


"Toxicus Nebula!" CURSE/WEAKEN

Description: "Toxicus Nebula" When cast, it conjures a small cloud of magical mist that rains down a faint, non-lethal toxin. This toxin mildly corrodes the surface of the target's objects, making them appear weathered, while also causing a mild drowsiness in the affected individual. 

"Invisibilis Fumus!(Skitterleap)" BUFF/STEALTH

"Invisibilis Fumus!(Skitterleap)"

Description: "Invisibilis Fumus" is a basic spell that grants the caster temporary invisibility for a short duration. When cast, the caster disappears in a puff of greenish smoke and remains invisible for approximately 10 seconds.

Incantation: "Noxus Guardium!"

"Noxus Guardium(Armour of Darkness)." SHİELD/STEALTH

This basic protective and concealment spell conjured shadows that enveloped his body, forming a protective barrier that could deflect minor magical and physical harm. Simultaneously, the shadows provided a cloak of concealment, making him blend into his surroundings in dimly lit areas, rendering him difficult to see. It was a useful spell for personal safety and moments when one needed to hide from prying eyes

"Ossum Fragilis!" CURSE/ WEAKEN

Description: "Ossum Fragilis" is a basic curse. When cast, it briefly weakens the target's bones, making them more susceptible to injury and discomfort. This spell doesn't cause any lasting harm. The curse was not strong enough to break bones yet, but it could cause sprains and soreness.

"Obscurum Turbinis" AOE DAMAGE

It is a basic offensive spell with a 3-meter diameter. When cast, it conjures a swirling and putrid whirlwind of shadowy magical energy around the target. This whirlwind releases stinging ashes that cause mild magical damage and discomfort to the victim. While it's not a particularly powerful spell, "Obscurum Turbinis" can be used for self-defense or in minor magical duels among students. It can be considered an unpleasant but manageable spell.


"Malediccio Bladae(cursed blade)!" buff/spirit damage

Djaf's Incantation of Cursed Blades

Description: "Malediccio Bladae" is a basic charm that can touch incorporal being and couse a small shock like static electricity and can't do physical harm. 


"Aqua Deductio!" curse/weaken/death

Description: "Aqua Vitas Deductio" is a basic curse that first-year students at Hogwarts can learn. When cast, it saps a small amount of moisture and vitality from the target, leaving them feeling slightly dehydrated and fatigued.

"Tempestus Spectralis" damage

Sakhmet's Incantation of the Skullstorm

spectral skulls accompanied by strong winds move swiftly across Three wailing spectral skulls accompanied by strong winds move swiftly across the ground, crashing into everything on their way and causing mild magical damage to things they come in contact with.the ground, crashing into everything on their way and causing mild magical damage to things they come in contact with.

Three wailing spectral skulls accompanied by strong winds move swiftly across the ground, crashing into everything on their way and causing mild magical damage to things they come in contact with.

Protegus Repellus shield/psychical

When cast, A shimmering globe of magical shields burst fort from Elmi and it provides a brief but effective shield against physical harm. The spell forms an invisible barrier around the caster, making them resistant to physical attacks and provides little protection against magical attacks


Flock of Doom

"Oculus Corvi(Flock of Doom)" curse/blind

With this spell, the caster invokes the spirit of Corvus the Crow Lord, summoning 4 small magical crows attacking the target's eyes temporarily blinding them.

The Amber Spear

"Glaesum Lancia(Amber Spear)" single damage

When casting Glaesum Lancia, the spellcaster conjures a glowing amber spear with remarkable precision and accuracy. The caster can then launch this spear at the intended target. Upon impact, the amber spear not only inflicts a moderate level of physical damage but also releases a blinding burst of light. This intense flash of light temporarily blinds the target and leaves them disoriented.

Transformation of Kadon

"Aquila Apparitio" summon

the spellcaster has the power to summon a crested serpent eagle, one of the smallest eagle species. The eagle can continue to exist until it is killed or for 6 hours, but you cannot cast it again if the beast is alive.


Tenebrae Trepidatio(Doom & Darkness) curse/FEAR death

"Tenebrae Trepidatio(Doom & Darkness)"

Black and amethyst ghostly apparitions appears around the target and passed through it. The spirits sap the resolve of the target, causing a sense of impending doom and terror. Overcast can cause that by heart attack

Animus Absorben(Spirit Leech) curse/ weaken

less than 10% is absorbed by the caster.

the wizard's hand glows with an amethyst light as they direct it towards the chosen foe. The spell taps into the essence of the target, creating an ethereal link between the wizard and the victim. Animus Absorbens leeches the spirit of the chosen foe, draining their magical energy and weakening their magical abilities temporarily. 

"Umbram Fuscum(purple sun of shyish)." aoe damage

a big orb of purple-edged darkness materializes, hovering menacingly in the air. Umbram Fuscum is a roiling sphere of arcane force that rolls across the targeted area. As it moves, it emits amethyst rays that drain the life force of living things and their spirits.

LORE OF SHADOWSUmbrasaltus(Umbra Leap) mobility/ 5 times cast before vertigo

"Umbrasaltus(Umbra Leap)"

When cast, the wizard becomes one with the shadows, allowing them to traverse a 20-meter radius in a flicker of shadows. The spell requires a sufficiently large shadow, at least as big as the caster's width, for the wizard to enter. Once inside the shadow, the wizard is enveloped by darkness and seamlessly transported to another location within the area of effect.

Umbrae Velamen(Veil of Shadows) Illusion

"Umbrae Velamen(Veil of Shadows)"

Effect: When cast, the wizard manipulates the shadows of Ulgu, the Realm of Shadows, to create an illusionary veil. This veil, known as Umbrae Velamen, shrouds the area in darkness and distorts perception, causing confusion and deception among those who observe it. The spell is designed to mislead and misdirect adversaries, making it difficult for them to discern truth from illusion. Umbrae Velamen is particularly effective for concealing the caster's movements or creating diversions in tactical situations.

Nebula Nebulosa(Mystifying Miasma)

"Nebula Nebulosa(Mystifying Miasma)"

Effect: When cast, a numbing fog envelops the targeted area, causing those within it to stagger and stumble listlessly. Nebula Nebulosa creates a dense mist that not only obscures vision but also prevents the victims from breathing properly. If they remain within the fog for too long, they risk suffocation as the mist constricts their airways. The spell is effective at disorienting and incapacitating foes, making them vulnerable to further magical or physical attacks.

Equus Umbrarum(Steed of Shadows) summon

"Equus Umbrarum(Steed of Shadows)"

Effect: When cast, a coal-black creature with wings of night materializes from the darkness, appearing as a spectral steed. This creature, known as the Equus Umbrarum, swiftly carries the caster above the battlefield, allowing them to navigate the fray with agility and speed. The steed is capable of flight and moves effortlessly through the air, granting the caster unparalleled mobility and a strategic advantage in combat.

Lacum Umbrarum(Pit of Shades)

"Lacum Umbrarum(Pit of Shades)"

When cast, the wizard opens a rift into a shadowy plane, creating a devouring darkness that emanates a ghostly gray hue around the rift. Vorago Umbrae forms a pit of shades with a radius of effect of 5 meters. This deadly spell engulfs everything within its radius, trapping victims in an abyss of darkness where visibility is severely hindered. Those caught within the pit may experience disorientation and fear as the shadows seem to swallow them whole.

Pendulum Penumbra(The Penumbral Pendulum) damage-line

"Pendulum Penumbra(The Penumbral Pendulum)"

Effect: When cast, the wizard summons a spectral pendulum, appearing as a shimmering blade suspended in mid-air. Upon command, the Pendulum Penumbra swings with lethal speed and precision through the foe designated by the caster. This razor-sharp pendulum slices through the target with spectral force, inflicting severe damage upon impact. it creates a 2-meter gash on the ground.

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