
Wings of Redemption: Light & Dark

Dylan Belmont is a 200-year-old Lust Primordial who finds it difficult to accept his origin and identity. He may be a powerful demon born with the natural desire to lust over women, but he is a kind and thoughtful man who tries his best to keep himself tamed. In order to prevent himself from giving in to his demonic side, he drowns himself with work as the President of Zemoria and Emperor of Belmont Empire. Little did they know, behind that wealthy lifestyle, amazing talents, and aesthetically handsome looks is an ordinary man struggling with self-esteem, trust issues, and controlling the evil within him. The first time he lost control of his power, his evil alter ego takes over and nearly annihilates a feared clan of vampires and dragons. Victor Aldrich, a sadistic and violent frost dragon, has sworn to exact revenge on the primordial for the death of his mother and lover. Dylan has been spending his life trying to correct his past mistakes and accept the evil within while protecting his loved ones from his archenemy. ———— Content/Trigger Warning: Blood, Gore, Language, Sexual Content, Read at Your Own Risk! ————— [ UPDATE as of 10.10.23: Fair warning, I am not good at fast updates, so expect slow updates as my real life comes first. I'm not competing for the author with the fastest updates, okay? ^^ Thank you for understanding! ]

RedZetroc18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Dylan – Learning the Basics

"Fifth? There were other kings before you?" I stared at him with my mouth ajar. Dad's introduction was short, but it had a huge impact in me.

He shook his head and held up seven fingers. "The Underworld is divided into seven kingdoms. Each kingdom is ruled by a high-ranked demon—a primordial." He smiled. "They are my brothers. In other words, your uncles."

"So you're the fifth brother?"

"That's correct."

I suddenly felt the weight of my future perching on my shoulders. Who would have thought that I was born into a family of royals? And they sat on top of the demon hierarchy. I could be a prince. The lost prince.

"Am I a prince?"

"You can be if you are willing to accept the title. But do not concern yourself," he said, picking up his fork and knife. He sliced a large portion of his pancake and ate it. "I won't force you if becoming a prince is not your cup of tea."

I paused for a moment to think. It could be more stressful than being an idol, and I wasn't sure of my political and leadership abilities just yet.

"It's not a problem at all but . . . I've only had experience being a leader in an idol group and a mentor and judge in dance competitions. I don't have any knowledge about running a whole kingdom."

"That can be easily taught through time. There's no rush in learning." Dad took another bite of his pancake. I began eating mine while I listened to him. "If you are interested, you need to build your own kingdom."

"I'm a kingdomless prince," I said in a flat note. I could feel the pressure forming on my neck. "Is there a valid reason?"

"I want you to prove yourself."

"That's it?" My shoulders dropped. "Aren't you putting too much faith in me? I haven't agreed."

"You haven't, but I can sense your desire to achieve it," he said, pointing a fork at me. "I can read your eyes, Dylan. They're on fire, just like a brave lion." He smiled, knowingly.

There was something hidden in his smile. I could tell that he wasn't telling me the other half of the truth. But I got to admit, I was feeling determined to build my own kingdom. Just a little more convincing, I might give it a shot. "What are the benefits?"

"Listen carefully to what I am about to say," he said, pouring a small amount of maple syrup onto his pancake. "If you agree, as your super duper rich father, I can instantly provide your very own territory. The rest is up to you. I'll give you the freedom to manage your own kingdom. Implement your own rules. Gain your own people."

"That's tempting, but wouldn't it take years? Unless . . ." I was thinking of my current age, then it hit me. "Demons live long, don't they? Hundreds or thousands of years. That's why you told me there's no rush in learning."

"Correct!" My dad laughed. It was rich and wholesome. "Clarisse is right. You are bright."

"I told you, didn't I?" Mom appeared on my right side, sliding a notebook and a pen. I didn't even realize that she had gone to fetch them for me. "It's funny how you two are very much alike. When you're into something, it's like everyone in the room doesn't exist." She giggled.

Dad rubbed his neck while the heat crept up to my face. Mom wasn't wrong. I'm too serious at work that my backup dancers and staff tend to be afraid of me . . . sometimes, I think?

"Sorry! I didn't mean to—"

"Oh, don't mind me!" Mom looked cheerful as she sat back down on her seat. She leaned closer to the table, and I swear I could see her eyes twinkling like the stars in the galaxy. "Go on. I'm listening. Aren't you curious about your race?"

"My race?" I tilted my head. "I'm a demon . . . right?" I looked at Dad, confused. "Or am I a half-demon?"

"Ah! It almost slipped my mind," he said, enthusiastically. "You are not an ordinary demon, but a Lust Primordial—like me."

My brain buffered for a moment. All those DNA lessons in biology class came rushing back like a tidal wave, but it drowned me with more question marks. Other than that, the word lust was spinning in my head. It gave off a negative meaning.

"What is a Lust Primordial?" I opened my notebook. With a straight face, I asked, "Does it mean you're the King of Perverts?"

Mom burst out laughing.

It wasn't my intention to make fun of him, but my humor works in odd times. You could say it was my payback when he had asked about that.

"I— No— That's not what it— Am I a pervert, Clarisse?" Dad looked genuinely confused and embarrased. His ears were red.

"Why are you asking me?" Mom wiped her happy tears. "You know the answer to that!"

He was obviously a pervert. Mom is the busty and always smiling type of woman. I was beginning to understand the meaning behind a Lust Primordial, but I wanted to know something first before that.

"Back to the topic." I cleared my throat, loudly, to catch their attention. "Mom's a human, isn't she? Aren't I supposed to be a half-demon?" I wrote a couple of questions after that.

"You're a pureblood, Dylan!" Dad's face brightened. "The offspring's race would either take after the mother or father. For supernatural creatures, the DNA of two different races could never mix. A crossbreed offspring is out of the equation, but you're able to inherit two of your parents' unique skills and abilities, either magical or physical.

"Logically speaking, you need to be physically a human in order to breed with other races. For example, a male dragon must be in his semi form or human form if he wishes to breed with a female rabbitfolk." He narrowed his eyes at me, as if he was implying that I had no common sense in the breeding department.

"That . . . makes sense." I gave him a lopsided smile. "Wouldn't it be strange if a huge dragon breeds with a small rabbit? Physically impossible."

What did he think I was thinking? I took note of everything that I had learned from my dad. It was cool, yet, frightening to know that supernatural creatures exists in another realm. Would I be able to embrace being one—being a Lust Primordial? I was fine with staying as an ordinary primordial—if that was possible—but Dad seemed to expect a lot from me. I didn't want to disappoint my mom either . . . on the royal side.

I read the next questions written on my notebook. Innocent to dirty. I was a little hesitant to ask because I knew it could lead to sexual topics, but I sucked it up. I met his expectant gaze and asked:

"If I'm a Lust Primordial, is this connected to my ability to attract . . . women?"