
Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Norton walks away.

"Don't tell me you'll go after him," Khai warned.

I popped my hands and shook my head. Of course, I'll go after Norton. What's his problem with that?

Was about to walk away when Khai grabs my hand. "Sam, you promised!"

I pushed him. "Stop it, it was just a joke!" I shouted. He was talking about the girlfriend bet we made yesterday which we both amended as nothing serious. Still, I walked away.

Just as Kerry and Ariane came towards him. I don't care, what I care about is explaining what happened yesterday to Norton.

But someone held my hand. Khai runs after me. I shook it once and for all.

"What are you doing Khai?" Kerry came towards us. But both of us ignored her.

"Samantha please," Khai begged.

Well, what is he begging for?

"No Khai, you see that?" I pointed to Kerry and Ariane. "That's what I call trouble when we are together. I can't take it!" I shouted.

My hand was shaking as I push forward the building. It was hard to speak up when Kerry was there but at least I said it.

Khai goes. "Sam. Stop!" He ordered. I didn't listen. I kept forward.

I entered Europe Room to look for Norton. He doesn't hear me for my explanation nor just at least want me near him. What I am doing right now is saving this friendship that I don't want to end. At least make it last till graduation.

I took my seat as Mr. Bargoha starts the lesson. Can't keep my head from overthinking that Khai might take the bet seriously. Like for real, he wanted us to work? But it's not happening, especially here at school with his title? With those girls? It will only bring me trouble.


I was startled by my teacher calling. "Sorry," my apologies and stood ASAP.

"What were you thinking?" Mr. Bargoha cared to ask.

Not only did I agree that I was distracted in my mind but also, I turned my head to Nortons space. He was looking at me. And just as we exchanged glances, I was told to sit down.

I had to approach my best friend in the mid-break. "Norton, please!" I begged to stop him from taking another step up the stairs.

He looked at me and slightly laughed. "What?"

Now he is talking. Okay. I breathed deeply. "Why are you ignoring me?"

Then he looked away and continued to walk. Okay, maybe that was a wrong question to start our conversation but seriously, why is Norton acting this way? Fast walked to catch up with him. Just enough to reach out at his shoulder.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry," I apologized and let him stop for a talk.

"You knew what you did and asked me why?" Norton raised his voice. "Don't be stupid dude," he ticked his two fingers in my forehead.

"Aw!" I complained. "Sorry."

We continued to enter the building walking together. "But seriously, why were you with him yesterday?" Norton asked.

I looked at him, gulped my saliva, and stare. "Nothing, we were both late to class so we decided to go for a walk," I explained.

"Just a walk?" He repeated.

"Nope," I smiled cutely. He understands then walked away past me again. Then I had to stop him again. "Okay fine. We went to the park." I confessed.

He stopped and curled his forehead. "Okay I have nothing against that but you know what might happen if you keep sticking with that guy," Norton warned me.

"Okay, I know," I assured. We talked about it anyway. Trexie is gone and I will be free from the girls and that goes the same with Khai. But what if--

What if Khai won't stop? I know it's not that easy to stop him. He wants me and I know it. He also saved me and expect me to at least get along with him. Ignoring him is just like giving him torture. I don't want to be the villain, the antagonist. You know what I mean. I want to get along with him, be friends with him just like Norton. The fact that he is good to me, he saved me when I needed him the most. And now ignoring him just because of the girls?

"Huh!" I sighed. This mind is getting me sick. I went out to calm my mind. "Khai- Khai- Khai- Khai!" I simultaneously repeated. One more "Khai," when for sure Khai bumped into me.

Our eyes met. Just before I could apologize, he left. Did he ignore me? Woah. Was that even Khai? Wait, stop!

I dragged my feet and looked for him but just as I reached the end curve of the hallway, there was nothing there. Khai might have been offended by what I said this early morning and he is distancing himself from me.

Should I apologize?

"Sam!" Norton later called me. "Come on the class is going to start," as he dragged me inside.

"Hey," I try to catch his attention before taking my seat. "What if," I stopped for a second to think whether to tell him this idea.

Norton turned his attention to me. "What?"

Just let a laugh at him. "Never mind," I said and finally sat.

Maybe it's not a good idea to be friends with Khai. They do not get along with Norton anyway and it only brings troubles between me and his girlfriends. Just let him hate me for what I said this morning and well be just fine.

Just exactly what Kerry said. "Keep the distance and you won't have trouble."

After the afternoon class, Norton was called by his coach and I was left behind. While I was ready to go out, Kerry and the girls came in. Not just the girls but along with the bully, Kyle Pierce.

Joy who was the first to walk in bumped into me. "Hey!" Both of us exclaimed unknowing to whom we have clashed.

"It's you again?" Ariane complained staring at me. At this time my heartbeat raised a little faster. "You are so thick-faced to talk to my brother like that?"

I rolled my eyes.

Then Kerry pushed her friends aside. She leaned and her mouth was neared as if to kiss my ear. She whispered "Look here, girl. I don't care what happened between you and Khai in the past days. But from now on, stay away from him or you'll regret it," she warned.

"It's not my fault," I spoke as they passed by me.

"What did you say? Whose fault is it then? His? Oh, come on. You are thick-faced to say that," Kerry said. She crossed her arms. "Okay fine I won't blame you since he is just too good-looking for you. But I am his queen and he is my king. And in this kingdom. You are just a slave."

Wow, lucky for her to declare this school her kingdom. And to say that I am a slave?

Yeah yeah. Whatever! I rolled my eyes and went away. You know these girls. They are so childish at this age of seventeen? Who does that? Idiots!


On my way out, I came across him. "Hey," I called.

He looked at me. There was silence between us.

"What now? Hate me again? Hurt my feelings?" Khai said weakly.

"No- I- I," I stuttered.

"Why in this world would it be you? Why can't I just punch you in the face for hurting me? Why am I so weak in your presence. Why? Tell me Sam why!" He comes shouting at me. I just wanted to talk to him, why does he need to shout? And pour it all out!

Kerry and the girls came towards us. Maybe they heard Khai shouting. He was loud and others were watching us well including them.

Kerry goes. "I told you Sam to keep the distance." Her look was beasty and there was longingness to hurt me. "And Khai," she turned to Khai. "Know your place!" she warned him.

And Khai would slowly turn to Kerry. He smirked and looked on the other side then returned his position. "Stop this game, Kerry. I don't fucking care about your place! We are so far done and I am not getting back to you. Know your place!" Khai shouted at her.

Kerry looked around. Eyes were watching. This rejection and confession made us all silent.

"Khai!" Kerry seemed ashamed and stuck to her words. Then she looked at me. "You'll pay for it." And walked away.

Khai turned to me again. "Is that what you want Sam?"

I looked up at him. "Take your words back. I don't want it."

Khai pulled my hand. I pulled it back but he was gripping it tightly.

He was aggressive and strong, I cannot run away. Just had to get along with his force while he pushed me to his car. Locked the door and drove away.