
Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

A college student reincarnates in the world of HP with the power to cast Lore of Magics from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe(Total War: Warhammer 3). It is going to be a weak to strong story. In time, I am thinking of expanding on all of the magical world rather than only focusing on Magical England. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this other than my OCs; anything else belongs to its respective author. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me in the comments, and I will fix it. I will try to release three chapters a week. If you want to read 35 chapters ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · Book&Literature
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75 Chs


A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them. I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.



Elmi approached the eerie flickering light that marked the presence of a Hinkypunk. The creature, wispy and elusive, seemed to dance with the otherworldly glow emanating from its lantern.

Cautious not to startle the magical being, Elmi pondered the challenge at hand. Hinkypunks were ethereal, immune to traditional stunning spells. The spirit leech (Animus Absorben) was also ruled out due to the creature's ability to retaliate swiftly with fireballs. Elmi considered the potential risks: it would take some time until spirit leech could weaken Hinkypunk enough for it not to be able to retaliate. 

But Hinkypunk could send many fireballs; he could try to hold out with a shield, but he could seriously get hurt if his shield didn't hold up. Elmi delved into his repertoire of spells, his mind settling on the Umbram Fuscum, the Purple Sun of Shyish. The most potent Lore of Death spell, Umbram Fuscum, manifested as a large, menacing orb of darkness, edged with an ominous purple hue. Its arcane force rolled across the targeted area, emitting amethyst rays that drained the life force of all living things in its path while pulling them towards itself.

With a deep breath, Elmi cast the spell, and the Purple Sun of Shyish materialized, hovering ominously in the air. The roiling sphere moved as it released amethyst rays piercing the darkness of the forest. As it advanced, it exhibited the unique ability to pull its targets towards itself, creating a potent magical gravitational effect. 

Hinkypunk panicked and emitted hollering and grunting noises. It started to throw some fireball at the crystalline purple sphere, but it didn't work. Elmi watched with a mix of fascination and trepidation as the Umbram Fuscum engulfed the Hinkypunk's ethereal form. The creature, unable to evade the relentless pull of the spell, found itself drawn towards the ominous orb. 

Hinkypunk realized the existence of Elmi and, rather than attacking the sphere in futile attempts, turned its fiery temper towards him. Elmi erected a shield to test out its fireball's power. After taking the first hit, he was thankful he didn't attempt this method. His shield was powerful enough to take one hit, but those fireballs were as powerful as an adult wizard's fire spell; it would be a really tiring experience.

Elmi hid behind a big tree to hide from the fireballs, and the amethyst rays drained the life force of the Hinkypunk, subduing its fiery nature just as it was close to death; Elmi cast another spell and canceled the sphere. Elmi got close to the now exhausted Hinkypunk, took a vial, and started putting the mucus-like substance around its lantern made of bones. 


After he did this a few more times, he started to get exhausted since Umbram Fuscum took a lot of winds of magic to cast it, and the time was long past midnight. As he collected mucus into the vial, he decided this was the last one. But at that moment, he heard a voice from behind,

"I do not think a child is suitable to use powerful curses such as those." 

Elmi panicked and cast, "Invisibilis Fumus!"


Wrapping himself in a shroud of green mist. Elmi looked at where the voice came from as he changed location. When he realized who that voice belonged to, he was relaxed; it was a centaur. The centaur, baffled by the unfamiliar magic, tilted his head in confusion.

"I've never seen a spell like that, and you are a weird human child. We usually elicit a scream when seen," the centaur remarked.

As Elmi's invisibility dissipated, he shared a knowing smirk with the centaur, "I am not a stranger to your kind, and I have heard that before from a friend that I shouldn't play with curses." This confused the centaur more, so Elmi explained, "I have centaur friends, so I know for a fact that any honorable centaur would never hurt a child."

The centaur nodded his head, "You are right." He, intrigued yet slightly amused, acknowledged Elmi's understanding. "Any honorable centaur would never hurt a child," he said, his tone stern yet benevolent. 

The centaur stared into the vast expanse of stars and continued,

"As long as we are not provoked. Any centaur following the will of the celestial light would never hurt a child of any species." he declared. However, the centaur couldn't shake his concern for the young wizard who wielded the power of death.

He looked like an adult who was getting ready to scold a child and said,

"But you don't seem to listen to the words of this wise friend of yours; why are you able to control the primordial power of death? Your curses were not tainted like other human curses. It was a bit dirty because you were using powers beyond your understanding, but it was still pure."

Elmi tried to look like an innocent child and said, "I am sorry, but I cannot tell you that. We just met. If we become friends in the future, I might be able to share it with you."

Centaur shook its head, his wild and long, dirty blond hair dancing behind him. He had blue eyes that could be seen even on this moonlit night and a palomino horse hind body. His human part saluted Elmi by putting his hand on his chest, and one of his front legs curled back softly.

"Ah, where are my manners? I am called Firenze, young one."

Elmi had some guesses since he looked like the book depiction of Firenze, but he couldn't be sure until now. He, too, put his hand on his chest and respectfully saluted him, "Elminster Fredrick Fawley, a pleasure to meet you, Firenze. You can call me Elmi."

Gazing at the night sky, Firenze, guided by the stars' whispers, shared his perception. "You are a weir... I am sorry. You are a peculiar young one, Elminster, son of Corvious. I cannot see your path clearly; I can see your parents but not you." 

Elmi was not surprised by how Firenze knew his father's name since he was a real diviner and was able to follow people's fate thanks to the stars. Elmi decided to be more friendly with him, so he decided to give a little bit of information about his powers,

"It might be a primordial power, but I think it is given to me by the celestial light you spoke of."

Firenze was a bit taken aback by what Elmi said, and after thinking a bit, he smiled," Now all makes a bit more sense; I have no right to stop you from your path since it is not my job."

It looked like Firenze was looking through Elmi," My job is to witness, but since you are sharing this, it means you see me as a friend, so I have to give you a little bit of wisdom. You might look normal right now, but that kind of power will corrupt a being without even you realizing it." He sighed, "Even though it is a primordial power of nature and it belongs to the world, at the same time, it is not. Your power is peculiar, like you."

Elmi smirked knowingly; he couldn't believe how perceptive this centaur was, and Firenze realized his power came from another world with one look. "Young one, I would like to accompany you to leave this forest now. A great danger is approaching. Insatiable beasts are on the prowl for prey, and you should leave the forest."

Elmi realized he must be talking about Acromantulas or some other beast. As they were leaving the forest, Firenze said," Also, thank you for exposing that accursed being; we have lost many innocent unicorns to his cursed hunger."

Elmi acted clueless and said, "Who did kill the unicorns? Do you mean Voldemort?" Seeing how Elmi acted, Firenze didn't press the issue other than nodding his head. For a moment, Elmi was horrified about the extent to which this creature had insight into the future. Did they see everything and let it happen because it wasn't their job? 

Quickly, he realized that could not be since protecting the forest and its innocent inhabitant was their mission, too, and they wouldn't allow Quirrell to feed on unicorn blood if they could see that far and detail into the future. As they were walking, Elmi saw an Acromantula coming towards them. It must be following them, but as it got closer, arrows started to rain down on it. 

The beast cried in pain and retreated. Firenze shook his head with a disapproving look on his face and said, "Hagrid is a friend and a pure soul, but releasing that blight into this forest was his greatest shame."

Elmi turned to say goodbye to Firenze, but his sapphire blue eyes looked milky white.

"Elminster Fredrick Fawley, son of Corvious," Firenze began his words carrying the undertones of prophecy, "Your path is shrouded, veiled in the mists of the future. I see your mother; the echoes of her destiny are resonating clearly. But you, young one, stand at the crossroads of uncertainty."

Elmi listened as Firenze continued, "Beware, for meddling with the threads of fate can unravel the tapestry of destiny. The power you wield, the primordial forces of beast, spirit, and death are a double-edged sword. In seeking to master it, you may find yourself entangled in a web of great danger."

The centaur's eyes, reflecting the constellations above, bore into Elmi, "The stars whisper caution, and the celestial light reveals only fragments of your journey. Choose your steps wisely, for in the dance of fate, the consequences may be unforeseen. As a dove flies in its path, it does not see what is happening around it."

With these cryptic words, Firenze imparted a divination. As his eyes returned to normal, he had regret in his eyes, "I shouldn't have done that... but you are too oblivious to your power and to the world at large. Be careful, little friend." 

After leaving one last warning, he went into the deep forest. Most parts of the divination were obvious to Elmi since he knew what was going to happen; he was meddling with things and about his power, but he didn't know what the hell world at large meant; it was too vague.