
Winter's Amnesia

"I was found in the woods, blood on my face and with no memories of my past except my name. You are telling me not to worry?!" ... What if a forgotten past was affecting a mysterious, dangerous future? What happened back then, that was affecting life or death now? Will choosing love help a broken soul? Or destroy it further? Come follow Rose in a journey where she finds that maybe her past was better forgotten, and the more she finds out the more mysteries are being made. If you like mystery,thriller, betrayal and romance this book might just be for you ... ... Everything in this novel is pure fiction. Plagiarism will not be allowed. This is my original work, so if you find it anywhere else please inform me. None of the content in this novel maybe be used for any other works.

Alex_06 · Urban
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Chapter 1 - Who am I?

I felt frigid and senseless. My head was throbbing with unbearable pain, but the cold numbed a bit of it. I couldn't move my limbs. I just stayed there, unmoving, trying to concentrate on only inhaling and exhaling. Trying to stay conscious.

After some time, I decided to try and sit upright. With my eyes shut, I started to move upwards, ignoring the protests of my body. As I moved, I felt something delicate and cold move beneath my body. It felt like snow. I sat there for a few more seconds, trying to get rid of the dizziness that clouded my brain.

Slowly and cautiously I opened my eyes.

My eyes were fulfilled with an extraordinary landscape. Far away snowcapped mountains went aimlessly high and wide. Behind me a forest lied, stretching as far as the eye could see coating smaller mountains with a dark, green blanket. Further down below me was a small village with lights faintly twinkling in the dark. The sky was beautifully plastered with stars, with no moon in presence.

As I was admiring the view, my head was swivelling with questions. Where am l? Why am I here? Why was I laying in the snow? As I was trying to find explanations to my questions, a slow realization came to mind... I don't remember anything... Who am I?! Where do I come from?! Why can't I recall anything?! What is my name?!

My brain was a hurricane of thoughts and questions, the cold not numbing the ongoing headache anymore. I tried to calm down. I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth. I did that for a few minutes, trying to sort out my emotions.

Once I calmed down, I decided to study the surrounding areas. By doing this, I might find something that can tell me about myself. I stood up. Once I was stable, I started to walk around in the deep snow. There was not much around me. I found a black coat, which I quickly shrugged on before I got frostbite.

I walked a bit further up behind me towards the forest edge. There I saw a small brown leather backpack. I picked it up and zipped it open, studying the contents inside. There was a green wool sweater, a bottle of cold water and a packet of some type of jelly candy. I removed my coat and put on the sweater and shrugged the coat on again, hoping for better warmth insulation.

I opened the water bottle, a took a few sips. It felt refreshing drinking the cool water and the headache started to ease up a bit after I ate a few of the jelly candies. I put the remaining things back in the backpack and slid them on my left shoulder. What was I supposed to do now?

I thought the best option would be to go down to the village and hope that they would be able to help me. It was quite a distance, so I needed to move fast. As I started walking towards the village I heard something shuffle on my right in the forest.

"H-hello... I-is anyone there?" My voice was shaky with fear and my legs were trembling. It was silent for a moment and then I heard loud footsteps running in my direction. Without a thought, I started backing away fast, in the opposite direction where the noise was coming from.

Trees blurred past me as I ran deeper into the forest. A foolish mistake but my instincts told me to move away. I could still hear the thunderous footsteps that were following, encouraging me to run even faster. It was difficult because of the deep snowfall. All of a sudden a voice said out of breath," Stop! I'm not going to hurt you!"

It caught me off guard and I tripped, losing my balance. I fell face-first into a tree stump. My vision was black with stars and I whined in pain. My eyes were closed to their own accord and I was slowly drifting back into the dark waters of unconsciousness. Just before the darkness consumed me I heard the same voice that caught me off guard. " Don't worry. I am here for you..."

Hi dear readers!!!!!

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