
Wingless Guardian Rouge

Being the most indifferent being in their continent, Rouge started to hate the mortals of the fields. Despite being able to fly, they were caged in the Tria Valley while protecting the mortals in the shadows. Rouge's hate gets even worse when they eradicated her kind in front of her. After the horrible event, she started her journey of retribution, unlocking even the worst events she did not expect.

MikaTa_o_c · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

"We are the most unique being that could thereafter be called aliens in this region," said Oldess Sanya.

I can bet that she said that almost every year of her life every time new guardians are on their training.

"Does being caged in here count as being unique?" I can't help but ask.

"We are not caged, we are just doing what we are supposed to do," she replied to me with 'as-a-matter-of-fact' tone.

Everyone dreams of having a pair of wings, yet in my case, I despise it to the root. It is nothing but an accessory, a label that tells me I am what I am because of my duty. In these regions where we are the only one who can fly, we are regarded as freak. If the tale my Oldess Ive said was true, we are not from here but in a faraway region where having wings is a common thing.

"It is our duty to overlook this whole region while keeping our presence hidden to avoid attention, "continued by the Oldess.

Sitting here idly while listening to some nonsense teachings in a very quiet and creepy room is a waste of time for me.

"Oldess I'll be out for some air. I've heard your tales hundreds of times before,"i flew after not letting her say a thing.

Our training ground is at the top of one of the highest peaks of the Tria Valley so every new guardian will master to maneuver their wings in complex paths. I am not a master or anything, but I loved my black wings more than this place.

"Rouge! You're skipping your first training!" scream by someone approaching in front of me.

That's some flashy wings for you and I'll bet it is Rio, one of the Protectors.

I stopped midway then just float in the air and wait for him. Judging from the chained armor that wrapped around his white top clothing, he just got off duty. He has his wood laced sandals that are wrapped around his legs and a sword on his belt.

"Oldess Sanya's tale is as boring as my Oldess' dishes," I said as he stopped in front of me.

"You little blackie never changed and Oldess' lectures are your guide," and he pats my head like a 'lil pup and I hate it.

"I thought you are a day protector. Why are you off just now?"

"Mortals from different fields are having some sort of dispute, everyone is on duty."

How I wish I can get those wingless mortals and throw them on the cliff of Tria's Valley, they are too much to handle.

"Rio, can I join you in your patrol later? I won't make an--," I was cut off before I can finish.

"No!!", he said louder than usual. "You should head back for the lecture and training all keep all those naughty thoughts of yours to yourself," then he left.

There is no way for me to go back to those lectures that did nothing good for me. Sneaking won't count as a violation if they caught me. Thank goodness I am that smart.

I re-routed and moved my way home; I at least need to arm myself for any unexpected happenings.

My father was one of the greatest guardians with black wings who lost his way trying to outwit the invaders of the field. Those mortals are nothing but a bunch of self-centered creatures worst that those in the wild.

Having enough light self-defense weapons, it's time for me to implement my 'never-get-caught' sneaking outside the Valley.