
chapter 3 a strange visitor

Eve wakes up surprisingly not feeling hungover.

So she goes and changes.

She heads into the kitchen where Celia walks in and asks "How are you feeling Eve?"

Eve replies "Good, actually."

Celia asks "Not at all hungover?"

Eve replies, "Nope, and it's my fault I got drunk mom. Uncle Freddy paid, is all he did." Eve mutters "Though we almost had a drinking contest."

Celia says "A WHAT?!"

Eve replies "An eating contest." Eve mumbles "Yeah... eating."

Celia says "He never listens! That man acts like he's still an adolescent!"

Eve replies "Nah, he's just fun."

Celia says "Are you saying we're not fun?"

Eve replies "Usually yeah, but I still love you both, you're my parents."

Celia sighs and says "Well, tonight I need you to go into the forest and pick some moon berries and lunar mushrooms."

Eve asks "Why not now?"

Celia replies "Because moon berries are only visible during the night and on full moons. Plus there are many other items that need to be collected today upon the Chief's request."

Eve sighs "All alright, fine."

Celia says "Good, it's a large list."

Eve is given a list and says "One of the most boring jobs there are but ok."

Celia says "Well, not everything can be fun Eve, that's just how it works."

Eve says "Yeah, unfortunately."

Celia says "You can begin whenever you please." Celia adds "Because this is such an easy task you will be alone for it."

Eve sighs looking at the list once more saying " Alright see you later." She rolls her eyes saying, "Gotta do the most boring mission and collect items." Eve heads out into the forest and begrudgingly searches for the items on the list. Eventually, it gets dark out and the moon full. Eve finds the area that moon berries usually grow.

Eve sighs as she finds none as if they've all been picked and says, "Well that's great, I'll have to go further into the woods." Eve puts her hand on her holster to check if her dagger was still there to be on the safe side and luckily it is, so Eve breathes a sigh of relief.

Eve continues through the forest in search of moon berries and lunar mushrooms. Eventually finding a lunar mushroom patch she puts several in a basket and after collecting the lunar mushrooms she goes looking for the moon berries. After a long while, she finds them. Hurriedly picks the bright blue glowing moon berries sensing someone's presence and wanting to avoid a fight all of a sudden Eve hears growling behind her placing her hand on the sheath of her dagger a wolf then shows up in her face growling Eve thinks "only one? Wolves go around in packs unless..." The silvery wolf continues growling in her face the wolf looks at her eyes then her necklace Eve pulls out her dagger so the wolf Yelps turning around leaving. Eve mutters a hand on her dagger "glad I had this with me"

Eve mutters "strange....that wolf has the same eye colour as me, that's strange" Eve shrugs it off anyway. Eve heads back to the village and brings the items to Celia who says "thank you, job well done Eve, now go bring these to the chief and report your mission status" Celia gives her some of the things Eve picked and so Eve nods.

She heads out to the chief's building and drops the things in front of him reporting her mission success to him

He says "very well done, in no time you'll be the best of the best"

Eve says "thanks, but when can I have a REAL mission that is actually challenging?"

The chief replies "soon, soon patience is key and is a very important Virtue for everything some missions require extreme patience Eve sighs and rolls her eyes "so im told"

The chief clears his throat as a warning of her attitude Eve realizes and says "um, sorry sir" the chief replies "that's better, you may go" he gestures to the door.

Eve takes her to leave and heads home.

Eve goes to her room and digs through her room looking for her parent's journal that she stole from the Chief one time while there, she eventually finds it but finds several pages torn out from a long time ago Eve sighs and mutters "well that's great those are probably some of the most important one's."

Eve huffs "well maybe the other pages will have some information, something to answer all these strange experiences I've been having, like a wolf with the same eye colour as me, faster reflexes than even normally."

Eve sighs and thinks "and I get the feeling these items from Mom and Dad have something special behind them, but I dont know what."

Eve Looks through the journal only to find nothing except for a slight mention of superstitious full moon stuff but can't even read the whole entry.

Eve sighs and goes to find Celia she walks around only to not find her so she sighs and goes for a stroll around town in hopes it'll clear her mind she eventually finds flint and says "where are my parents?" Flint replies "they went out"

Eve asks "for what?"

Flint says "go hunting for boar and such for the village food storage, it was running low and a storm is supposed to come soon."

Eve says "oh, I see well then..." Eve heads home and decides to go to bed.

.....a few hours later...

Eve wakes up hearing scratching on the window she sees a wolf with purple eyes like the one from earlier and that it's still dark outside she ignores the wolf but the wolf just becomes louder with its scratching.

Eve huffs so she opens the window and says "get lost mutt" she shuts it

The wolf then writes in the snow "follow" Eve opens the window and says "now, why would I do that?" The wolf writes in the snow "answers" Eve sighs and says "Fine. Let me get changed" she pulls down the blinds and gets changed into warm clothes and puts on her cloak.

(Cloak looks like the photo below)

Eve takes her silver knife with putting it in her thigh holster and straps her crossbow to her back before leaving, after that, she heads out through the window in case Celia and Harold are back and shuts it behind covering her footprints.

She follows the wolf through the woods careful to hide herself in case someone else is out in the woods as unlikely as it may be eventually Eve is taken into a village of some kind.

The wolf shifts into a human man with ashy charcoal hair with silver highlight almost white which is very similar to Eve's own hair colour.

Eve says "wait, werewolves actually exist?" The guy says "of course we do, Vampires do why wouldn't we?"

Eve shrugs "there just hasn't been alot of mention of werewolves ever, who are you even?"

The guy replies "oh, right pardon my rudeness, the Name's Cedric star"

Eve says "oh, well im E-"

he cuts her off and says sounding pretty chipper "Eve Warren, I know"

Eve says "how do you know that?"

He replies "why wouldn't I know?"

Eve replies "because I've only ever met you now."

Cedric says "you really remember nothing do you?"

Eve asks "what am I supposed to remember?"

Cedric says "nothing, it makes sense as to why you wouldn't remember."

Eve rolls her eyes realizing that at this point he won't tell her Eve asks "why'd you take me here anyway?"

Cedric says "you should know why, I'm sure you've noticed the changes by now"

Eve glares "No, I dont know why or I WOULDN'T BE ASKING!" She suddenly growls "tell me before I plunge my silver dagger through your throat!"

She pulls out her silver dagger and points it at his throat

She growls like a wolf glaring at him "you said you would give me answers, so GIVE ME ANSWERS!"

Cedric says "geez, you're a hothead"

Eve continues pointing the Silver dagger at Cedric's throat an elderly man walks over and says "Cedric, leave the poor girl alone, she's probably scared half out of her wits"

Cedric says "she's not trust me she isnt," the Elderly man says "no, she is but she's like you know who and becomes angry when scared, just leave her be."

The Elderly man says "please lower the knife from my Kin's throat"

Eve says "it's not a knife"

The Elderly man says "whatever it may be please lower it"

Eve flips it and puts it back in its holster.

The Elderly man says "I am minobo star but you can call me Pappy though"

Eve says "I'm Eve Warren and I came here for answers"

Minobo says "come this way child"

Eve nods and follows

Minobo takes Eve to a large tent that's more like a house and she goes in Cedric follows along.

Minobo says "have a seat"

She sits on a cushion along with Cedric and Minobo in some kind of special spots of their own.

Minobo says "strange things have been happening to you haven't they?" Eve nods Minobo says "well my child that is because you are one of us"

Eve lifts a brow not buying it for a second "a werewolf?"

Minobo says "yes"

Eve rolls her eyes "Im not buying it, minobo sir"

He says "Pappy, please just call me pappy"

Eve sighs "fine 'Pappy' I dont believe you for a second"

Pappy says "I figured as much, take off the necklace"

Eve says "what?! why?!"

Pappy says "just do it"

Eve says "no, never, it was my mother,'s and I was told to never take it off"

Pappy says "I know" He pauses "Cedric"

Cedric nods he takes it off of Eve and Eve says "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Pappy then says "showing you it's true" Eve starts changing form and says freaking out "What's happening?! Please give me my amulet back!"

Pappy hands it back and she puts it on she sighs in relief as it stops and she goes back to normal

Pappy says "that, child is what we call shifting, only Werewolves can do that"

Eve says "alright I believe you, but why does he look similar to me?"

Pappy replies "well, really that's a long story but to put it simply...."

To be continued....