"I'm going to home now, why? " Larry replied.

Sam sat him down and he asks, "What did happen? Who make you this? Did you get trouble again?"

"you don't need to know ab-

"who did?"

"The dudes came back and they have beaten me up. " He replied.

Sam sat down beside him, "why you go out to your house? Where did they beat you up? " Sam asks him again.

"Why would I tell you? " Larry said.

Sam got confused and he got mad at him, "What? What did you say?.. I must know that. What's wrong with you?"

"Who I am to you?.. why would I tell everything to you-

"Because we're friends. We share everything, whether it's things or problem, we're friends, right?"

Larry stood up and he walked into the door. "Friends, my ass. I'm going home now. " and he opened the door, he goes out immediately.

Sam tried to stop him, but Larry ran away quickly, he got confused that he didn't know what's larry mean.

"what's wrong on him?" asking himself. "i feel worried."

In the next morning he came to the school. he greeted him but larry just ignored him. He sat on his chair, "what's wrong on him?"

After the class, Larry was sitting in the cafeteria alone as he sips his drink. Suddenly Sam touched him and he startled. "Hey, what's gotten into you? Why have you shown that behavior again? Huh?" Sam asks him and he sat down on the chair in front of him.

"Why are you here?" Larry asks him.

"Why are you here? It's odd question." Sam said and he sipped his drink loudly.

"Hey! You don't want to stop that!?" He ask.

Sam crosses his arm and he imitated him, "Hey! You don't want to stop that!?"

Suddenly Kairo saw him at the distance and he run towards him, "hey! Samuel.. buddy, want to hang out?" He asks.

Sam got startled, Kairo holds his shoulder and larry saw it.

"Hang out? Where?.. don't you have appointments? You're not busy today?" Sam asks him.

Kairo sat besides him, "here.. drink this, it's so refreshing." as he handed the soda on sam,

Larry got annoyed and he suddenly stood up, "I'm going inside first." He said and he walk away.

Sam got confused while Kairo is talking with him, "What did you say again?" Sam asks him.

"I said when are you free?" Kairo replied.

Sam smiled at him fakely, "I'll tell you when." he

larry stop and he look back, he saw sam talking with kairo that having smile, "that sucks." and he continue to walk.

The school bell rang suddenly, "oops, I'm going inside now. Bye! See you around!" Sam said to him as he hurries go to his room.

"bye, see you around!" kairo shouts and sam wave his hands while walking faster.

When he entered the room, he saw larry was sitting on his chair. He just ignored it and he sat down on his own chair.