
Winter’s Love in the End

Winter Everlasting was a normal girl before the apocalypse started. Before it started Winter was going to college to get a degree in nursing. She lived in Georgia when the dead started walking. Winter later met a group to survive with and grow to be a family together. Can you guess the person or people she falls in love with in this thriller for survival. Disclaimer - I only own Winter Everlasting and the changes in the plot. Robert Kirkman and others own the plot and the walking dead. This is only fan-fiction of the walking dead.

RubyKitten22 · Urban
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9 Chs

The Day Everything Changed

The feeling became unbearable when I woke up that day. I took what I prepared and went around town stocking up on things I felt I needed from my instincts. I put everything in two large duffel bags I could carry and closed my house up. I got in the car speeding to the hospital.

When I got to the hospital I rushed in Rick's room and checked on him. I stayed with him until Shane showed up. When I saw him, I got the feeling I wouldn't see him, Lori, or Carl for a while. I exited the room to visit some of nurses I knew well while Shane visited with Rick. After 15 minutes a sense of mine told me to get to Rick because something is about to go down.

I walked briskly to Rick's room and entered it. I moved my bags under a chair on the other side of Rick's bed. I start to hear noises that sounded like bullets hitting things. I look at Shane and he looks at me, we're both wearing identical confused and shocked expressions on our faces. The reason is because the noise has gotten closer where we could hear the bullets clearly.

Shane goes to the door to look what is happening and sees nurses, patients, and other civilians getting shot in the head by the military. He tells me what is happening and I know if he doesn't get out of here soon he will be next. "Shane go and get out of here before they get too close." I whisper-tell him, so I'm not to loud to be noticed by the military people. "No, I won't leave you and Rick here" he tells me, but still quiet enough so he doesn't be heard. "Shane think about Lori and Carl, you got to protect them. I'll take care of Rick and I'll see you guys when it is safe to leave here, okay?" I ask him. "Okay, but don't get caught by the military." He tells me. We say goodbye and I hear him put something in front of the door.

That day I knew everything changed, but I don't know for the better or the worse.