
Winter's (GOT) Nothing on Me

In a world where strange occurrences are the norm, our story follows a nameless young man. But this isn't your everyday tale; it's a rollercoaster of epic proportions. The young man suddenly wakes up one day encased in an ice cocoon, unsure of how he got there or what's happening. He quickly realizes he's in deep trouble and that his life is on the line. Enter his savior, a ranger of the Night's Watch. They're the guardians of the Wall, and they're here to protect Westeros from all kinds of threats, the kind Gale's just stumbled into. That's right, our unlikely hero has been unceremoniously plopped into the world of Westeros, the home of dragons, political plots, and, well, too much incest. Oh, and there's a twist—the young man has powers he doesn't understand. It's a journey of self-discovery, survival, and learning to handle incredible abilities. Alongside his savior and with guidance from a certain blind Maester, the young man takes on a quest to figure out these newfound powers. In "Got: Iceborne Reveneant," (That's the actual name of the story. The current titles is something to attract more readers) it's a wild ride filled with magic, intrigue, and suspense, set in the world you all know and love.

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A Bold Duel #63

Watching the old knights perform a few warm-up maneuvers, Gale couldn't help but marvel at the agility and lightness with which Ser Baristan moved. 

His expression was awe and exasperation as Gale realized the depth of the veteran's understanding and grasped his intentions. Despite their swords meeting for only a fleeting moment, Ser Baristan had discerned Gale's strength and devised a strategy to counter it—a testament to the old knight's legendary reputation.

Still, even though Ser Baristan could evade more swiftly and not have to rely on blocking and parrying after discarding his armor, Gale knew that his opponent's weapon would shatter instantly upon contact with the Iceblade, handing Gale the victory. 

Yet, it presented another challenge for Gale to tackle, pondering how the seasoned knight intended to overcome this particular obstacle. Intrigued by the strategic puzzle, Gale's lips curled into a smile.

"Very well. Here I come," Gale announced, gripping the Iceblade tightly as he closed in on Ser Baristan once more. With a simple yet forceful approach, Gale raised his blade and brought it down, expecting the old knight to evade.

To Gale's astonishment, Ser Baristan stood his ground, lifting his sword in defense against Gale's strike. 

Though Ser Baristan's actions puzzled Gale, he didn't halt his swing, aiming to shatter the old knight's sword once more and secure his victory. Yet, to Gale's astonishment, Ser Baristan's blade swiftly diverted from its initial trajectory, striking the long hilt of the iceblade rather than its icy edge. 

'So that was his aim,' Gale mused silently, observing the veteran's strategic move.

Ser Baristan skillfully altered the course of the iceblade, avoiding its lethal edge, and retracted his sword, transitioning into a stabbing motion. With unwavering determination, the old knight thrust the tip of his sword towards Gale's torso in a swift motion. 

However, anticipating the attack, Gale swiftly sidestepped, evading the strike just in the nick of time.

But Ser Baristan didn't relent. Before Gale could regain his footing and prepare for another swing with the iceblade, the seasoned knight closed the distance, moving in closer to negate Gale's advantage in reach with his spear-like weapon. 

The old knight's strategy was clear—to stay within Gale's striking range and counter his advantage in reach with positioning and agility.

The dance of blades between Gale and Ser Baristan intensified as the seasoned knight closed in, his movements calculated and precise. Gale, wielding the Iceblade, found himself in an unexpected dilemma—the advantage of his weapon's reach diminished by Ser Baristan's strategic positioning.

With Ser Baristan closing the distance swiftly, Gale pivoted, attempting to create space between them. However, the old knight mirrored his movements, maintaining proximity and denying Gale the opportunity to exploit the Iceblade's extended reach.

Gale attempted a sweeping strike, aiming to force Ser Baristan back. Yet, the veteran sidestepped elegantly, dodging the attack effortlessly. The young man's frustration simmered beneath his determination as he realized that Ser Baristan's graceful footwork and anticipation countered every move he made. 

The sensation of facing an opponent clearly and staggeringly more skilled than himself brought Gale back to when he first arrived at Castle Black and his constant training spars with Benjen, all of which proceeded as the fight with Ser Baristan. 

The clash of their blades echoed in the training grounds, drawing the attention of spectators. Gale's mind raced, seeking a way to outmaneuver the seasoned knight. The Iceblade, a formidable weapon in his hands, seemed restrained against the tactical finesse displayed by Ser Baristan.

Sensing Gale's increasing frustration, Ser Baristan pressed on, maintaining relentless pressure. He deftly switched between defensive and offensive maneuvers, exploiting every opening Gale inadvertently revealed.

A moment of realization struck Gale—a mere clash of blades wouldn't secure victory. He needed to adapt, to utilize more than just the Iceblade's strength. Gale adjusted his strategy with renewed focus, incorporating feints and misdirections, attempting to catch Ser Baristan off-guard.

The change in tactics forced Ser Baristan to adjust, acknowledging Gale's adaptability. The old knight's movements became more cautious, recognizing Gale's newfound versatility with the Iceblade.

Finally, with a plan in mind to secure his victory, Gale exposed his torso for a strike, inviting Ser Baristan's swift retaliation. Eager to end the fight before exhausting his energy, the seasoned knight seized the opportunity, thrusting the sharp tip of his blade toward Gale's vulnerable position. 

Gale's inward smile masked his readiness for this precise moment. His well-honed speed came into play, his gloved hand moving with such swiftness that even the old knight struggled to follow as Gale deftly backhanded the blade away.

The sudden deflection caused Ser Baristan to stagger momentarily, a fleeting opening that Gale didn't waste. Seizing the chance, Gale exploited the veteran's momentary imbalance, planting his right foot firmly and pivoting his left, ramming his shoulder into Ser Baristan's chest.

The impact forced the seasoned knight to stumble back, creating a brief but crucial distance that Gale used to his advantage. With swift reflexes, Gale leaped backward, reclaiming the space Ser Baristan had initially closed.

Without hesitation, Gale raised the Iceblade high, its icy edge gleaming in the sunlight as he aimed a forceful swing toward the old knight. 

Ser Baristan, realizing he couldn't employ the same tactic of deflecting the iceblade's hilt due to the distance nor evade the impending strike given his posture and timing, raised his sword in a last-ditch effort to intercept the swing.

The clash of their blades echoed once more, but this time, Ser Baristan's weapon, unable to withstand the impact, shattered upon contact with the Iceblade, validating Gale's calculated strategy.

Witnessing his opponent's weapon crumble, Gale swiftly halted the momentum of his swing, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. 

"I imagine that was a satisfying conclusion..." Gale's voice echoed with a tinge of triumph as he slowly withdrew the Iceblade, looking at Ser Baristan with unmistakable respect.

Ser Baristan smiled faintly and nodded. "Aye, it certainly is," he remarked, his tone carrying both praise and a touch of lament. "Your skill with the sword leaves much to be desired, and you think too much before you swing, but I've no reason to doubt your capability..." His smile broke into a wistful expression. 

"It seems that I have grown old..." He concluded, shaking his head, the regret evident in his words, hinting that the outcome of the fight might have been different in his younger years.

Recognizing his exceptional abilities, Gale was blunt enough to openly scoffing at such implications and arrogant words had they come for anyone else. However, Ser Baristan wasn't one to boast. 

Despite his age and physical decline, the seasoned knight had made Gale work hard for his victory. It wasn't unreasonable or farfetched for the old knight to believe he could have won had he been in his prime.

"A young and eager Baristan Selmy is not an opponent I'd like to face, not even in a spar," Gale replied with a chuckle, acknowledging the veteran's skill. "But if you're satisfied, might we move on?" he inquired, ready to continue with the proceedings.

Ser Baristan regained his usual stoic expression and nodded. "I'd like a few words with you, but that can wait... I've wasted more than enough of everyone's time for one day," he replied, turning around and rejoining Lord Stark and the others. "Pleae continue..." 

As Ser Baristan walked away, returning to his place beside Tyrion, who wore a shocked expression, Gale cleared his throat, refocusing on the task at hand. 

"Now then, where were we? As I've said, I claimed this sword after..." He continued, picking up the discussion where it had been interrupted, steering the attention back to the meeting's agenda.