
Chapter 9 Heart broken!!!!

When Carl got to Trekles, it was a big building painted yellow and green dots all over.He quickly went to the conference room ignoring the girls drooling over him.they quickly did the meeting and finalized the project, he left quickly for his company

He glanced at his wrist watch and frowned

Drive fast Sammy he ordered

ok sir! Sammy said she stepped on the gear

_ _ _ _

Soon the Yales food enterprises LLC got at Dazon Inc

Akira decided to use that opportunity to call Carl

phone rings....

Hello sir Akira speaking

hmm Carl muttered

The Yales food enterprises LLC are here and....

Phone cuts...

Carl already heard the message and hanged the call....

What the hell!! Did he just cut the call from me, He is such a rude idiot Akira yelled and roughed her hair so hard fustratingly that people looked at her and though she was going crazy

👥Is she okay

👥 Every one in Dazon including their CEO is insane

👥I think they need to visit a mental hospital

Mind your business their CEO yelled and glared at them

Are you ok young lady the CEO asked Akira who was embarrassed by her attitude

oh! I... sure....I.... I'm.... I'm fine she stuttered and scurried away.

_ _ _ _

👵Baby, stop crying ok! Don't worry it's gonna be fine.....

👧 Mom! Can you imagine, he asked me out of his house! I thought am his only daughter the girl said among tears

👵 Don't worry dear, you are his daughter, he just want the best for my love

👧 Really? Mom! Are you supporting Dad now?

👵No baby! I....I...I mean what am saying is..is

👧 you are taking sides with Dad right now the girl yelled

👵 Baby your mates are getting married while some are with a kid or two but you are with none

👧Mom!! really the girl yelled again with tears brimming her eyes

👵my love listen; by the end of this month you will turn 24 and...


👵 yes!!

👧 Leave!! the girl said with no emotion


👧I said leave!!


👧 Now!!!

The woman got up and took another look at her daughter and left the room in search of her husband

Honey! Baby! My love! The woman named Mary yelled calling her husband the girl's father

Yes!! Woman why are you calling my name like that Mr Gerald snapped very annoyingly

The last time I checked your name wasn't those endearment "honey,baby or love" or is it? the woman fired back at him

So Cunning Gerald beamed

You wish!! Mary said and smiled softly

ok! ok!! ok!!! Woman why were you calling me like that Mr Gerald asked his expression turning very serious

oh! honey we never to talk

if it's about Ashley then am not interested

Honey wait...Allow me to die before you bury me

Then go straight to the point and stop beating around the bush

it's about Ashley!

What about her He asked peering at her through his white glasses

Don't you think we are pressurizing her too much, I mean look at our only daughter,she has not been happy and....

Enough Mary! I don't want to ever hear this topic from you in this house anymore again Gerald said and walked straight to his room upstairs leaving his bewildered wife down stairs.

_ _ _ _

#Ashley calling Berry#

Phone rings....

Berry looked at phone and saw the number calling her " My Love💓"

Ashley! Berry muttered

She excused herself from the bar she was having fun with her male friends and went outside...

# Picks phone#

Hey Berry are you there? Ashley asked in a very faint and cracked voice

Yes baby I can hear you; what's happening?,are you okay?, where are you?,are you crying?,why are you sounding weird Berry bombarded with alot of questions".

Ashley smiled, Berry has been a wonderful, good and loyal friend to her.

Though Berry and her were the same age bracket but Berry is too smart for God's sake. She is a tall Chubby girl with her beautiful white skin and her short fiery red hair and small eyes which is dark in colour giving her the boss lady look. she....

Hey! penny for your thoughts! are you there Berry asked again

Ashley jolted back to reality and bit her fingers nervously

Are you home Ashley asked

No! Am in evening vibes with Austin and his friends but am gonna be home soon or care to join? bills on Austin!

Austin is Berry's fiance and they had been together A year and some couple of months before Austin proposed to her.

I will be waiting in your house for you Ashley muttered She doesn't want too make Berry worries

ok Baby! Bye!! Love you Berry said and ended the call

_ _ _ _

Hey lovelies 😊

I tried my best 💋

who else is sad for Ashley???

Mr Gerald don't do this please 🙏

Waiting for your comments and suggestions too💝

Love y'all 🧡🧡

