
Winter's Requiem

When Idrish is accused of killing an elven royal, the female hunter is forced to enter the winter arena in the king's favor. But as a commoner of Springgan, a country with a bloody history of slavery and hierarchy, can she protect the ones she loves when she can barely protect herself? *** What happens when an elf is in possession of a power that's beyond one's social standing? Idrish Aeric is living at the bottom of Springgan's strict hierarchy, barely able to scrape a living for her younger siblings through hunting and foraging. Her simple life is turned upside down when she receives a legacy from a royal elf and she has to run to protect her family. In order to escape death, she's forced to enter the elven royal family through marriage and join the winter arena in the king's favor. But in a world ruled by power and slavery, is Idrish ready to step up her game to change the system--or will she wind up dead before the requiem of the winter plays?

Ruru_Mont · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs


The tension in the room was palpable, a tightly wound thread ready to snap at any moment. I found myself trapped in a high-stakes standoff, surrounded by players each maneuvering their own chess pieces with meticulous calculation. It was a cold war of politics, a silent battle where words and actions held the power to shape destinies.

The council's motives remained shrouded in secrecy, their intentions veiled behind cryptic words and ambiguous gestures. Lady Montay's inscrutable directives added another layer of intrigue. Her whispers reached my ears like chilling winds carrying hidden messages. Each step, each decision I made could be the one that unraveled my fate or sealed my doom.

Prince Killan's presence held its own intensity, a mixture of responsibility, duty, and a vulnerability he struggled to conceal. His gaze met mine, a momentary connection charged with unspoken understanding. His clenched jaw and the sweat forming on his brow betrayed the burden he carried—the weight of his family's aspirations, his father's ambitions, and the complex web of allegiances that bound him.

I stood resolute, my mind a battleground of strategy and survival. The mold had to be shattered before it could expose the truth hidden within—the queen's power that now flowed through my veins. The council's seemingly casual remarks masked a deeper agenda, a plan that would only fully reveal itself once they had extracted what they desired—likely the release of my captives.

"The council acknowledges your courage, Princess Idrish. There's no need to further prove it," the king's voice reverberated in the room, attempting to divert attention from the crux of the matter. But the council members were not easily appeased, their skepticism hanging thick in the air.

As I approached Prince Killan, a subtle tension enveloped us. His stature seemed to diminish, his vulnerability exposed in the quiver of his voice. "How are things?" I inquired, my voice a soft undercurrent in the charged atmosphere.

His gaze swept across the room, encompassing the council, his father, until it settled on me. The tightness in his jaw and the fire in his eyes betrayed the inner turmoil he grappled with. "I've been barred from the arena. I must respect the decision—for the honor of our family."

"Is that the entire truth?" I pressed, sensing there was more beneath the surface. Killan's actions bore the weight of hidden motivations, an intricate dance of loyalty and personal agenda.

"Yes," his response was clipped, his gaze once again darting towards the council's imposing figures, then to the king, whose scrutiny felt like a physical weight on my shoulders.

"Did this arrangement stem from your own initiative, or was Princess Lanuza involved?" My question sliced through the tension, seeking to unveil the puppeteers behind the scenes.

"Princess Lanuza is not implicated in this matter. You needn't concern yourself with her," he replied, his words laced with an undercurrent of warning.

"This discussion concerns my life! I have a voice in what transpires," my retort was charged with determination, a declaration that I refused to be relegated to a pawn in this game.

"You are my wife and nothing more," his words were a sharp reminder of my status, a reminder that fueled a fire within me.

"Yes, I am your spouse—a princess of this kingdom. I bear a responsibility in every decision that shapes its fate. YOUR GRACE, I hold a stake in every choice you make," I declared, my voice carrying the weight of my defiance, my determination to be more than a passive participant in my own destiny.

"Your words, Princess Idrish—"

The tension in the room had reached a boiling point, an electric current of anticipation crackling in the air. Lady Montay's face registered both surprise and intrigue as the king voiced his agreement with my assertion. "Indeed, Princess Idrish is correct. Her voice must be heard, for she is not just a bride but the future queen of this realm. A future we must choose wisely," the king's words reverberated, acknowledging my agency in the grand scheme of things.

A wave of relief washed over me at the king's affirmation, but I remained vigilant. I continued to scan the room, my senses heightened, every movement scrutinized. The chessboard was set, and I was determined to play my pieces to victory. I could almost hear the ticking of a clock, a countdown to the moment when decisions would be irrevocably made.

"We are on the brink of sending Princess Idrish to the winter arena, Your Majesty," a council member interjected, punctuating the charged silence. "However, it is imperative that all council members are united in their support for her in the tournament. Thus, it would be fitting for Princess Idrish to prove her mettle in a display that ensures she will bring no dishonor to House Calore."

The words hung in the air, underlining the divide between those who advocated for my success and those who harbored skepticism. Master Salichi, a figure marked by a sun insignia, brought up my alignment with Lady Montay, casting a shadow of doubt over my intentions.

The king's patience wore thin, and he addressed Master Salichi directly, his voice laden with authority. "Does the decision of the full council still warrant your questioning, Master Salichi?"

As the discourse unfolded, I realized the weight of my actions lay upon me. The council's argument held a valid point – House Calore couldn't afford to send a competitor who would falter in the winter arena, especially since it was House Felun's formidable rival. The victor stood to gain not only a position of power but also the potential to govern Springgan.

Lady Montay's gaze held a calculated edge as she observed the unfolding drama. "Princess Idrish, you have an opportunity to silence their doubts," her wry comment was directed at me, an unspoken challenge in her eyes.

With every eye fixed on me, I felt the pressure building, a crescendo of expectations and apprehensions. My resolve strengthened—I had to act. The chess game was in motion, and I refused to be a passive piece. The air was charged with anticipation, as if the very fabric of reality was holding its breath.

"I have no qualms about proving myself, Your Grace," I spoke, my voice steady despite the knot of anxiety in my chest. The king's expression shifted, a mixture of relief and dread, emotions he struggled to conceal.

"So be it," his murmured response carried a weight that resonated through the room, a tacit acknowledgment of my determination.

As I moved to the center of the room, a hushed anticipation settled over the assembly. All eyes were on me, scrutinizing my every movement, evaluating the strength I possessed.

A warmth began to unfurl within me, starting from my core and spreading like wildfire. It coursed through my veins, infusing me with an otherworldly power that thrummed beneath my skin. The metal gauntlets on my hands felt heavy, like they were forged from molten determination.

The council, Prince Killan, and even the king remained oblivious to the energy swirling around me. The room was a canvas of unspoken emotions, and I was the artist, painting my destiny with calculated strokes.

In the distance, a faint clatter of metal reached my ears. It was as if the gauntlets themselves were awakening, pieces of a larger puzzle coming together. The council members continued their deliberations, their words echoing in the chamber like distant echoes.

As the intensity built within me, my fingers tingled, resonating with the power I held. The gauntlets became an extension of my will, a conduit for the force that surged through me.

My gaze was locked on Prince Killan, whose attention was divided between me and the council. The king's watchful eyes remained on the proceedings, his anxiety barely veiled.

As the tension swelled, my gauntlets drew their own metallic symphony, the clinks and clangs blending with the murmurs of the council. It was as if the metal pieces were aligning, responding to my unspoken command.

The prince's brows furrowed as he noticed the gauntlets, and I sensed his unease. My heart raced, and I knew the time for action was now. With a swift movement, I clenched my fists, the gauntlets becoming one with my purpose.

In the blink of an eye, my fists moved, striking with a speed and precision that caught everyone off guard. Prince Killan's eyes widened in shock as my blows landed on his leg with calculated force, breaking the skin and bones beneath.

A cry of pain tore from his lips, his features contorted in agony. Our connection was severed in that moment, his focus now on the searing pain radiating from his leg.

In the hall, gasps of astonishment rippled through the assembly. It was a moment of shock, disbelief, and awe. I had shattered the illusion of power that surrounded the prince, revealing his vulnerability.

Lady Montay's incredulous voice rang out, but I paid her little mind. My attention was fixed on the council members, on their stunned expressions and wide eyes.

"The council members raised a valid concern," I declared, my voice cutting through the silence. "And so I demonstrated how I could ensure victory. I immobilized the prince, a high-ranking elf, within a matter of moments. If you wish to send a contender to the winter arena, Your Grace, I have proven that I possess the strength to bring honor to House Calore."

A whirlwind of emotions churned within me – the satisfaction of proving myself, the weight of the power I wielded, and the realization that I was now fully committed to the dangerous path I had chosen. As the council members exchanged glances, I knew that my actions had forced their hands, demanding a decision.

And so, with a heart steeled for the challenges ahead, I prepared to step into the arena, ready to face whatever awaited me—be it victory or the specter of death itself.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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