
Winter's Requiem

When Idrish is accused of killing an elven royal, the female hunter is forced to enter the winter arena in the king's favor. But as a commoner of Springgan, a country with a bloody history of slavery and hierarchy, can she protect the ones she loves when she can barely protect herself? *** What happens when an elf is in possession of a power that's beyond one's social standing? Idrish Aeric is living at the bottom of Springgan's strict hierarchy, barely able to scrape a living for her younger siblings through hunting and foraging. Her simple life is turned upside down when she receives a legacy from a royal elf and she has to run to protect her family. In order to escape death, she's forced to enter the elven royal family through marriage and join the winter arena in the king's favor. But in a world ruled by power and slavery, is Idrish ready to step up her game to change the system--or will she wind up dead before the requiem of the winter plays?

Ruru_Mont · Fantasy
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45 Chs

The Ambush

The electrifying and chilling sensation courses through every nerve in my body. A mixture of ice and electric current churns in my gut, as if my body is starting to metabolize the energy it has absorbed. For several minutes, I'm almost crouched by the edge of the river, overwhelmed by this new sensation.

It takes several minutes for me to gain control over the unfamiliar force within me, until my body returns to its normal state. The sensation is both electrifying and chilling, lingering like a ball of ice and electric current in my stomach. I gradually straighten up, feeling the tingling remnants of the energy coursing through my veins. My body feels rejuvenated and empowered, yet at the same time, I'm drained from the experience.

Exhaustion is slowly taking over. I'm on the verge of collapse tonight. I'm hanging on by a thread, all but a shadow of my former self. After absorbing the energy from the soul of the black jaguar, my body is burdened with an overwhelming tiredness.

I walk uphill from the riverbed, spotting trees in the distance. I'm too fatigued to pay much attention to my surroundings, or perhaps the impending danger doesn't register due to my drowsiness. I find a large tree root to rest on, and I sit down. The scent of moss and wood fills the air as I'm gradually lulled by the gentle river current in the distance.

"Idrish..." I hear a faint whisper. I can't tell if it's part of my dream or if it's a voice echoing in the vicinity where I'm resting.

"Idrish, the new bearer of the Gauntlet of Hiems. You are destined for a greater journey. Enhance the power of Hiems and find the others... Enhance the power of Hiems and find the others..."

The words repeat, growing stronger and more insistent with time.

"Enhance the power of Hiems and find the others..."

I awaken with a start, my voice involuntarily shouting out as I realize I've been dreaming. I survey my surroundings, my breath uneven.

"What is Hiems? What's Hiems?" I repeat over and over again, trying to shake off the remnants of the dream.

The first light of dawn begins to peek over the distant Shita mountain. Slowly, the twinkling stars dissipate the morning fog. This is a new day. I need to eat and regain my strength before continuing my hunt for enhancers along the river lane.

I begin to search the area, hoping to find something edible. I make my way to the riverbank, scanning for fish, but there's no sign of any. My stomach growls, but there are no fish to be found.

I comb the riverbed, and eventually, I spot snail shells just within reach. I collect them and head toward a thicket. With the fine mulch on the ground, I rub two stones together, creating friction. As I press harder, sparks ignite and catch the mulch.

I quickly build a fire. Gathering twigs and branches, I ensure the fire stays lit until I can cook my meal. I place some stones on the fire, using them to cook the snails I've collected.

It takes a few minutes for the snails to cook. While waiting, I explore the area. There's an inviting meadow in view, lush and full of vegetation. This is where I can find potential edibles—mushrooms, wild strawberries, dandelions, carrots, parsnips, maybe even onions.

I can't afford to be hungry and weak. My sense of smell heightens in my state of desperation. My mouth practically waters as I spot an abundance of wild strawberries around me. Wild parsnips and carrots are also scattered across the meadow. I gather a handful of berries and start eating. I don't miss the chance to savor the fresh parsnips and carrots too, relishing the sweetness and earthiness.

Satiated, after consuming a mix of fresh produce, tasty snails, and mushrooms, I decide to rest for a few minutes before continuing my journey.

Since my clinker boat is beyond repair, I'll stick to the riverbanks for now. That's the plan.

I carefully gather some excess fresh carrots, berries, and herbs, bundling them in a small burlap sack before continuing on my way.

Every movement I make is cautious. Daylight might make travel easier, but it also exposes me to danger, especially considering the escalating conflict between the two camps. I need to avoid risky paths, and being exposed is just one of the many threats I'm vulnerable to right now.

I walk on a firm, grassy soil, making sure to keep my tracks hidden. I continue at a steady pace, covering several kilometers with utmost care until I can see the Senta lane ahead.

I'm halfway there and I haven't encountered any signs of an enhancer yet.

The Senta lane is more open compared to other parts of Mors. There aren't many trees here, just tall grasses and sparse plants. As I approach Senta, I hear voices from the destroyed Camp Meridio pax tower of the Senta lane. I hide in the underbrush to observe.

It seems like they're returning from the second tower and heading back to their base. Tigrani is leading the group, and there's still no sign of Brugour. Killan, masked, and Princess Lanuza, veiled, are following closely behind Tigrani. I clench my fists as I watch their group, but then I notice something.

Where's the last member? I wonder silently as I hide in the thicket. Who's the remaining member of Septen? Why haven't they shown themselves yet?

I remain as still as possible. Luckily, the sound of the river's flow is quite loud, masking the nervousness of my breath. I dare not swallow. I'm as motionless as a stone.

After a few more minutes, the enemies have passed the river lane. I wait for a long while, remaining hidden, before deciding to continue my journey. The sun is rising, and I need to hurry.

I part the tall grass and attempt to leave my hiding spot when I suddenly feel an intense heat around me. It's followed by the smell of burning grass and thick smoke enveloping the area.

I'm surrounded by fire! My mind screams. I quickly scan my surroundings and locate the source of the intense flames.

It's Killan. He's holding his wrist, which is covered in flames, and staring right at me.

I freeze for a moment, stunned by the situation. Then adrenaline kicks in, urging me to move and retreat. But it's too late for a getaway. On the other side of the circle, I see a figure of a woman with wild hair—Tigrani.

I shift my gaze to the left, searching for a route to escape. My heart races as I spot Lanuza. I feel like Brugour is on my right as well, sealing off any chance of escape.

This is an ambush!

Fear and nervousness grip me, amplified by the intense heat and smoke filling my lungs. My knees tremble uncontrollably, and a shiver runs down my spine. My heart thunders in my chest.

"Miss will be very happy. Finally, we've caught her!" I hear Tigrani say, followed by a wicked laugh.

Brugour growls loudly. My suspicions were correct. He's positioned on my right, while Killan and Lanuza are on my front and left, respectively.

"Let's feed her to the dominus. That's what we were instructed to do." Tigrani says again, clearly relishing the fact that I have no way out.

I see Killan's hesitation through his body language. The flame in his hands suddenly disappears as he processes Tigrani's words. Feed me to a dominus? I don't even know what a dominus is.

"The dominus will tear her apart." Killan speaks up, moving closer to the blazing circle of fire. I notice his repeated swallows.

"That's the plan. So she won't return to Springgan." Tigrani says, grinning mischievously as she starts to grow back her wild hair. She shoots a cunning smile and glances at me as if ready to capture me.

"Then feed her to the dominus. An unstoppable monster. The most powerful enhancer. Miss will be very pleased." Lanuza agrees from beneath her veil. My resentment toward the princess deepens. I had thought she was kind based on her actions at House Calore. I was mistaken. She's like a scorned ex-girlfriend, willing to go to any lengths to get rid of the girl who stole her love interest.

I seem to have no way out. I'm surrounded by four enemies.

How do I escape this situation?