
Winter's Promise

In the turbulent wake of Robert's Rebellion, Eddard Stark faces the stark realities of his altered friendship with the newly crowned King Robert and the grim repercussions of war. Determined to uphold his vow to his dying sister, Lyanna, he encounters the formidable Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy, culminating in a harrowing battle. In the tower's aftermath, Ned discovers Lyanna in her final moments, post-childbirth, and she entrusts him with her newborn son, Jon—secretly the legitimate heir of Lyanna and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. As Ned navigates the intricacies of duty versus love, he strategically builds alliances to secure Jon’s future, understanding that the bonds of family and loyalty transcend the rigid demands of honor. Immerse yourself in the spellbinding world of "Winter's Promise"! Experience the story interactively and get exclusive early access to advance chapters at [patreon.com/AlexanderBlackfyre](https://www.patreon.com/AlexanderBlackfyre). Join the adventure and help shape the saga as it unfolds!

AlexanderBlackfyre · Book&Literature
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33 Chs

Chapter 3: Uneasy Rests the Wolf

4th Month of 284 A.C. Winterfell

Lord Eddard Stark

It still felt strange, knowing he was sat where he had seen his father sit many times before, it was strange knowing he was married to the woman who had been sworn to Brandon, from the time they were all young. It was all very strange to Ned, the second born son, the son who had been left in the dark on so many things. Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, all of these titles had been given to him by Robert, his friend, and his friend who he was not sure he knew anymore. Robert, who had roared at him when the bodies of Rhaenys and the babe called Aegon had been presented before them all. Robert who had laughed when Ned had talked about exiling the Kingslayer. Robert, the man who he had drunk with, who he had fought beside during the rebellion. Far too many conflicting feelings were associated with Robert, Ned had not gone to his friend's wedding, had not sent a letter congratulating him on his wife's pregnancy. He felt resentful, and confused. Gods he did not know what to feel about his friend, or about Jon Arryn. Too much had happened for him to just shut them out of his life, and yet he needed to protect his nephew, he needed to protect the rightful king, and do what? He did not know.

And now, well now there was more he needed to think about. He was a husband, and his wife was delightful, they were still coming to know one another, but he liked her, Catelyn, or Cat as she insisted on being called, they were friends if nothing more. And that she was with child, was something that he was happy with. Their son Robb was such a joy, nearly a year old and so full of energy. He reminded Ned more of what Benjen had been like as a babe so full of energy and mischief. Benjen, his brother, the revelations that Benjen had given him about Lyanna and their father and Maester Walys, they haunted him now. He found it difficult to go to sleep sometimes, he wondered how father could have been so blind as to not see that there was something wrong. Ned swore to himself every night that he would never allow something like that to happen under him. He had kept an eye on Luwin, since the man had come with them to Winterfell, and so far the man seemed decent, yet Benjen remained aloof from him, and that was going to be an issue soon enough. Ned was not willing to force the issue, not yet anyway. There were more important things to deal with.

"There has been word from King's Landing." Ned begins. The attention of those in the room is now firmly on him, Catelyn sitting next to him, Benjen sat opposite him, Maester Luwin who had given him the letters standing by his side, and then Ser Arthur, the silent knight, dressed in grey, standing in the shadows. "It seems that Stannis Baratheon failed in his task to capture Prince Viserys and Princess Daenerys. They escaped thanks to Ser Willam Darry and some of the members of the garrison. And it seems Stannis arrived just as their ship was escaping. Though the royal fleet that was docked at Dragonstone was damaged in the storm that wracked the island."

There is a moment's silence and then Catelyn says. "That is most fortunate news indeed. Without them in his grasp, King Robert must now remain vigilant toward their threat. Perhaps he will not look northward too often?"

Ned looks at his wife and responds. "We can only hope. He has not sent a raven since the day word came of his wife's being with child. One must think that he is busy with the affairs of the realm. And with Stannis having failed in gathering the last two Targaryens that the realm as a whole knows about, it would seem his attention will be focussed there."

"Why do you think Stannis failed to capture them my lord?" his wife asks. "From what you have told me of the man, it does not seem as if he would just give up on capturing them. And from the description given within the letter that sounds like what happened it makes little sense to me."

"It is possible that he might well have decided that the risk in trying to storm a fortress that until the moment the Prince and Princess left the fortress with Ser Willam, Stannis Baratheon might well have decided that he did not wish to sacrifice life. After all his task was to get the prince and the Queen Dowager, not to expend any other life." Maester Luwin says.

Ned considers this but before he can respond, his wife speaks. "That might be, but my lord, did you not say that there were remnants of what looked like Targaryen banners flying in Storm's End when you went to lift the siege?"

Ned closes his eyes, the memory of that unpleasantness floats before him. He takes a breath and then says. "Yes, there were. I did not think much of it, but then Stannis spoke of the difficult choice he had made in the rebellion, and how it weighed on him."

"How could such a choice have weighed on him? If it was between his brother and the mad king? Surely the decision would have been an easy one to make?" his wife asks.

Ned looks at his wife, and then sighing says. "There were things that happened in the months following King Aerys declaration that might well have made things harder for Stannis. I remember Robert telling me during the war, that Aerys had considered naming Stannis hand of the king. Had in fact offered him a position in King's Landing before Prince Rhaegar took Lyanna."

Ned sees Arthur shift then, and can feel his tension. "What did he say?" Catelyn asks. "How did he respond?"

Ned looks at his wife then and says very softly. "He refused."

"He refused?" his wife asks surprised. "Why did he refuse? Surely he could have ended the rebellion in one fell swoop had he gone and accepted the offer."

Ned sighs once more and responds. "He refused because he did not want to betray his brother. If there is one thing that is bound to get Stannis Baratheon in trouble, it is his adherence to law and duty. When the two conflict he is stuck, and I think that is what happened here."

Benjen speaks then. "You think he got torn between his old oaths and his loyalty to his brother? And you think that he allowed the Targaryens to escape? Why? Why would he take such a risk?"

Ned looks at his brother and says. "Because, Stannis Baratheon, I think does not share his brother's hatred for the Targaryens. If the opportunity had presented itself for them to be taken in a clean manner, I think he would have done so. If they had been older, I think he would have done so. But, because they were a child and a babe, he let them go. And I think he will suffer for that."

"You think Robert will punish him for not capturing the Targaryens?" Benjen asks surprised.

"I do not think Robert will suspect his brother, but he will not be happy with the fact that they got away. Something about Targaryens and Robert Baratheon does not sit well together. It is as if he turns into another person when they are mentioned." Ned says unhappily.

"It could be because of the rebellion, my lord." Maester Luwin says.

"What do you mean?" Ned asks.

"I mean that, seeing as he fought the entire of the rebellion believing that the Targaryens most especially Prince Rhaegar and King Aerys were in the wrong, that that belief became ingrained within him. It fed him, it made him sleep at night. That hatred is what makes him continue to breath, and as such to let go of that hatred might well make him become something less than what he already is. He is scared of letting go, and now it is dictating his actions." Maester Luwin responds.

Ned ponders this for a moment and then asks. "Do you think this hatred will subside with time or will it continue to grow?"

The maester looks at him then and sighs. "I do not know my lord. From how you have described him, it seems as if he will only continue to hate the Targaryens. And now that there are two somewhere far from his direct reach, I think fear will give way to outright hatred, and it will consume him."

Ned feels a deep sadness roll through him then. As if sensing his sadness, his wife takes his hand and squeezes, he looks at her gratefully and then speaks. "So then, Robert might well be lost to us. A shame, in that. But that is not the only thing we must needs consider now. There are two Targaryens out there somewhere, we must decide whether to bring them to safety or not."

There is a long silence, and then Catelyn speaks. "I think we must keep them at a distance my lord. It is one thing to have the true heir to the throne here, another if we bring the two recognised heirs to the north. Doing that would raise suspicion."

Ned looks at his brother, and Benjen says. "I think Lady Catelyn is right. We cannot risk drawing more attention to the north. Already the king is not on good terms with you brother, we must make sure that they are well provided for, but bringing them here, is not a good thing."

Ned considers this and then wonders. "Where will they go? Braavos will look toward remaining with Robert and the throne, hoping to take use of the new king. Lys, Myr and Tyrosh will ignore them I think, considering the bad blood between those three cities and the Targaryens. Volantis might well accept them, considering they are related. But then there are other cities that might be of use. Pentos might be something of use, though there is also Lorath."

There is a long moment of silence then as they all consider the options before them, and then Ser Arthur speaks, his voice low. "They will go to Braavos. Ser Willam has a house there that he has taken on payment from the Targaryens. They will go there until such time as the wind has blown over."

"That is far too dangerous." Ned says. "Braavos will begin looking toward getting to be good with Robert and his regime. They must not go there, otherwise they are done for."

"Where do you suggest they go then my lord?" Maester Luwin asks.

Ned considers this and then says. "We have allies within Lorath, there is a branch of the family there, that might well come of use here."

Benjen speaks then. "Is that wise brother? The Starks of Lorath are known for their cunning and their ability to lie through any type of situation. Father always advised against dealing with them if one could help it."

Ned stares at his brother and says. "Father also said to know what is happening within your own house, and yet he did not. I will make these decisions for the future of the family based on my own interactions with them. Furthermore, it is important that we begin developing relationships with the free cities independently of the Iron Throne. For too long has the north remained isolated from the trade available to us. That changes now."

On that note, Maester Luwin begins speaking. "With that in mind my lord, word has come from Lords Manderly and Tallhart with regards to the canal. It seems that progress is going well for the canal, the war might have hampered some of the development of the canal, but the labour has begun developing once more. It is within a five or six years of completion."

Ned considers this, he knows his father had ordered the construction of the canal some four years ago, and had the war not happened perhaps it would be finished by now. Still, this is good progress. "Good, very good. When the canal is done, we shall have greater access to trade from the free cities, as well as from Westeros itself. Now tell me maester, how goes the deals with the free cities?"

The maester is silent a moment and then responds. "They are going well my lord. Pentos has agreed to favourable trade terms, and once the canal is done they promise to become the first city to begin trading with us. As for Lys, Myr and Tyrosh they are hesitating for now, though should one make their move, I think the others will follow suit."

Ned nods at this. "Naturally, Lorath shall be aligned with us soon enough. We have always traditionally had good relations with them." he pauses then and then looks at his brother. "When the time is right, you shall travel to Lorath and begin negotiations with their chief magisters."

"Me…" his brother stammers in response. "Why?"

"Because, you have a way with words brother. A way with words that might well make them consider our offer more favourably." Ned says.

Benjen looks at them somewhat worriedly. "And what is this offer brother?"

"An old offer. We shall trade with them, and in return they shall pay an old debt they owe us." Ned responds.

"What debt?" his brother asks.

"Some of our family shall come home. The black wolves will be returning." Ned says.

"The black wolves?" his wife asks. "Who are the black wolves?"

Ned sighs then and looks at his wife. "They are the descendants of my great uncle, Errold Stark. He was a man with a very colourful reputation, he was exiled to Lorath for some amount of time. His family are some of the best fighters and best agents within the known world. It is time they were brought home."

"Are you sure that is a good idea brother?" Benjen asks. "They are known to be quite fickle and slippery, there was a reason they've never been brought back home before."

Ned looks at his brother and says. "It is time for them to come home. No more will they be cast out. And you shall be there to bring them home."

His brother sighs then and responds. "Very well then brother."

With that Ned rises and says. "If there is nothing else for us to discuss, this meeting is at an end." He takes his wife's hand then and walks out of the solar, Ser Arthur trailing behind them. He has only one destination in mind right now, and that is the nursery. As he walks with his wife, he whispers. "You are well my lady?"

"Yes my lord, I am well. Why do you ask?" his wife asks.

Ned looks at her then and says. "I know that this is a lot to take in my lady. And I do not want you to be overwhelmed by anything that we discuss. And I know that this is all quite worrying for us, with Robert being needing to sate his revenge."

His wife merely smiles. "I know my lord, I am well I promise. Should something happen that I do not find comfortable I will say."

"Good my lady." Ned responds. They walk in silence the rest of the way to the nursery, and upon entering, Ser Arthur stands guard at the entrance, Ned and his wife walk in, and look at the two boys who are fast asleep in cradles next to one another. Ned looks at his wife and smiles at the smile on his wife's face. He then looks at the babes in their cradles, his son Robb is sleeping peacefully, a thumb in his mouth, and his auburn hair is growing more and more with each passing day. Ned feels such love flowing for his son that he feels as if he might burst. He then looks at his nephew, Jon, the boy who will have much to shoulder when he is a man. His nephew has developing dark hair with little threads of silver running through his hair. Ned worries at this, it might well give him away when Varys begins looking into the tower, if he has not already.

As if sensing his thoughts, his wife looks at him and asks. "What will you do about those who might consider turning traitor?"

Ned looks at his wife then and says. "I will figure out who they are first, and then I shall make it so that they do not consider turning traitor."

"How will you do that my lord?" his wife asks.

Ned looks at his wife and sighs. "I do not know, but I learned one thing from the war, is that men will do anything if you pay them enough. I think the time might come that money might well need to change hands. I do not approve of this, and I do not want to do that, but it might have to be done."

His wife takes his hand then and asks softly. "And what of Varys? The master of whispers is known for his little birds, how will you make sure that he does not come to know of Jon?"

"I will find out where his little birds are, and I will kill them. That is the reason why I have asked for the black wolves to come home. I need their experience, in such matters. I do not want to be unprepared for when the storm comes." Ned says.

A sound in one of the cradles draws their attention and Ned looks as his nephew opens his eyes, he feels something catch in his throat when he looks into his nephew's eyes, for one is grey, and another is violet.

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