
Winged birds

Mihraskoduvally · Urban
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*✿═══════════════✿* *Winged wings* *Part :21* http://mihraskoduvally123.blogspot.com/2023/05/blog-post.html *✿═══════════════✿* https://instagram.com/she.is.dream.maker?igshid=ZGUzMzM3NWJiOQ== https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=o7hsgxz71i40&utm_content=8ex74zs As before, she has once again worn the title of a schoolgirl. Much better than before, she had learned to handle all the languages. And the childrenThey are smart. They can speak their language well at home and their language outside the home. Those who listen to their speech will not feel that there is a Malayali red in them. Contrary to usual, seeing Haya and her friends waiting in front of the house, the pace of the walk increased. It's early for her. It is the first time that the children of the class are also brought. Everyone was welcomed and given tea and sweets. There were boys and girls. ParikhEveryone came together to sit and study. good children Only one of them is silent. When asked, he said that he was a new person and he was hesitant. The poor good boy is just like my children to see... Seeing him sitting alone, I asked him if he sat with them and asked his name....His answer can be said to have knocked me back to old memories...Hisham Roshan... However, when Hashim was born, I told him to name him RashikaI didn't hear it... I really liked that name. By the time they were about to leave, Rashika came. Kushalanveshana asked them and went to the room. I sent everyone away and went back to my work. The class is over and now there is nothing left until dinner. After giving her tea, I turned to my work. Haya comes to me and itches even when her friends are gone. She is going on a three-day tour with everyone from schoolIt means to go. It's okay if it's only one season, but if you say it's three seasons, I won't have any peace here. And even if I agree, I don't think Ika will agree to this. . . . " Umm I love you Umm... It's nice to see my mother's smile... Vaichin's smile... "Hah, leave it baby,,, those nuts won't cook in this pot. And I'm my mouth baby... I have a smile and I'm beautiful. I don't want to praise my baby.Toh... I went quickly, did I study, but the exam is coming... " Mmm... Nta Mmm... Please... This is the last one, I don't know where to go now... Please... Please... "You have a lot of work to do, girl, go... hurry up... hurry up... if you stand around, I won't get any work done... "Then this won't happen... but I thought you were so evil, ma'am... come on... um... One thing about this girl. Um... whatever. To see the matter, I will take it by the hand and leave it allI don't think it will come now, but I don't know,,, and my dear... don't come like me... I took the hands and feet of what I was reading and did it one by one. When I think about it now, it's a bad comedy... Once I bought Vaichi a cigarette and while I was massaging her head, Vaichi Choi... "What do you have to gain, my mole? Hurry up... "My prince of Manasila... "Um. I've seen it so much my child... ha... That smile of Vaich's voice even todayHis ears are ringing. So many memories... ## When I went to the room with the tea, Rashika was not there. If Rashika comes after office like this, she needs a cup of tea. went out What was left unsaid? Usually, no matter how busy I am, I always tell my children... um... I will see anything necessary. ****** It was more than what I expected when I ran to the newsThe view... They had finished their old work and settled down to do business in the country... Everything that was going well suddenly collapsed. Shocked to hear all this, his wife left this world after three attacks. The sight of my son sitting in their house, not knowing what to do, broke my heart... my dear... he There the chest burstis sitting I did not look at the person or the surroundings. I went to him. Holding his hands and pulling him to me... Unspeakable emotions were flashing between him and me. It's just that both are filled with two memories. *to be continued* *✍🏻mihras koduvally* ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ *ISHQE-MADEENA* ◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾