
Wings and Blood

Born as something forbidden and should have never exists in the world, Inshal an angel-demon hybrid is born within the hevens. She begins her life as her mothers fears and something that most would destroy at first sight. Centeries after her birth she sees a beautiful half vampire named FunPup and she instantly falls for her. FunPup is a half vampire trying to live a normal life in the society of furrys but struggles to keep her bloodlust in control. As time goes on will FunPup be able to live a normal life or will she have to accept the shadows as her bloods home? Either way Inshal knows one thing, she will stand by FunPups side and fight by her side. After struggles and heartache Inshal manages to find where she truly stands. But an evil lurks within Inshal, it can destroy the land from the very root. She also knows that she can't be with a mortal so she has to leave FunPup or face the consequences. (Warning the description of these angels and demons are not accurate of the ones in the bible, I would like to apologise if this affends or upsets anyone. 18+ content)

FunPup · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
65 Chs

A twisted mind

"You're still a demon are you?" Marlo asked.

"Yes" Inshal narrowed her eyes.

"Well come join me, I prefer not to sleep alone" Marlo gestured one last time, 'if I want more information I should be on his good side' Inshal made her decision and cuddled up to him. "Wasn't so hard now wasn't it" Marlo wrapped his arms around her. After a long while of not getting any sleep a demon barged in, "sir I have the repo..." he trailed of.

"Can this wait?" Marlo sounded a little annoyed.

"Yes it's just the reports" the demon walked out of the tent.

"Some demons honestly, can't they knock?" Marlo pet in-between her wings. "You know you are a bit too comfy with me, a king, with your not so little angel wings" Marlo ran his fingers down the bones of them.

"What does that mean?" Inshal asked a little confused.

"I mean that an angel would never let a demon this close to their wings, oh my it's so soft" Marlo began to pet every single feather.

"I prefer to keep it soft, they can get real greasey of you don't tend to them properly" Inshal explained, it felt like a massage to her.

"Well I approve of your work" Marlo said exsaming every little detail of her wings with every touch. Inshal began to purr by instinct after a while, which only made Marlo laugh.

"Does it feel good?" he asked giggling.

"Just shut up" Inshal elbowed him in the chest making him winded.

"What was that for?" Marlo sat up and Inshal was put in an awkward position.

"For being a prik" Inshal half snapped while sitting up.

"Come on, it was a joke" Marlo then ran his hand down her back, causing a tingling sensation, "your fur is puffing up, no need to be all worked up" Marlo grind.

"I'm not" Inshal turned her head away as to say "f-ck of".

"I think you need to let this new body breathe a little" Marlo grabbed hold of her waist and pulled her down with him. Inshal always hated being on her back, as a cloud, as a crow but now it feels different, as if it's right. "You need to spend a little time with me" Marlos hand went from her waist to her thigh.

"How many times do I have to say No!?" Inshal hissed for the first time, she expected it to starain her throat but it didn't, it felt natural.

"A lot more" Marlo joked and Inshal could hear his breathing becoming faster, his heart began to race a little. Inshal had to jump up because of the sudden change.

"What in the world?" Inshal hissed again.

"What?" Marlo sat up with her, "what was that about?".

"Like everything in your body just changed pase" Inshal felt her ears pin back.

"Yeah it does that when I get frustrated" Marlo explained with a sudden cold voice.

"I don't like the way you keep changing emotions" Inshal quietly snapped infront of him.

"Well work with me?" he grabbed hold of her again, pull her her close and began to stroke her fur.

"It's kinda hard when you act calm then burst" Inshal bared her teeth.

"Are going to sleep or no" Marlo asked impatiently.

"Fine" Inshal gave up arguing and she felt exhausted. Marlo layed on his back and pushed her into the position like they were in before. 'So never in my life did I imagine that I would be cuddling up to a king of a part of the underworld' Inshal thought quietly to herself as Marlo pet her back until he feel asleep. Inshal closed her eyes but found it hard to sleep, her mind kept drifting to the furry she saw in the forest. 'FunPup, what a unique name?' Inshal smiled at the thought. For such a beautiful creature, she knows it is forbidden for an angel to have a relationship with a mortal. Especially for an angel who is in the second council, everyone will find out shortly after being old enough to have their first form that Newlaw had to kill an angel because of it. No-one knows why the angel had to die but no-one dared asked Newlaw about it.

Having feelings for one should be OK as long as they don't do something about them. Inshal had made up her mind that she likes this furry but right now she is snuggled up to Marlo who is fast asleep. She yawned and closed her eyes once more and drifted of, she felt safe in his arms.

Inshal woke up the next morning covered in blankets and Marlo gone, she sighed. 'He has duties so of course he's gone' Inshal got up and stretched, she opened the fabric door and saw she was in the senter of a bunch of tents, all in a spiral. Inshal looked around and realised that she was in the creator with that deep purple orb was in. As she walked around fore a while she found Marlo talking to a bunch of other demons, "Aa Inshal we was just talking about you" he greeted.

"Good morning" Inshal greeted back.

"Say, we have no idea of what you're like in battle wish to train with up or tell us what power you have?" Marlo had a strang look on his face as he looked at her.

"I'm alright in battle but I still don't know what power I have" Inshal shrugged.

"So would you want me to help you find out?" Marlo grind and Inshal didn't like how the other demons around had a grin to.

"I don't see why not" Inshal accepted knowing that they would be running with their tails between their legs once they found out.

"Good, come with me" Marlo lifted into the air and his wings didn't look natural or pretty in the slightest. They looked twisted and mangled, as if he has been through a paper shredder. Inshal followed noticing immediately that she was a lot faster then him. "You like to work out your wings, don't you?" he asked.

"I guess you can say that, I had nothing else to do in the hevens" Inshal explained, she had to make herself slower so she wouldn't fly too far ahead. "So where are we going?" Inshal asked as it looked like they were walking blindly.

"To a large filed" Marlo answered then took a sharp right. They flew for a few more minutes until a massive fild with sunflowers and tulips were planted neatly.

"Here, this will do" Marlo landed, crushing the beautiful flowers underneath his wight. Inshal landed softly, "you ready for a training session?" Marlo asked as if she was invited to an important meeting.

"Yeah sure" Inshal replied wondering why the other demons found it amusing when she accepted.

"Good" his grin grew wider, "I'm going to blast you and you are going to use the power to protect yourself, if it works we don't need to continue if it doesn't... well we have a lot of work to do" Marlo explained. Inshal nodded and Marlo shot 3 large fire balls at her, Inshal tried calling out her demon powers but instead her halo glowed and moved them all away.

"Wrong power!" Marlo had his cold tone again and he shot 3 more. The same thing happened, he did again and nothing was called out. She had to dash up to not get killed. "NO! you are ment to blast them away! gey back down!" Marlo sounded harsh and it startled her as he sounded calm a few seconds ago. Inshal flew back down and nodded, "don't move" he ordered. 3 fire balls were shooting towards her and Inshal panicked as her feet felt glued to the ground. She crouched and she felt her horns glow, 3 lines of lightning shot all 3 fire balls and Marlos expression changed to shock.

"No way!" Marlo took a step back, "your power is ment to be wiped out!" he snapped.

"What is it?" Inshal asked, was it really that bad?. Marlo walked towards her and pinned her to the ground by her shoulders, "mention your power to anyone and I will kill you right then and there, got it!" Marlo threatened and Inshal felt panic wash over her.

"Yes" she blurded out as the pain of his claws digging into her stung.

"Good, we are going back after a little normal training and we are going to say that we couldn't draw it out ok" Marlo said calmly letting her go.

"Right" Inshal rubbed her shoulder and waited for the instructions.

"Take this sword" he ordered as a dark red sword formed in midair. "I'm going to teach you how to use it" he explained, "first get into the right stance". That was the first of many instructions she was given, they might as well spent the hole day there. It was midday when they made it back, now Inshal had a sword strapped to her side and a few slashes all over her body. "Inshal!" her father called out to her, he guided her away from Marlo and into there own little spot. "The f-ck are you doing training with Marlo?" Darkin basically scolded.

"What's wrong with that?" Inshal asked a little confused.

"He only trains for his own enjoyment, Marlo only trian to have something to slash, to abuse until you can't 'train' again" Darkin hufft. "I don't want you training with him again" he declared.