
Windows of The Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, woman in her twenties with a slim figure, an alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in the corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirties, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded by women enamored by his handsome, stunning good look, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but overbearing - he demands compliance from everyone; his word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations and another man whom she thought would be her lasting love. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · Urban
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71 Chs

Say our Last Goodbyes

Chapter Seventy-One

"I will leave for Japan as soon as you leave for Canada. I wish all the best for you; good luck, and goodbye, Sayonara, Rielle."

The picture in her hand, Rielle slowly unfolded the image with the translation. It read:

"Hyun, See my tummy? I am six months pregnant now. When are you coming?" Rielle perspired, her heartbeat thumping like a drum beating hard for a death march.

She trembled in anger; she wanted to shout thunderously in anguish, hysterically screaming that she started throwing things in the room to release her bitterness and hostility towards Hyun's deceit. She never expected that Shin Dae would make a fool out of her. Then she recalled the phone conversations of the three, seeming to have a huge problem, and that they were talking in their language privately, which was peculiar with Hyun-Ki because he sees to it that no one would speak in their language whenever she was around. Now she knows why and is outraged, cheating on her, stabbing her in the back.

Rielle once again called for Andrew's help. She sent the picture and the translation through Drew's cell phone, which angered Donna and Drew.

"Why that cheating son of a gun! We got you this time, Han Hyun-Ki, and I swear!" Drew threw his dart to the dart board, swearing, cursing! He immediately worked on the papers for Rielle's defense and flew directly to Rielle with less sleep.

Rielle and Drew filed the annulment plea application again with the documents and the proof to support their stand. They must wait for Hyun-Ki's return to serve the summon to the court.

At the Han mansion, Hyun-Ki arrived, surprised by Rielle's coldness. Hyun thought Rielle was only sulking because she might have missed him terribly. He was about to embrace Rielle but was met with a firm slap at the right and then at the left of his face. Hyun-Ki was shocked and stared at how Rielle looked at him with a dark, furious face, with a 'want to kill you look.' Hyun-Ki felt something off, mysteriously gazing at Rielle.

"You are nothing but a big, fat liar, Hyun! You cheated on me, your brother and your cousin stabbed me in my back, and you played me, making me look like a fool?" Rielle was walking backward as Hyun tried coming closer to appease her.

"The main office had a problem to be resolved, you said! I am the only one who can solve it, you said! And Shin Dae said that he sent you to Ae-Ri for him because he cannot come to her at once; he said! All of you are lying in my face! How dare you all!" Rielle was shouting her heart out, refusing to calm down.

"All of you lied in my face, making a fool out of me? What have I done to deserve this, Hyun? Tell me! What – have – I – done!" sternly dropped her angry words at Hyun-Ki. While Rielle was making her rounds of anger, Attorney Drew came to get Rielle out of the house. He walked towards Hyun-Ki and punched him hard, enough to break his nose.

"You've messed up once, twice, and this is your last, son of a bitch!" Drew took Rielle's luggage and everything she had, leaving no trace of her presence in that house.

"Do you have a place to stay, Rielle?" asked Drew. He felt so bad for Rielle; just looking at her, his heart would break, and he felt like soothing her of her pain was not enough to calm her down. She was too emotionally distressed and could not leave her in that state. He called Donna and requested her with their Mom to come and comfort Rielle personally, for she was devastated.

"I'll check you in first in a hotel, and your Mom and sister are coming over to accompany you, Rielle. You must hold up and be strong, don't let your anguish take over you." Drew comforted Rielle.

"As soon as we face the judge and give our defense and have his decision, you can leave this place and go back to Mom. Zia will work for your invitation so you can go to Canada and live there as long as you want. If I were you, I'd never go back here anymore." Advised Drew.

And Rielle once again wept her heart out. While the two were seated in the lobby waiting for the receptionist's advice, Akio Hinode accidentally happened on Rielle at a distance. He saw her crying; from the looks of it, he felt Rielle was so broken. He wanted to come near her and ask about the matter when they heard the desk receptionist calling Drew's name. Akio flinched and hid from a pillar by the receiving area while Drew and Rielle stood and went to the desk for Drew to sign for Rielle. Akio saw the luggage the bellboy carried for them, and he suspected that she had moved out of Hyun-Ki's home completely. Rielle and Drew passed by his way unnoticed. He went to the reception desk and inquired about Rielle's room and the days she booked to stay.

Hyun-Ki called Hwan Chul and Shin Dae and angrily asked them how Rielle discovered the truth. Shin Dae told Hyun-Ki that Rielle found the picture in his suit pocket while he and Rielle were packing his things in the luggage, so she went to see him and queried about Ae-Ri. Hwan Chul got mad at Hyun and blamed him for his lies.

"I warned you, Hyun, I told you to tell her about the problem, but you did not listen; you're so stubborn! And the worse, we were involved in this mess, telling us that we back-bite her? That we made her a fool? Yes, she was right! We lied to her and made her a fool, for your sake! So, face the consequences; you now lost her for good, Hyun!" Hwan angrily said. As they discussed, a summon came for Hyun-Ki to appear before the judge for their annulment case.

Hyun-Ki felt terrible and hopeless. He knew he couldn't do anything now; he had lost Rielle completely.

Morning came to Judge Rubio's Office. Rielle and Hyun-Ki faced each other with their lawyers by their sides. They resumed the proceedings about the case of deception and cheating on Hyun-Ki's side, interpolating the new pieces of evidence acquired to have Rielle's stand solid and binding. The judge gave them the date when they would return for his decision and simultaneously granted Rielle's request for a Temporary Restraining Order for her protection.

Drew went back to the hotel to wait for Donna and their Mom while Rielle went to the real estate office to make her final reports of her latest transactions with her clients to endorse them to her colleague Phoebe and turn them over all her records to the Field Supervisor. The atmosphere in the office was gloomy, and they were tearful, knowing of Rielle's plight and her leaving for good.

"Here are the checks you earned from your sales, Rielle, and we wish you the best," sadly expressed Misses Rosales.

"Please don't stop reaching out to me, my friend, and we'll truly miss you," Phoebe said tearfully.

Meanwhile, at the hotel, while Drew was waiting for his wife and Mom's arrival, he was at the restaurant drinking his coffee, and Akio Hinode came across him. He walked towards Drew's table and casually introduced himself.

"Hi, you must be Rielle's brother. I saw you with her when you checked in here. I am Akio Hinode; I run the real estate office where your sister was my agent." Giving his hand for a handshake. Drew was surprised and smiled and shook hands with Hinode.

"I am her brother-in-law and lawyer; Drew's the name."

"Rielle's lawyer? Was there something wrong that she needed a lawyer?" he was anxious to know more, although he was already aware of Rielle's problem when he came across them checking in at his hotel.

"How is she holding up? I hope you may not be offended by my meddlesome," Akio apologized.

"Oh no, Sir, since you are her boss, you'd come to know that she will leave this place for good. She was in your office to hand her resignation and turn over her work to the supervisor." Informed Drew. Akio Hinode was shocked.

"What happened? Why was she leaving for good, and where would she go?" anxiously asked Akio Hinode.

"My sister-in-law made her plea for consideration on her Annulment Case with Han Hyun-Ki, that son of a bitch, and was awaiting the judge's resolution so she can leave for Canada and stay there for good." Explained Drew, failing to keep his dismay towards Hyun-Ki. Akio Hinode became optimistic and was buoyant about the turn of events in Rielle's situation.

"Where in Canada is she destined to go?" implored Akio. Drew felt funny about Akio's curiosity, but he entertained his questions and named the place.

"I'll be going now, Attorney Drew, and thank you. By the way, when was Rielle's leave for Canada, if I may ask?" Akio Hinode showed his persistence, that Drew felt a funny suspicion of him. "We are still waiting for the judge's decision, Mr. Hinode, and hopefully, if we receive the decision a day after tomorrow, Rielle will be out of here." Assured Drew and smiled, feeling something was going on in him for Rielle.

Rielle was back at the hotel and jumped for joy at seeing her Mom again at last. She can't control her emotions as her mother embraces and soothes Rielle of her agonizing life with Hyun-Ki.

"I felt good that you dared to fight for your freedom from Hyun-Ki. I was truly disappointed and hurt by how foolish Hyun-Ki did to you, and now he realized the biggest mistake he had for losing you, and I am glad it is over now, my daughter. You should never return to this place again; it only brought you heartbreak and anguish. Even if I would feel lonely for not seeing you once in a while, I could take it, as long as you are at peace with yourself. So go live with your sister in Canada; I would feel better and have peace of mind."

The day of revelation. Drew and Rielle returned to the Office of Judge Rubio; Hyun-Ki and his lawyer were also present, waiting for the judge's decision. Rielle felt victorious for finally gaining her freedom; she was finally free, leaving Han Hyun-Ki bitter and regretful.

Rielle and her family started to leave, and Rielle told them to go ahead as she still had to settle things in the hotel and will follow soon. She was in the lobby waiting for her taxi when Akio showed up. He had in his hand the vanity bag he once gave Rielle and handed it to her.

"This was my gift to you, and you should keep this. Please don't refuse this, Rielle, because this is yours. I will be leaving for Japan as soon as you leave for Canada. I wish all the best for you; good luck, and goodbye, Sayonara, Rielle." Akio Hinode felt very sad, and the same with Rielle. Akio turned away with a heavy heart while Rielle was watching him tearfully. Then the cab Rielle was waiting for arrived and got in, giving a sad look one more time at Akio while he was walking away.

The traffic along the way was heavy, but Rielle was unmindful of it. She was reminiscing about the sad look Akio had as he bid her goodbye, and she felt a heavy heart as if she was having a heart attack and held the gift Akio gave her close to her chest, crying softly in bitterness and grief.

Meanwhile, Akio Hinode can no longer take that sad look Rielle gave him. He realized how unique and essential Rielle was in his life. He decided to act fast. He called for his chauffeur to meet him near the valet's station. He asked the guard for the name and plate number of the taxi Rielle took, and when his car came, he asked his chauffeur to drive fast. Akio Hinode was unsatisfied with his chauffeur's driving, so he took the wheel and went speedily.

He was driving the car so fast that the police on the motorcycle caught an eye on him. The police chased him speedily, and his chauffeur pleaded with him to stop because the police pursued him; not only they become four already behind them. The police officers' sirens were up, and the first police ahead of the three police on the motorcycle were warning him, calling his attention, and naming his plate number. All the cars slowed down, giving way to the police to chase Akio Hinode. At the same time, the driver of the taxi Rielle was in was also wondering what they were chasing, looking at his rear mirror, curious about the goings-on along the highway.

The police overtook Akio Hinode's car and were about to arrest him, and he said, pleading:

"I am chasing the blue taxi with this plate number because my woman was in there, Sir. What will happen to my woman if I lose her? I need your assistance. Please stop the taxi!" implored Akio while his chauffeur was hiding his face chuckling under his shirt.

The police officers, although puzzled by Akio's statement, chased the blue taxi in their motorcycles. With the megaphone, the police ahead of the group called out to the blue taxi to stop while the second one was able to come in front of the taxi and apprehend him. The cab driver was shocked and terrified so was Rielle. All of a sudden, one police appeared and knocked on Rielle's window, asking her to open up. And as Rielle was getting out of the cab, Akio Hinode grabbed her and embraced her tightly.

"You're not going anywhere, Rielle. I love you; stay with me." Akio Hinode kissed her, and the police officers were amazed and, at the same time, amused about the scene. All the cars were honking, and the drivers and passengers were shouting.

Akio Hinode didn't stop kissing her until Rielle pushed him aside gently and said,

"I am not leaving, Kio. I love you, too." And they kissed and kissed more it was as if they were the only ones in the middle of the highway.



After Rielle's victory battle for her complete freedom from Han Hyun-Ki, she could no longer deny her true feelings for Akio Hinode despite denying herself from loving again. Her plan to leave for Canada didn't happen because Akio Hinode stopped her, for he was very much in love with Rielle. After their romantic encounter at the highway where Akio chased her, both made their affair a reality. They went to Japan, introduced her to his family, and prepared for their wedding back in the metropolis.

Speaking about Han Hyun-Ki, he realized his failure and felt desperation. And because of his frustration in losing Rielle, he decided to return to Korea. And there, he realized that he had a responsibility to face, that is, to father his child from Ae-Ri, and because he was not really in love with Ae-Ri, Hyun-Ki decided to get custody of the child and let Ae-Ri be set free from her responsibility from being a mother to Han Hyun-Ki's child, a boy whom he named as Chung-hee.

Hwan Chul remained in the global city to oversee the business, both the head and corporate offices since Hyun-Ki left for Korea. The incredible thing that happened to Hwan Chul was when he met Phoebe, Rielle's friend and his former classmate during college, who constantly stalked him because of her big crush on Hwan Chul. They were invited to Gabrielle and Akio's wedding when they returned to the metropolis, and they have had a romantic relationship since then.

Who would ever expect that their deep love for Rielle and Hyun-Ki would have a tragic ending because of Hyun-Ki's promiscuity and his deceit of hiding his affair with Ae-Ri, whom he impregnated? And Rielle's pure intentions of her love paid off by meeting a man in the person of Akio Hinode, a one-person woman who greatly respected women and was very much in love with Rielle.

The title, "Say our Last Goodbyes," is the last chapter of my book; hoping you have enjoyed reading them. Thank you very much for your support. Watch out for my next novel.

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