
Winter's Requiem

When Idrish is accused of killing an elven royal, the female hunter is forced to enter the winter arena in the king's favor. But as a commoner of Springgan, a country with a bloody history of slavery and hierarchy, can she protect the ones she loves when she can barely protect herself? *** What happens when an elf is in possession of a power that's beyond one's social standing? Idrish Aeric is living at the bottom of Springgan's strict hierarchy, barely able to scrape a living for her younger siblings through hunting and foraging. Her simple life is turned upside down when she receives a legacy from a royal elf and she has to run to protect her family. In order to escape death, she's forced to enter the elven royal family through marriage and join the winter arena in the king's favor. But in a world ruled by power and slavery, is Idrish ready to step up her game to change the system--or will she wind up dead before the requiem of the winter plays?

Ruru_Mont · Fantasy
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45 Chs


In the midst of an enchanted world, I found myself standing within a wagon wrought from the finest mystical components. The very spokes of its wheels were adorned with bands of enchanted iron, pulsating with a faint otherworldly glow. A masterpiece conjured by the mansion's most revered magicians, the wagon materialized from the freshly harvested heart of a redwood, its essence singing with the life force of the forest.

A sense of wonder filled the air as we departed from the mansion's courtyard, the mule's bray resonating with the magic of departure. My gaze lingered on the imposing Calore family stronghold, a bastion of power that held within it the memories of King Argus' reign, his court, and the diligent maidens and butlers who had been my steadfast companions during these fleeting days.

"Embrace the moment, Idrish," I heeded the counsel of Killan, the captivating figure at my side, resplendent in a regal blue attire that accentuated his allure. His eyes sparkled like the stars that watched over our journey.

As the wagon ventured forth, a chorus of emotions swirled within me, a blend of amazement and astonishment. Beyond the walls of the mansion, the elves of House Calore awaited, their cries of greeting crescendoing as we drew near. Innocent children danced on the sidelines, waving ethereal blue and white flags adorned with the emblem of the Calore lineage. The thoroughfare was lined with women who showered fragrant blossoms, imbuing the air with a heady mix of floral enchantment.

"Opele, Nore, and Alkar," the multitude chanted in unison, their voices echoing the triumphant proclamation of 'house, people, honor,' a harmonious symphony of strength and fervor.

In harmony with the royal family, my hand painted arcs of connection through the air, a dance of farewell and unity. My concealed countenance betrayed none of the emotions surging within me, yet even behind the mask, my lips curved into a triumphant smile. The outpouring of camaraderie from strangers touched my very core, an inexplicable connection forged in the crucible of this moment. "Opele. Nore. Alkar." The words reverberated through my spirit, painting the world with an aura of jubilation that seemed to anticipate the grandeur of what lay ahead. My chest swelled with a sense of profound belonging.

In the midst of this exultant procession, Killan, his gaze ever fixed on the residents of the seventh district, directed a fleeting glance my way. Despite the distance traveled, the silhouette of the Calore stronghold still lingered, a beacon of shared history and promise. Elves, a steadfast testament to tradition, continued to dot the roadside, their presence unwavering.

It was not mere tradition; it was a binding ritual, a transformative moment etched in the tapestry of the seventh continent's destiny. The seventh district, blessed by my valor, now stood poised to ascend to unparalleled prominence. The city and its inhabitants, bathed in this newfound potential, were destined for a brighter future.

Amidst the rhythmic progress of the carriage, Killan's gentle touch graced my back, a reminder that action awaited. I turned to him, attuned to the subtle cues that guided our journey.

"Yonder, on the right," his words reached me like a whisper carried by the wind. Almost imperceptible, yet intricately woven into the fabric of our shared purpose.

Without conscious thought, I comprehended his intent. A swift glance to my right revealed no overt spectacle, yet as Killan signaled, the pace of the mule-drawn wagon gradually lessened.

It had been the prince's pledge, a promise to allow me a final encounter with my siblings. Thus, as my gaze traversed the assembly, a sense of anticipation enveloped me. And then, amidst the throng, there they were – Cali leading the way, my younger brother Poras trailing, both bearing the unmistakable marks of Killan's benevolence.

Cali's attire exuded elegance, a testament to the abundance she now enjoyed. Poras, exuding confidence, wore garments that spoke of newfound sophistication. Their very countenances bore witness to a transformation, a metamorphosis beyond the surface, a manifestation of the care they had been bestowed. My heart swelled, tears of gratitude and bittersweetness brimming at the corners of my eyes.

As the chant of the seventh region's motto echoed, Poras waved in rhythm, the words 'Opel. Nope. Alkar' a mantra that transcended mere sound, encapsulating our shared bond. I reciprocated the gesture, my hand carving arcs of acknowledgment through the air. A final glance imprinted their images in my memory – Cali's ethereal grace, Poras' inherited handsomeness that mirrored my father's lineage, their features resolute and yet tender, resonating with the journey that had led us here.

"Perhaps fate shall reunite us," I whispered to the breeze, my words a reverent invocation as the carriage continued its passage. A pang of longing settled, a lump of emotion that had taken residence in my throat. The ache of impending separation gripped me, tears trickling unbidden.

As the distance between us grew, the weight of our parting descended upon me, manifesting as a heaviness that anchored me to the moment. Indeed, this was our inevitable divergence – a solitary entry into the crucible of the arena, where the prospect of triumph walked hand in hand with the specter of death.

In a bid to steady my quivering spirit, I inhaled deeply, the very air a concoction of anticipation and trepidation. The sensation of suffocation hovered, a spectral presence that whispered of the journey's gravity. My knees, usually resolute, threatened to buckle, and it was only through Killan's swift intervention that I remained upright, his warmth melding with mine in an unexpected embrace.

"Amidst the farewell rites, a fallen warrior is an unwelcome sight," his words, gentle as a sigh, brushed against my ear, each syllable igniting a trail of fire within. "Cali, Poras – their hearts beat in tandem with yours. What you embark upon is a testament to their future, to the seventh's destiny."

A soft wail escaped my lips, the sound muffled by my attempts to contain the sob that threatened to erupt. "I know, I know… The bond with those two is unbreakable. But, oh, the ache is profound."

Killan's assurance flowed, a soothing balm for my turbulent emotions. "I shall not abandon them. Their presence has woven its way into my heart as well. Cali's radiance, Poras' spirited determination – they are kin to me now. Fear not, Idrish. Their life shall flourish under my vigilance, even as you traverse your path."

A tear escaped my control, glistening in the sunlight, a testament to the depth of my feelings. "My gratitude knows no bounds."

"I pledge to uphold my word," his voice held an unwavering commitment, his gaze a testament to sincerity. A promise kept, a responsibility embraced. "As long as breath animates me, they shall know comfort and care."

My gaze locked onto his, the intensity of our connection an unspoken affirmation. With sincerity and solemnity, I pressed my left palm to his, a fleeting touch that ignited a cascade of sensations, an electric charge that resonated between us.

He flinched, a reaction so subtle yet profound, an acknowledgment of the raw current that pulsed through us. His lips parted, his breath warm against my ear as he spoke with a fervor that belied his stoic demeanor. "For your happiness, my princess."

The declaration hung in the air, its complexity a blend of reverence and regret. A sense of longing bloomed within, the knowledge that in the midst of his benevolence, our destinies remained intertwined yet estranged.

Were we, then, mere players in the grand tapestry of fate, our love a tale woven by celestial hands, or were our paths predetermined, destined to intersect and diverge in a dance of chance and consequence?

The carriage continued its journey, the landscapes transforming as we approached the Fen, an entrance to the mystical unknown that awaited. Fens, scattered like jewels throughout the realm, beckoned to us, each promising its own trials. The significance of our journey was not lost upon me – ten warriors entering the Mors forest through ten Fens, a convergence of destinies.

The Fen tunnel loomed before us, a portal to the battlefield, its architecture an embodiment of ancient enchantment. A door curved and weathered, bricks etched with the passage of time, adorned with ivy that seemed to whisper of secrets long guarded. A radiant frame enveloped the entrance, its luminescence casting a silvery mist that shrouded the threshold.

Nostalgia tugged at my heartstrings, a longing for the familiar that now mingled with the unknown that awaited beyond. The pang of homesickness gnawed at me, its weight accentuating the profoundness of our departure. A sigh, laden with sorrow, escaped me – the Fen beckoned, and with it came the recognition that my world was about to expand, yet also to fragment.

In the shadow of the Fen, the realization struck me anew – once I traversed its threshold, the life I had known might become a distant echo, a memory fading into the horizon. The ache of impending separation threatened to consume me, yet I stood resolute, my feet anchored to the cusp of transformation.

A rustling, sudden and startling, cut through the air, the prelude to Killan's swift attention. He grasped the essence of my turmoil, his voice a steady reassurance that wove through the currents of my anxiety. "Fear not, Idrish. Your strength is unwavering. In your grasp lies the reins of destiny. You shall emerge victorious."

Understanding his words, despite my inner turmoil, proved challenging. Stepping beyond the boundary of the carriage, my gaze met his unyielding one. His mask discarded, he stood a pillar of unwavering support. "Embrace this truth, Idrish. You are not alone."

With a gesture swift and sincere, he cradled my form, his embrace igniting warmth that spread like wildfire through my veins. A parting touch, a final connection, our bodies melded for an instant that transcended the finite nature of time. In that moment, I felt seen, understood, cherished.

And then, as the universe dictated, our worlds cleaved apart.

He was the first to tread the path of departure, his presence an anchor to my journey's inception. He watched me descend, his gaze a tapestry of emotion – a smile that mirrored the constellations, yet whose light did not quite reach his eyes. "Perhaps, in another time, our paths shall cross once more, Idrish."

The bittersweetness of the moment enveloped me, a torrent of emotion that surged like a river unleashed. My heart ached, a tumultuous whirlwind of pain, anticipation, and resolve. This parting was inexorable, the sacrifice entwined with the destiny of the seventh, with the futures of Cali, Poras, and with Killan's promise.

"Guard over them, please," my voice quivered, an earnest plea that carried the weight of responsibility and longing.

"I shall," he pledged, his visage a mosaic of feelings – sorrow, devotion, and a steadfast commitment.

"Prince Killan, I am indebted. May our paths intersect again." My farewell was imbued with the reverence and respect due to one who had altered my course. A bow, a gesture that held within it my gratitude and the unspoken hope of a future encounter.

Driven by purpose, I hastened toward the Fen, the boundary between known and unknown. Suddenly, a blossoming of vines erupted, a flurry of buds and blooms, the verdant life a whispered farewell and an invocation of success. The Seventh Fen, a sentinel of this enchanted realm, whispered its benedictions upon my journey.

With determined steps, I faced Killan once more, a fleeting pivot that etched his countenance into my memory. His grin, a beacon of encouragement, was etched upon my heart. And then, as I approached the precipice of transformation, I turned, my fist clenched in a gesture that embodied my resolve.

As I stepped through the portal, light erupted, brilliance flooding the world around me. The sensation was one of being drawn into a realm beyond, a threshold crossed with conviction. Solid brick transformed into ephemeral luminescence, silver mist enshrouding my form.

In that fleeting moment, the weight of realization settled – there was no retreat, no looking back.

This, then, was the final chapter, the culmination of every choice made, every step taken. And as I embarked upon this inexorable path, my heart echoed with the refrain – this, indeed, was the last straw, the point of no return.