
Wings of Grace

Luna_SilverWing86 · Fantasy
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Chapter 1

Four pups ran down through the castle halls, showing signs of not wanting to go to bed. When the large clock on the wall chimed nine, the four pups scampered into the larger room into their bunk beds. A neatly dressed, well mannered older female cat came in behind them. She looked to be in her mid-thirties, with long tan fur, and the deepest blue eyes. She stood about 4 feet tall and weighed around 115 pounds. "Finally in bed are you young ones?" You've had a long day." she laughed. As she stood in the doorway smiling, getting ready to close the door, one of the pups rang out. "Please tell us a bedtime story... please." The rest of them bounced up and down excitedly as they sat up in their beds. "But my young pups, it's way past your bedtime, but if you wish, I'll tell you one, then it's lights out. The older cat sat down in a rocking chair and put a lighted candle on the nightstand. She asked them, "So what story do you want to hear tonight?" All four of the pups piped up in unison, "Tell us about Luna." The cat leaned back and chuckled a bit, remembering how it was to be some hundreds of years ago... Then their maid/babysitter began to tell the story...

Luna was a hybrid wolf with bright green eyes that could change color so she chose. She had short blond hair and wings that could stretch out nearly nine feet in length, they would become almost invisible when pressed against her back. She weighed about 130 pounds and was rather short for her age. She was usually seen one tail, but could have up to four of them. On the right side of her main tail was a crescent that was gold in color and glowed . Other then that, she had plain white fur, rough to the touch, but it had the look of silk. she could take on the look of a red vixen- a very bright red with black on the tip of her tail and half way up her arms and legs. Her size remained the same, but her eye's were blue with  a purple tint. She could also take form of a lycan/ vampire mix. In this form she would increase to seven feet tall weight nearly 200 pounds. Her white fur would have grey markings all over. Her teeth would grow much larger and sharper, and in this stage her eye's would turn bright red.. As long as she remained in her wolf form no one would ever know about the other transformations.

Luna woke found herself in a very small room with white walls. The only items in this room were a pile of straw for a bed and a small nightstand holding a little lamp. She looked around to see if there was anything else, but to no avail.

She stood up, a bit shaky, and tried to smooth out what was left of her clothing. It was difficult to determine what color it had been because it was covered with soot, as was some of her fur.

The steel door had no handle on the inside, so she knew she couldn't get out that way. The window was so small that it didn't even need bars; heck, she couldn't even fit her paw through the opening. She pressed her ear against the door to try to hear anything, any signs of others walking around... all she heard was the sound of the wind whistling through a vent somewhere.

Luna did notice, however, some very small writing on the door, so small that she had to strain her eye's to see it. Her eye's widened when she saw where she was and fear bristled her fur. "Lad Tech" she muttered under her breath. She slowly stood back up, tears running down her face. She looked around the tiny room again, just in case she had missed something. Looking up, she noticed a small vent, but it was too high to reach, and the room was way too small for her to stretch out her wings to full length.

Suddenly she heard foot steps coming down the hall. She backed herself onto the straw in the corner and, as she sat down, she felt something slide up on her neck... a collar with no way to remove it!

The door slowly came open and two humans stood in the doorway. She could not see who they were.. the light outside the room was too bright for her to make them out, but she did notice that one of the humans was missing an arm!

"Looks like we got one of our escapees back, sir." One of the humans said and he handed a chart to the other one. "Good." was the reply "Maybe we can get more tests done on her, her blood is very valuable." One of the humans stepped foreword and Luna could see him clearly. He was a tab taller than she was, and weighed about 170. He wore a white overcoat, a lab coat, she figured with black jeans and t-shirt underneath. As he stepped foreword, he pulled out a black box with some buttons on it. When he pushed one a pulsating shock came from her collar, and it made her stand. The human reached out and grabbed her muzzle, puling her to him at an angle. "You will regret leaving this place and taking my arm you wretch." And with that being said the human threw her to the ground. The pair quickly left the room, shutting and locking the door behind them. She crawled back onto the straw, keeping her eye's on the door. She curled up in a ball and just lay there.

About a half hour later she heard unusual noises outside the door, which lasted about five minutes or so, then stopped,. Luna listened as best as she could; whoever, or whatever it was had stopped right in front of her door. Before she could even move closer, a voice came through the door from the other side. "Step away from the door, Luna!" With that warning having been given, she didn't move any closer. The door blew open with a cloud of dust and she saw a rather tall figure standing in the clearing.. When the smoke fully cleared she saw a black wolf lycan walking towards her. He stood nearly eight feet tall, and his 200 pounds were mostly muscle, she guessed. He had dark green flashing eye's. The only marking he had was a white tribal sign on his upper face. He wore black jeans, no shirt, and carried a staff on his back which hung from his belt. "How did you get back in this dreadful place again?" he asked her. Luna tried to determine who he was, but it only made her head hurt trying to think. "No matter, we'd better move along.. this place won't be standing much longer." He helped her get up and they started to walk very quickly down the hall. As they went through the first set of doors, they noticed two large cats dressed as security guards following behind them. The tall wolf/lycan didn't seem to be concerned about them.

They came to another set of doors with bars attached, but as they got closer, a flash of blue flew past them from the other side, and hitting the bars and doors and melting them.

In a few minutes Luna and the lycan got outside and didn't stop running until they reached the edge of the woods. He gave a high-pitched whistle, and two lizard-like creatures came rumbling out just as the building exploded. The lycan looked at her, "Are you able to ride?" Luna nodded as he helped her onto one of the creatures and strapped her on tight. "Don't let go and hang on as tight as you can."