
Wingless Guardian Rouge

Being the most indifferent being in their continent, Rouge started to hate the mortals of the fields. Despite being able to fly, they were caged in the Tria Valley while protecting the mortals in the shadows. Rouge's hate gets even worse when they eradicated her kind in front of her. After the horrible event, she started her journey of retribution, unlocking even the worst events she did not expect.

MikaTa_o_c · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

"No other survivors left," Naty said with a lifeless voice. "We've checked the border hoping for a wing of life but,'' she shook her head then her tears started to fall.

Watching them from my current bed made me feel more helpless than ever. We are in the heart of the valley, the hole in the middle of the tallest mountain. Situated in a maze of rocks and unorganized geography, armaments and other weapons are hidden here. Memorials of the fallen protectors and warriors are here.

Right, we have skilled warriors. They are the guardians of the valley, if the protectors oversee the outside situations and maintain the peace of the fields in the shadows, we have the warriors here to keep us from monsters and other invaders.

"What happened to the warriors? They're supposed to protect Tria," I asked full of wonder making them turn their looks in my direction.

I saw some looked away in an instant, and others cried again, so I looked at Oldess Sanya, she too is trying to hold back her tears wearing a bitter smile.

I guess that answers my question. Not even the warriors who protected the valley could save themselves from the ruthless mortals.

"They have gas with them, I saw it; they are throwing it everywhere aside from the explosives," said Mio who was looking at the cold mountain floor.

"Everyone's wings were taken away. They tore them of like it was a paper," I said and looked at Oldess Sanya. "Those ungrateful pricks were the ones our whole valley protected! I told you they are jealous and good-for-nothing wenches!!!" I stood up from where I am sitting. "I saw how they cut off the wings of our kin and killed them like they were monsters. Burned their bodies and let the other part of it rot, so tell me, are they worth the efforts of the valley?!" bitterness and despise are what cover me right now.

"But we had an agree--," I cut off Oldess Sanya. "Fuck that agreement! Who will believe those empty words the mortals said? Who????" my anger is now out of control.

I stormed out of the shelter and flew to the Triatres, the highest peak of the valley.

Standing alone yet proud is this mountain of rocks that makes every guardian fly all the way here to freshen up. All I can see are clouds with varying shapes and sizes and the mighty sun at its peak. But no more birds singing lullabies or horns from the celebratory events at the valley.

Hidden underneath my ripped clothing is Rio's souvenir, and I can't help but wonder, if I did not let him go to the battlefield, would he still be alive?

"I'm gonna shred them into pieces leaving no one behind," and I go back to the shelter.


"Tear off my wings," I told them as I came back.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Oldess Sanya had her mouth wide open and the others lost their attention to what they are doing.

A guardian without wings is no different from that the mortals of the fields. We are deprived of every right we had and the freedom that made us distinct from the lowly mortals.

"Holy guardian my dear Rouge, do have any idea what you are saying right now?" Oldess Sanya said as she caresses my cheeks.

"I do that's why I am saying it. Now tear off my wings," I said firmly. I saw Naty approaches angrily and I just looked at her. "Get back to your senses Rouge! Now is not the time to show off your whimsical attitude," she said straight to my face angrily.

"Do you think I have time for my whims right now?" I asked her blankly.

It's not just me who's enraged right now, the only difference is that I am insane enough to sacrifice my wings to ease the burning rage within me.

"Tearing off your wings means losing everything, Rouge," a teary Sady hold my hand while sadly looking at me. "I already have nothing to lose Sady, I'm an empty can," I patted her head and moved to the center of the shelter.

"I know that this shelter has a unique mechanism to remove my wings. I am doing it out of whim. This is our only way to survive. We cannot live forever hiding and with the fear of being hunted."

There was pure silence in this cold shelter and only some droplets of water from the rocks and the hush winds can be heard.

"I'll come with you," Mio broke the silence. "No, you're strong enough Mio, and our valley needs protection, you get me?" I spoke.

"You can't just go and infiltrate the demon's place alone," he said with slight annoyance. "We cannot attract any attention, not at this point; I also cannot let anyone else lose their wings," I said firmly.

Based on their looks, they seemed to me like they are weighing things considering every possible scenario. It's not just me who's bound to lose nothing. We hit the rock bottom with sharp edges at the end of the cliff.

"You will not be able to withstand the pain of tearing off your wings," said Oldess Sanya.

"I am afraid of nothing now Oldess," I turned my back away from them. "Now, help me with my wings, please," I looked at the cold floor with nothing in my mind.

I waited for them to follow me to another torture chamber where guardians who committed unforgivable crimes were deprived of their wings. I only heard about the existence of this torture chamber but when I saw the weapons and other unusual things around here, I guessed that one of the rock chambers here is the punishment ground.

When I heard footsteps behind, I started to look for the chamber.

"Let me, I know where it was," it was Mio now walking with his back on me.

I have just noticed that his wings aren't that big unlike mine, and it is not scarlet red like the others, more like the color of the sunset when bad weather is approaching. Now that I saw how the others were killed and lost their wings, I am starting to notice that not everyone's wings are the same.

"Make sure not to regret your decision Rouge," Mio stopped at the closed chamber, just like any other chamber here.

"There is nothing to regret," I replied.

I saw him breathe deeply before pressing a wing-like button and it suddenly flipped and a small creek was heard as the door started to lift.

The smell of the whole room is ancient, I cannot even think how many years it has been unused. There are swords, armor, spears, and such everywhere. Chains are full of rust everywhere; it was unusually dark, and bats are everywhere so as spider webs.

At the end of the room, there is this wooden stage with chains and a big twin-like blade on the standee of the platform.

"You can still back-off from your decision," Mio said while looking at the platform.

"Do it faster Mio, we have no time to waste,".

And with just that, I am now a useless mortal with the wounds of wings.