
Chapter 208: He and Mommy Are Making Us a Little Brother_1

The next day, Lu Fengxuan slept until the sun was high in the sky before waking up.

The deep blue curtains were tightly drawn, and the light in the room wasn't glaring.

She slowly sat up, pulling at a sensitive spot, and let out a slight hiss of pain.

On the bedside table, there was a glass of water with steam curling up from it, indicating that it had just been poured and was still warm.

Lu Fengxuan was really thirsty and drank half the glass, but her stomach still rumbled; she was hungry...

Just then, a video call notification popped up on the phone on the nightstand.

It was from Xiaoyi and Jiujiu; the two little ones were missing her.

"Mommy, your neck has been bitten by mosquitoes, there are so many red 'bumps', it must hurt, let Jiujiu blow on it for Mommy."

Jiujiu leaned close to the camera, and only her forehead could be seen.