
Winning the Alpha's Heart

Born of Alpha bloodline, Twilight is destined to succeed her father in ruling the Sliver Dragon Pack. The young, free-spirited alpha female is the strongest warrior in the pack, surpassing even her own father, and never cared about whether or not she would find her mate. Until the day she found him, the young Alpha-to-be of a neighbouring pack. Only to have him reject her for his bed buddy. Enraged and broken-hearted, she ran away and got severely injured along the way. Suddenly, she woke up in an unfamiliar place, only to find that her second-chance mate, Takumi, saved her. But her now cold-hearted self refuses to accept another mate but he won't give up that easily. Can Takumi win the Alpha's heart? Here’s a little sneak peek: “Imagine the one person who was literally made for you, supposed to be your other half and complete you in a way that no one else can and yet wants nothing to do with you. I’m over it, but I still feel like a monster for how I reacted to it. I know it happened a long time ago, but I still hate myself for it. His dad said it was ok, but I think he only said it to make me feel less guilty and deep down he hates me. And I'm pretty sure everyone else feels the same way.” It was then that she felt a little wetness on her face; she didn't realize that tears were streaming down her cheeks the whole time. That's when she broke down into more tears. Takumi pulled her into a hug. “I'm sure no one hates you.” “You don't hate me?” She asked between sobs. “How can I hate the girl I love? Especially when she's like this.” “You love me?” “Wasn't it obvious?” “Not really. I mean, you flirt and then joke about it. You make suggestive and sexual moves on me and then act as if they don't mean anything and you always use the terms ‘friends’ and ‘roommates’ whenever you refer to our relationship, so I went with it. If anything, you've been sending me mixed messages and it's very confusing.” “Sorry if I've been confusing and I'll make it clear this time. I love you.”

Nony_M · Urban
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Chapter 37

Later in the year…

"You're back late," Twilight said as he came through the door. "Were you held up somewhere or was the traffic that bad?"

"Both. I was at my parents' place with Yuri so we could try and get ourselves out of this mess. Her parents were there too, and her mom practically fainted when Yuri came out of the closet and confessed to already having a girlfriend for a while. There were arguments about what to do now. My dad then told Yuri and me that we can leave and that he'll keep us updated. I don't know if they're still arguing, but the drive back was exhausting."

"Sounds messy, but low-key wish I was there with popcorn."

"Speaking of going somewhere, where are you going all dressed up?"

"Nowhere yet, but I'll tell you later."

"Ok. Are those heels?"

"They're only one and a half inches, so I don't know if it counts, especially since the ankle straps make them look like sandals."

"I think the block-like structure makes them count, but what do I know? By the way, a package came for you," He gave it to her. "I think it's your new laptop."

"Finally. That reminds me, while I was using yours, you got an email from the university. I didn't open it, so I have no idea what it says. I'll leave you to decide when to open it."

"I'll open it now."

"Are you sure? I can hear your heart racing."

"I was about to take a nap, but I doubt my nerves will let me enjoy it, so I might as well get it over and done with."

"Ok then."

He opened his laptop and was silent for a while.

"What does it say?"

"I got in."

"That's great, but you don't look happy. What's up?"

"You know that this means I'll be away for months for the next four years, right? Are you sure you're ok with that?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll be ok; Oreo will keep me company. And we can always call and video chat. It'll take some time, but we'll get used to it. Besides, it's only four years, not forever. Oh, and I can meet your grandparents too."

"Have I ever told you that you're the best girlfriend ever?"

"No, but I wouldn't mind hearing it more often."

"You got it, best girlfriend ever."

"But I have a request. No way in hell are we going to do that whole hang-up-no-you-hang-up-first nonsense. If you tell me to hang up, I'll most definitely hang up on your ass."


"Do you still want to take that nap?"

"Not anymore."

"So about where I'm going. I had a feeling the email had good news so I made last-minute plans for us to go out."

"How did you manage to find a nice place at this time?"

"That's not important. Go get ready."

"Ok, but will you, at least, tell me where we're going?"

"It's a surprise that's within walking distance."


"Are you sure we're at the right place? It seems empty for a restaurant."

"Yes, this is the right place. Come on." She dragged him inside.

"Surprise!" All his friends exclaimed.

"What's all this?"

"This is sort of a congratulatory party. We had it planned since you told me where you wanted to study. The place usually isn't busy at this time of the year so renting without a specific date wasn't a problem. We were just waiting for the right time to set everything up. It helped that you were gone for longer than expected."

"Thanks, guys. It really means a lot."

After an hour, everyone was a little drunk.

"Anyone up for truth or dare? That or spin the bottle." Ayaka said.

"Truth or dare." They all answered.

"I'll go first then," Ayaka said. "Takumi, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to take your shirt off."


"A dare is a dare. And no take-backsies or whatever you call it." Twilight said.

"Fine." He unbuttoned it and took it off.

"That's a fine boy," Ayaka commented.

"Correction, man," Twilight said.

"For real," Atsumi added in.

"Alright. Uh... Keito, truth or dare?"


"Is it true that you like Atsumi?"



"I smell a ship coming on," Ayaka said.

"Ichiya, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to stop using those ridiculous pickup lines."

"That's actually a good one," Hansuke commented.

"Fine. Atsumi, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go on a date with Kei-kun tomorrow."

"Underhanded, but smart. Tisiphone, I dare you..."

"Hey, aren't you supposed to ask me truth or dare?"

"We all know that you were going to pick dare."

"Fair point."

"I dare you to tell us whether you and Takumi have had sex."

"That's a little personal, don't you think?"

"Hold it, Short Stuff, you said it yourself that a dare is a dare."

"And no take-backsies," Takumi said.

"Alright, fine. Yes, multiple times. Happy now?"

"The "multiple times" part wasn't needed but yes."

"Anyway, I dare everyone to get more drunk than they already are."

"Best one so far," Hansuke said.

"You know, your shirtlessness is really distracting."

"How much?"

"Too much."

She straddled his lap and kissed him again. He moved his hands down to grope her ass, earning a moan.

"Ew, get a room." Ayaka fake gagged.

"That's not a bad idea."

He picked her up and slung her over his shoulder before leaving.

When they got there, he sat her down on the dresser and they ravaged each other's lips.

"Oh wait, we haven't had dinner." She said.

"Oh yeah. What do you suggest?"

"Something that my mom once made."

"And what's that?"

"Me," She bit her bottom lip suggestively and unbuckled his belt.

"I'll definitely have that."

He went on his knees in front of her, and threw her legs over his shoulders, keeping his hands on her thighs. He blew into her, sending a jolt throughout her entire body, and she fisted his blonde locks. He circled his tongue against her clit, and that got her hips moving. He put his hands on them to keep them still and plunged his tongue in and out of her.

The next morning, he woke up with a headache and something heavy on her chest, more like someone. She moved him off her. That was the plan until she discovered that her wrists were handcuffed to either side of the bed.

"Hey, wake up."

"It's too early to wake up on a Saturday," He mumbled.

"But it's not too early for me to kick you, so get up already. These handcuffs are digging into my wrists."