
Winning At Life As The Primordial God In The Omniverse With A Harem

Waking in the some sort of void space was not something I had In mind for a Saturday. Nor was being told I'm a Primordial God, now. Oh, did I also tell you I can travel to any reality I could think of? OP I know. But not OP enough. So let's get some power ups why don't We~? And possible a Harem, who knows~? ~~~~~~ [ Disclaimer: This is a side project I will be writing whenever I feel like it or in the mood to write this. Furthermore, this could count as a kind of wish-fulfillment Fanfic and a crack Fanfic as I will write anything that comes to my mind and see what happens...*PS: I was high as hell when I wrote this so let's see how it goes.*] ~~~~~~ Extra Tags: Planeswalker MC | ~~~~~~ Update Schedule: Whenever I feel like it. Probably 1-to-2 chapters a week. ~~~~~~ I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. PS: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. And Original ideas. This is just a fanfiction. If you so happened to see sometimes you know or seem before, then I probably copied some ideas from them. PSS: Support: [The Dark Wolf Shiro]... My high self copied some of his ideas(chapters, only 2 and half of them). He's an amazing Author who got me into Fanfics, so show him some love from the Webnovel Family... PSSS: Logic doesn't apply here, so please leave it in a safe place where you can get it back after reading this fanfic~! Have Fun~!:)

PrimordialFate · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: New World & Albedo's Punishment! Aura & Mare!



" Is there something wrong, Lord Shiro?" He'd recognize that voice anywhere, he doesn't even need to open his eyes to know Albedo is the one talking.

" You didn't feel it Albedo? Sebas. Nazarick has been moved to a new land by a powerful magic, step out of the tomb and confirm the surroundings around Nazarick." Shiro can see the shocked looks on their faces, except for Sebas who remains completely professional.

" Understood, Lord Shiro," Saying this, Sebas leaves immediately to carry out his orders. 

" Pleiades. Go to the ninth floor and guard it from any possible intruders." He already knows that there won't be any intruders, at least not until they trick those greedy workers into coming here, but they don't know that so it's best to at least act like a leader would.

" As you wish, Lord Shiro," Yuri Alphas is just as professional as Sebas but she looks slightly worried, it makes sense since in the anime she didn't know that Nazarick had been moved at this point, but he wants to seem all-knowing so revealing that early will make them think he is wise.

Albedo hasn't stopped kneeling yet, strange. In the show she rises with the others, he can remember that, taking a closer look at her she seems to be shaking slightly.

" What is wrong Albedo?" Shiro asks, better to get to the bottom of this quickly.

" I'm sorry Lord Shiro, I've failed you, I'm suppose to be in charge of Nazaricks defences but I didn't even notice when we were caught in a spell!" Albedo yelled out crying.

' She never did that in the anime, isn't she a bit too sensitive? Or I did fuck with her settings a bit too much?' Shiro though seeing her act like this.

" It's fine, Albedo. This spell is far beyond any of you, you are forgiven this time." Getting out of his thoughts, he says in a regal tone, at least he thinks it's regal, maybe pretentious would be more appropriate. It seems to work though as Albedo stops blubbering and she has a slight blush on her cheeks as she rises.

" Lord Shiro, I failed my duties. Please punish me as you see fit." Albedo said with a bright red blush as her golden eyes sparkles. Maybe the guardians are too loyal, seriously how did Momonga ever convince himself that there was a chance they would betray him. Still, he can't just say no, it didn't work for Shalltear and he doubts it'll work here.

" Very well Albedo. You will be disciplined for your failure, but not now.  Nazarick is in a state of emergency and we cannot afford to remove you from your position, even temporally." Shiro's going to ignore how much her blush deepened when he said 'disciplined' for now.

" Thank you Lord Shiro, what are my orders?" And like that she's back to being a professional.

" Come here."

" At once, Lord Shiro."

The moment the order leaves his lips she rushes in front of him, getting right in his face. ' Momonga was right she really does smell good.'

" I'm going to touch you Albedo. I take it you have no objections?"  Shiro inquired with a calm expression. It's not like she could object after he messed around in her settings. But she doesn't need to know that, now does she?

" Of course not Lord Shiro, I live to serve you, just as all the beings Nazarick do." 

' She sounds way too excited. Shouldn't it be the other way around, what girl would be so excited to be molested. Anime logic is the best.' Shiro thought seeing her get excited as her eyes went heart-shaped.

Getting her go-ahead of sorts, he reached out and grasp her impressively soft breasts over the top of her dress. Feeling his fingers dip in her flesh, Albedo moaned out loudly. Seeing she's enjoying this, he started rubbing his thumbs over her hard nipples. In all honesty, she might be enjoying this more than he is.

[ Albedo recruited into your Harem!]

' Eh? This system has a harem function?' Shiro thought seeing the pop-up that shows Albedo has MAX Love and can't go any further until he marries her.

Breaking his thought process, a particularly loud moan reminds him what he was thinking of way before, just how long was he planning on molesting/punishing Albedo? Not that she seems to mind, her face is completely red and she's panting heavily as she moves her thick thighs and legs around seductively. With great reluctance Shiro removes his hands from her (after one last squeeze for good luck,). He's not even going to bother apologizing since she obviously enjoyed it a little too much, seeing clear liquid dripping down hitting the ground.

" You're going to take me for the first time here and now, right? What should I do about my clothes? Shall I remove them myself or would you like to remove them, Lord Shiro?" Albedo moaned out in happiness and seductively as her wings started flapping.

' Damn it woman, don't tempt me, I have important necromancer stuff to do. She really is one thirsty girl.' Shiro thought as his eyes flickers sinisterly.

" Now isn't the time that Albedo, that will have to wait until later, I simply think better with a pair of breasts in my hands." Yup, that's his excuse and he's sticking to it." Anyway, I have an order for you, Except for Victim and Gargantua, gather everyone at the fighting arena on the sixth floor. Have them gather there in an hour."  He wants his oaths of loyalty, there's something oddly extremely satisfying about having such powerful beings kneel before him. Furthermore, he doesn't find it strange, no he finds it normal like they should kneeling before him as that's their rightful place, under Him.

' Wow, that came out of nowhere. I must of being high up there in the Ranks of the Omniverse in the past, to think like this.' Shiro thought feeling his thinking process change a turn, faster than usual.

" At once, Lord Shiro. Please use my breasts whenever you require." Albedo said, halting his thinking process for now. Moreover, he honestly can't tell is she really believes him about thinking better, but it really doesn't matter. he will happily take her up on that offer anytime.

As she leaves Shiro spends a long moment admiring her swaying ass, that's his, he can do whatever he wants to it whenever he wants. This is true power, not silly spells or waving swords around. The only sword he wishes to wield is in his boxers, wait is he even wearing boxers? A quick check reveals that no, underwear is not included in the Momonga outfit, makes sense now that he thinks about it, guy has nothing to hide, literally. As amusing as his rambling is, he decides to get back to the business at hand.

Feeling it's time to get moving, Shiro used Momonga's ring, one of way too many (dude liked his jewelry), he teleports to the sixth-floor arena.

Immediately after he arrives he sees Aura jump from the box in an impressive display of acrobatics doing a front flip on the way down then doing a V for victory pose when she lands, She rushes towards him kicking up a cloud of dirt (none of which goes near him, she really is impressive).

" Welcome, Lord Shiro! Welcome to the floor which we guard!" Aura yelled out exactly. Now that she's directly in front of him, Shiro realises that she's tiny, barely reaching his chest, was she always that small in the anime? He doesn't really remember. She's seriously excited, which he thinks that's just her default emotion.

" I will intrude for a while." He already knows what her response will be, he just wants to hear her say it.

" What are you saying?! You are the lord of the Great Tomb of Nazarick! It's absolute ruler! There is no one that would ever consider you as intruding!" Aura said this with the utmost loyal and enthusiastic devoted tone with a zealous and fervent earnest expression.

' Holy shit! I have myself a group of powerful beings that has borderline cult behavior!' Shiro suddenly thought seeing and scanning Aura's expression that looked kind of cute and demonic oddly enough.

" By the way..." Shiro asked getting out of his thoughts, glancing around. She then realizes what he's looking for, or who he's looking for to be exact.

" Mare! You are being rude to Lord Shiro! Hurry up and get down here!" Aura yelled out gesturing wildly at her brother as she yells at him.

" I-I can't, Sis..." There he is, the best AoE damage dealer in Nazarick, shaking at the thought of jumping down. 

' This boy has literal pet dragons that he rides and this scares him? Anime Logic, I tell.' Shiro mouth almost twitched watching this.

" Mare!" Aura seems as impressed by his fear as he is.

" F-fine!" It seems he's more scared of Aura than he is the drop, smart. As he jumps down with far less acrobatics than his sister the wind pushes his skirt up, despite the distance his upgraded eyes easily see things he really didn't particularly want to, there was something deeply wrong with his creator. And doesn't know if he should praise her or scold her. Probably a little bit of both, in all honesty.

Almost falling over as he lands he takes a moment to straiten his short skirt before running over to Shiro with what is perhaps the most feminine run he ever seen. Shiro takes a moment to remind himself that traps are indeed gay, (making a note in his head to never to the Re Zero world, meeting that trap catgirl/boy could only end poorly) and wait for him to reach him.

" I-I am sorry for making you wait, Lord Shiro." He's just way too damn cute, after spending another moment cursing his creator, Shiro calm himself down, somewhat.

" I came here today to have the two of you help me with something." Shiro exampled, gesturing to the staff he has at his side.

" U-U-Um, i-is that the legendary item that only Lord Shiro can wield?" These two are way too excitable, it's too cute and fresh.

" That's right, This is the strongest guild weapon that Ains Ooal Gown created together. Each stone in the mouths of the seven crowning snakes is a God artifact." Unlike Momonga he doesn't feel particularly proud of the staff, it's an impressive weapon but he's not the one who spent so much time trying to make it, it's a tool nothing more.  " On top of that, the power in the staff itself transcends God level. It's on par with any World-level item." Even still he'll happily boast about it, the look of awe in their eyes is wonderful to look at.

"Amazing!" " That's so amazing, Lord Shiro!"

" I have decided to run some tests with it. You two will be assisting."

" Yes! We will prepare immediately!"

" Also, I have ordered the Guardians to gather here, they will arrive within the hour." Aura makes an amusing face when he says that. he'd almost forgotten about her dislike of Shalltear.

" Huh? Is Shalltear coming as well?" She looks kinda sad when Shiro nods. ' Oh well, they'll have to learn to tolerate each other, maybe it'd be amusing to stick them on a mission together?'

Shiro has the lizard-like set up some targets for him however he's not sure if they are the same spices as the Season 2 lizards, but honestly he doesn't really care either way.

' [Summon! Primal Fire Elemental!]' With the spell cast, the red gem in his staff glows before both targets burst into flames turning into an inferno, which quickly takes a shape. The beast is massive, a floating body made of pure flame. His newly discovered pyromania greatly approves of the site.

" Aura, Mare, try fighting it." The look of excitement on Auras's face is amusing, but not as amusing as the worry on Mares. ' Sorry little trap you aren't getting out of this.'

" Huh?! Can I?"

" U-Um, I just remembered something I needed to do..."

' Oh no you don't, you're not escaping this, fight for this Primordial God's amusement.'

" Mare!" Aura grabs Mare before he can try and sneak away, there's no real reason to make him fight it, Shiro just thinks it's mildly amusing, in all seriousness the Fire Elemental couldn't threaten a single Floor Guardian, let alone two.

" Primal Fire Elemental. Attack the Twins!" 

It tried, it really did, in this world, a Primal Fire Elemental could probably destroy a country as its level is in the upper eighties. But against Auras whip and Mares support magic it barely managed to put up a fight. Poor elemental, Shiro actually feels slightly sorry for it, he'll summon it in some other battle where it can rampage for a while later.

Still he better message Sebas to tell him where to meet them. ' [Message]'

" Yes, Lord Shiro?" Sebas says, his voice seems to be coming from inside his head, weird but after the past day his senses of normality might be a bit skewed around a little.

" Sebas, Come to the sixth-floor arena to make your report, I have called the floor guardians there." He already knows what he's found, he just needs him to tell the others.

" At once, Lord Shiro." If he thought not asking him to tell him first was strange he didn't let it show in his voice, but that's only natural he's a cool composed butler after all.

" The two of you did well."

" Thank you very much, I haven't exercised this much in a while!" Maybe he should let Aura out on missions, she seems to enjoy fights, though he supposes the world out there would just disappoint her. But at least as a Planeswalker, Shiro could show more powerful worlds, that might help her after all the disappointment she's going to feel after getting done with this world.

" You must be thirsty." Saying this, Shiro took out a jug of water that seems to be enchanted to be permanently full and 2 glasses out of his inventory, briefly wondering why Momonga had these in the first place and he made a note to himself to check what else he had,  he fills the glasses up and passes them to the twins. The twins are clearly surprised that he did this for them.

" I thought you would be a scarier person, Lord Shiro."

" Hmm, you think so? I can be scarier if you'd like me to." Shiro smiled ever-so sinisterly as his eyes burn a bright golden color. Around him, his magic flares out for a moment giving him a glowing purple aura with black mist mixed In together.

" How you are now is better! It's definitely the best!" Aura says as Mare nods along. He wonders is it better to be feared or loved? Isn't the quote ' Be feared or be loved but don't be hated', it's something like that...