
Wings and Blood

Born as something forbidden and should have never exists in the world, Inshal an angel-demon hybrid is born within the hevens. She begins her life as her mothers fears and something that most would destroy at first sight. Centeries after her birth she sees a beautiful half vampire named FunPup and she instantly falls for her. FunPup is a half vampire trying to live a normal life in the society of furrys but struggles to keep her bloodlust in control. As time goes on will FunPup be able to live a normal life or will she have to accept the shadows as her bloods home? Either way Inshal knows one thing, she will stand by FunPups side and fight by her side. After struggles and heartache Inshal manages to find where she truly stands. But an evil lurks within Inshal, it can destroy the land from the very root. She also knows that she can't be with a mortal so she has to leave FunPup or face the consequences. (Warning the description of these angels and demons are not accurate of the ones in the bible, I would like to apologise if this affends or upsets anyone. 18+ content)

FunPup · Fantasy
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65 Chs

From within

Magic that Inshal has seen the angels use only for good, now being used to slaughter multiple humans at once. Fighting technics that has been used to protect from evil spirits, now being used to decapitate elfs. 'Why?' Inshal asked herself, tears running down her cheeks and the terror of how low they have become. That terror turned to anger, the frustration, the rage rushed over her and she felt a new power bubbling from her stomach. She jumped out and she allowed that power to surface... She woke up in a cave, her body ached and she couldn't walk with out limping. Inshal then heard familiar laughter.

"You did it! Inshal you did it!" her fathers voice rang from behind her.

"Father?" Inshal called out.

"Yes Inshal it's me, I saw you flying and tried to follow but you are fast" Darkin rubbed his wings, "I saw the look on your face, a true discuss and fury if you ask me".

"You sound a little too impressed... for such an ugly emotion" Inshal had to sit down as her body ached too much.

"Ugly yes, but I guess to me it would be more amusing then for you" he had a big grin.

"What did I do?" Inshal asked wrapped her head with her wings.

"Your horns glowed, but not a deep couler it was bright, that bright I can't be in the sun for a while" Darkin began to explain, "then a, lightning? and you killed every single soldier on that battle filed".

He looked very pleased, too pleased. "Have you seen it before?" Inshal asked now not trusting her own emotions.

"No, never but I believe that you can keep the underworld at bay, even if you don't get into the second council" Darkin nod his head.

"I did, I joined this morning" Inshal informed him.

"Oh, why are you here? aren't you supposed to stay up there safe?" Darkin looked confused, as if her presence was stabbing him through the heart.

"I'm here to get a better intake of the war, to see where the council sits" Inshal told him but then felt a stab of guilt as if telling him anything is a crime.

"If telling me upsets you that much, then you should sin a little more, to get use to it" Darkin observed her.

"What?! how!?" Inshal jumped back.

"I can smell it on you, guilt, I've always hated it" he explained.

"Oh, well you know that sining isn't my thing, and telling you isn't sining" Inshal hoped it wasn't.

"You are bound to an oath, it is. I am now your sworn enemy" he frowned, "you sure you are ready to be a part of a council?".

"Yes, I know I have Anchor" Inshal didn't feel too true to that statement.

"You sure?" Darkin chuckled a little, "you have been sent to observed but then killed everyone who you are supposed to be watching".

"I'm already feeling terrible about it, I don't need you to make it worse" Inshal kept herself calm, she couldn't afford to bring her strength out of her control.

"I know, you need a hug?" Darkin asked, sometimes he says as a joke due to how much she loved attention as a kid but now he sounds concerned.

"Yes please" Inshal accepted, feeling a little down. Her father hugged her close.

"So I guess the council said someone about demon encounters around here as well" Darkin blurded out.

"Yes I'm down here for that to" Inshal flicked her tail, "how are your eyes?".

"They'll be fine, I'm not mortal so calm down" he laughed a little.

"So what's up?" Inshal asked thinking it'll be better to get information from him instead if risking getting caught.

"I can only tell you if you want to get involved... wait, so here's the thing" Darkin had a look as if he had a plan. "I don't agree what my King is doing, so if we act like you want to be apart of, you can get your information and we can stop it" he suggested.

"That's a good plan, it'll let me get information right away instead of waiting for someone to shout it out for the world to hear" Inshal agreed.

"Good, so when do you have to be back?" Darkin asked.

"Next Tuesday" Inshal answered finding it a little funny that he looked so shocked.

"Perfect" he said after a little pause.

"So we leave once your eyes are healed?" Inshal wondered.

"We can leave now, I just have to stick to trees" Darkin said then exited the cave and Inshal followed, remembering the pain she was in. They walked in the forest, most of which is covered in shade as the trees towed over her. Darkin stopped after a long while of walking, "you want to see the damage you did?" he had a pleased look.

"Sure" Inshal shrugged, she needed to know what kind of damage she has done to know what to ask Newlaw. Darkin signalled for her to jump on a tree branch, Inshal had to remind herself how to breath when she saw. Every soldier had a burnt hole right through their hearts, scorch marks scared the grass and of any one of them survive, they wouldn't for long. "What did I do?" Inshal sounded and felt disappointed in herself.

"Don't be so disappointed, it is beautiful of what you can do" Darkin hufft, Inshal knew that he was loving the look of this.

"It's not beautiful, not at all" Inshal jumped down, "we going?".

"You may not be able see it now, but trust me when you do you won't be able to see why you thought so badly of it" Darkin promised.

"We going?" Inshal repeated herself. The truth is she can see how it's beautiful but it feels wrong and a part of her craves it.

"Fine" Darkin had a grin but it soon faded. He led her South, far south. After a while it got colder and the atmosphere changed, as if they're in a new ecosystem, new creatures, new climate it's all different.

"Not much further now" Darkin called out to her. They walked for anuther 10 minutes after that before Inshal saw a bunch of twisted creatures. They looked more twisted then Darkin and they all stared at her. "This way Inshal!" Darkin called out to her as she has stopped to exsamon everyone. "Inshal?" most of the demons whispered to each other. Inshal felt a little out of place, more then she did before. She follow her father until she saw a giant, twisted orb, "what is that?" Inshal asked Darkin.

"That is the most glorious thing you'll be able to lay your eyes on" a cold and dark voice answer from behind her. "So Darkin, this the hybrid you fathered?" a large and most unearthly thing asked her father.

"Yes Marlo, this is Inshal" Darkin smiled.

Marlo turned to her and examined closely, "why a crow?" he asked a little judgmental.

"I like them" Inshal answered exsaming him back.

"Well, when I heard that my best general had fathered a hybrid I just had to meet you" he grind, "let me show what this is then".

"So what is the plan here exactly?" Inshal looked at it again.

"Oh this baby, is the beginning of a better life for all of us" Marlo looked at it as if nothing else matters.

"Don't call me baby" Inshal wanted him to know that she is not just anyone's b-ch.

"Huh why not?" he chuckled and went to pull her closer but she moved back.

"No" Inshal said sternly.

"Well to answer your question, this will have the power to control the minds of any creature maby even the angels for bones points" he explained blandly.

"That's powerful, but can't father do that already?" Inshal asked recalling back when her father explained that he can control the minds of most creatures.

"Yes he was the one who inspired me to bring this to life" Marlo nodded.

"What is it exactly?" Inshal asked taking anuther look, it was a deep purple with golden swirls.

"Oh you'll find out soon anuff" Marlo laughed and had a long grin that looked like it cut right through his cheeks.