
Ser Thorne's Suspicions #9

Gale gripped the blunt longsword awkwardly, sweat forming on his brow as he stood before Benjen in the Castle Black training yard. He couldn't help but reflect on the past two months, which had been a whirlwind of new experiences. There had been no mention of the threats beyond the Wall, and Gale's plan had seemingly fallen into the depths of Castle Black's bureaucracy.

He had spent the last two months training tirelessly under Benjen's watchful eye. Learning how to ride a horse and wield a bow had been surprisingly enjoyable experiences. 

Gale excelled in these areas, mastering both skills in just a month's time. However, it was now time to tackle the art of swordsmanship, and it appeared that his talent didn't extend to this particular field.

Gale had made little progress in the past month, struggling to move beyond the most basic of swordplay techniques. His frustration was evident as he clumsily held the sword before Benjen, who watched with a mixture of patience and determination.

With a resigned sigh, Gale finally broke the silence, "I swear I'm better at everything else. Why is this so difficult?"

Gale felt a surge of frustration as he struggled to keep up with Benjen's swift and expert swordplay. The clang of steel on steel echoed through the Castle Black training yard as Gale blocked and parried with all his might. He was determined not to back down from the challenge but found himself faltering at every turn.

Benjen shook his head as he continued their sparring, his strikes calculated and precise. "It's not that learning swordsmanship is more difficult than horseriding and marksmanship. Something is holding you back," Benjen said, his tone both patient and firm. 

He brandished his sword and assumed an offensive stance. "Simple lack of interest, I'd say," Benjen continued as he closed the distance between himself and Gale, attacking with a horizontal swing.

 Gale barely managed to raise his sword in time to block the strike.

"I don't have to be interested in something to do it... the food here tastes like shit, but I still eat it," Gale replied through gritted teeth as he strained to hold his ground.

Benjen took a step back, swinging his sword from the right. "That's completely different. You know you must eat, so you eat. But you don't think training in the sword is necessary, do you?" he asked.

Gale only gritted his teeth in silence, his arms trembling from the effort of parrying Benjen's attacks. He was determined not to admit it, but Benjen's words struck a chord.

"You think this—swordsmanship training, the food we serve here, Castle Black in its entirety— is all beneath you!" Benjen's words were firm, and he continued to press the attack. With swift footwork, he overwhelmed Gale, sending him reeling back under the relentless assault.

Gale's irritation had reached its boiling point, and he finally snapped, halting his movements with abrupt force. His voice carried an edge of frustration as he confronted Benjen, his blue eyes taking on an eerie, ominous glow.

"Why is it necessary for me to learn wielding a pointed stick?" Gale demanded. 

"Why must I stay in this godforsaken place for two months doing nothing when I could be out there, looking for answers and mastering my powers?" His words were laced with a chilling intensity that sent shivers down Benjen's spine.

Gale continued, the air growing colder around him with every word he spoke. "What need do I have for any of this?" he questioned, raising the long sword in his hand and sending it flying. 

The sword spun through the air, narrowly missing Benjen as it struck a training dummy with a dull thud, piercing the dummy's chest. The dull thud of the impact seemed to jar Gale back to his senses, dispelling the haze of frustration and rage.

 "I don't know what came over me..." Gale sighed deeply, clearly overwhelmed by his own outburst. "I'm... I'm sorry," he stammered, his eyes returning to their normal state as the ominous glow faded.

Benjen shifted his gaze back and forth between the training dummy and Gale. "Well, now you've learned something new about your power... you're welcome," he said as he sheathed his sword. 

This unexpected display of Gale's power had provided the duo with a new insight. Previously, they assumed that Gale's gifts would only manifest when his life was in danger, but this outburst revealed a different trigger—his emotions, particularly anger.

Gale let out a sigh of frustration as the realization settled in. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" he asked, rubbing his forehead, his irritation apparent. Benjen responded with a casual shrug. 

"Don't ever do that again. That sword could have ended up in your gut instead of the dummy," Gale warned, wearing a grimace of concern.

"Even I am not that reckless," Benjen replied, shaking his head. He had no intention of putting himself or Gale in unnecessary danger. "But what's done is done, and I'd say we learned something new..." He added with a smile. 

"That we did. I have a lot to consider now..." Gale said thoughtfully. "But it'll have to wait. I've kept Maester Aemon waiting long enough," he added with a sigh.

Benjen raised an eyebrow. "You still haven't paid him a visit yet?" he asked.

"No," Gale replied, a hint of evasion in his tone. "I've never had the time, what with the endless training and chores you put me through. But hey, late is better than never," he added, giving Benjen a parting nod before turning to leave.

As Gale walked away, Benjen couldn't help but give him a strange look. He knew that he had been rigorous with Gale's training, demanding a significant portion of the young man's time, but recognized that Gale had more free time than he let on. 

It seemed Gale had been deliberately avoiding Maester Aemon, and Benjen could sense that there was more to this avoidance than met the eye.

Maester Aemon, also known as Aemon Targaryen, was renowned for his wisdom and insight. He had a knack for reading people, which put Gale at risk of exposure if he spent too much time around the perceptive old maester. 

Still, Benjen knew nothing of this, so he could only shake his head and let the young man go. 


As Gale approached Castle Black's library, he could see a familiar figure engaged in a conversation with a few other rangers. The man in question, Ser Alliser Thorne, had a perpetual frown etched on his face, giving him an air of perpetual dissatisfaction. Gale's previous encounters with Thorne had not been pleasant, to say the least.

Ser Thorne immediately noticed Gale approaching and spoke out, his frown deepening, "Well, well, if it isn't Ser Stark's pet project."

Gale sighed internally but maintained a calm expression, replying, "Greetings, Ser Thorne," without halting his steps, showing his intent to avoid confrontations. 

However, Ser Thorne had other plans and promptly stepped to get in Gale's way. "What are you still doing here, boy?" he asked, his tone laced with irritation.

Gale felt his irritation rising but kept his temper in check, answering calmly, "Got nowhere else to go."

Ser Thorne scowled at those words. "No one here does, but we all took the oath just the same. Tell me, why is it that you didn't?" He pressed further.

"I'm afraid I don't know that myself. You'll have to ask the Lord Commander," Gale replied with a shrug, stepping aside and walking past Ser Thorne.

"Oh, I already have, and I will continue to do so until I get a clear answer," Ser Thorne said, his voice filled with determination. "When I do, you better hope I like what I hear," he concluded, and the only response he received was Gale's silence as the young man opened the library door and went inside.

Ser Thorne's gaze lingered at the library's door for a moment before he turned around and started walking away. His harsh and confrontational personality was well-known throughout Castle Black, and he often clashed with new recruits. 

He showed a strong disdain for those he considered weak or unworthy, and his interactions were usually far from amicable.

Gale didn't fall under either of those two categories, but he was still an unknown factor – an outsider who had not taken the oath for some reason. To Ser Thorne, this was a matter of grave concern, and he was determined to get to the bottom of it. 

He had strong suspicions about Gale, and he intended to uncover the truth, one way or another.


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