
Windows of The Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, woman in her twenties with a slim figure, an alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in the corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirties, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded by women enamored by his handsome, stunning good look, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but overbearing - he demands compliance from everyone; his word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations and another man whom she thought would be her lasting love. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · Urban
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71 Chs

Reveal Day: Face Off

Chapter Fifty-Two

This is your last stand, Hyeong. Good luck.

Hyun-Ki was all dressed up when Hwan Chul came to his room.

"I brought a copy of the USB with the Financial Report to be shown on screen when Julienne and you are already in front of the wedding altar. I also downloaded your marriage contract for everyone to see. This is your last stand, Hyeong. Good luck. And by the way, Rielle was waiting in the car with Junie. I'll tell her to appear once the show begins, he-he-he," chuckled Hwan Chul in high spirit. Hyun-Ki patted Hwan Chul's arm and hugged him.

"Thank you, namdongsaeng. You're a good brother, a great help. What more can I say," Hyun-Ki said with a lump on his throat, misty-eyed and incredibly touched by his brother's compassionate cooperation.

"Hang in there, Hyeong. You can do this; we can do this. It will be over soon." Assured Hwan Chul confidently.

It is a reveal day! Every guest comes in randomly. Some are excited, a few are anxious, and others are doubtful and apprehensive. Every guest is talking, and others are whispering.

"What does the Chairman think of this idea? How can he do this to his son?" Some of the Board Members were worried about Hyun-Ki.

"I already witnessed this same scenario before," one member commented. "Hyun-Ki was in the same scene before, to marry his fiancée but never went through, and now he is again, to marry someone he doesn't love. Weird, isn't it?" All nodded, feeling sorry, others feeling sad for Hyun-Ki.

One company official wondered, "why does Hyun-Ki allow himself to be used by his dad when he usually outrightly opposed the Chairman if he wanted to? He never agreed to this Merger, and now he is willing to marry the woman he never loved! Is he becoming like his father now? Greedy for wealth and power?" Another commented, "Maybe he was playing music with his dad, knowing he can divorce Miss Simon, let us say, have his cake and eat it too, isn't that a wiser move?" The other officials could not say a word; they just shook their heads out of compassion for Hyun-Ki.

Mr. Han Myeong, the Chairman, and Mr. George, Julienne's father, are waiting in the lobby for their son and daughter to come down. A little later, Hyun-Ki greeted his dad and Mr. Simon at ease and mannered. The Chairman pointed his hand to the garden and led Hyun-Ki beside the altar to wait for his bride. A few minutes later, the pianist started to play the wedding march. All the guests stood to watch Julienne walk on the wedding carpet. Hyun-Ki felt bitter because it should be his wife walking down that lane, but he was, standing by the altar waiting for his fake bride.

While the piano was playing, 'Here Comes the Bride,' Han Shin Dae appeared and stood by the pianist, meaning to be visible to the Chairman. When the Chairman saw him, he glowered at him, and the Chairman flailed his right arm as if shooing Shin Dae away. Shin Dae just stood there smiling dryly, waving his hand at him, proving unthreatened and unafraid. Mr. Han Myeong walked toward the Security guarding the place and demanded them to get Shin Dae out of the venue. And when two of the Security were to grab him, Hwan Chul went between them and requested them to leave Shin Dae alone since he was a cousin and guest of the groom, Hyun-Ki.

The Chairman was a bit uneasy but calmed himself, thinking that Shin Dae was afraid of him and that he knew what would happen if he made a commotion during the ceremony.

Hwan Chul went to the monitor computer and inserted the USB.

Hwan Chul was waiting for Julienne and Hyun-Ki to stand before the altar. Rielle also joined the guests, sitting by the outer row near the lane where Hyun-Ki could easily find her.

When the pastor was about to address the bride and groom, Hyun-Ki walked away from Julienne, and went behind the altar and spoke:

"No wedding to happen today because I am not marrying this woman. The merger between KOR H&H and HANZU will never happen. I, Han Hyun-Ki, the CEO of KOR H&H Industrial Corporation, now decree that this merge is null and void." Announced Hyun-Ki.

The guests were unbelievably surprised by Hyun-Ki's revelation. Silence prevailed, awaiting Hyun-Ki's shocking announcement, but everyone felt relieved.

"It is not true that KOR H&H is going bankrupt; it was only my father, Mr. Han Myeong, the Chairman of the Board desired to put these companies together out of his greed. The fact that the merging of these two could have happened because he threatened our VP for Finance, Han Shin Dae, to give a false report is enough proof that the Chairman wanted more for his wealth and satisfaction. And worst, he once again meddled with my life to marry me off to the woman I never loved." Continued Hyun-Ki.

Hwan Chul and Shin Dae came to the midst of Hyun-Ki's speech.

"You want proof? I'll show you the proof!" bravely announced Hwan Chul.

Hwan Chul clicked the keyboard, and from the screen came the folder titled KOR H&H FINANCIAL REPORT of the current year. Everyone was dumbfounded and silent when Hyun-Ki spoke:

"What you see on this screen was the original Financial Report for the KOR H&H management. As I browsed the pages, not one page showed declining statistics of the corporation's business standing. The Chairman did fake the report so that his plan of joining hands with Hanzu Corporation would happen. And I am grateful that my cousin, Han Shin Dae, our VP for Finance, deliberately kept the real documents to save our company from the manipulation of my father, the Chairman. Why? My dear Board of Directors and Members, the Chairman, wanted to merge with the Hanzu Corporation and make it one corporation. And where will this leave us? Everything will change, from policies to employee relations and the standards of our products. And this is what I am trying to prevent!" Facing his dad, with his eyes hardened, he continued:

"Your trick is over, dad, Mr. Chairman. You once meddled with my life to the point of destroying me; you never cared how I felt because if you did, you wouldn't marry me to a woman I never loved as long as you had your greed. And I feel sorry for you because you created your hell! You pulled people down to their detriment! This Merger is your last scheme. Your meddling with my company is over! I hate to say this but stay away from the company that I painstakingly worked for its success and us. Leave us alone!" Pausing a little while, walking closer to the Chairman, Hyun-Ki gave his last word, his last warning.

"Don't ever come back again, Mr. Chairman.

"And for everyone here, listen! How can I marry Julienne Simon when I am already married!" And from the screen, Hwan Chul showed his marriage contract with Gabrielle.

Mr. George Simon and Julienne were both shocked in disbelief, and the Chairman was dazed and dumbfounded.

Hyun-Ki came down from the altar and walked toward Rielle. He took her hand and brought her in front of the guests:

"This is Gabrielle Mari Calma, my fiancée and now my wife, and we just got married yesterday morning!" shouting with pride, he held Rielle closer by his side and kissed her.

Julienne almost screamed with hurt and shame. The guests turned into awe and made thunderous applause and cheers, knowing Rielle was Hyun-KI's Executive Assistant.

Pulling the merger contract from the signing table, he ripped the contract in front of his dad's face and threw it away.

Out of shame and embarrassment, the Chairman's once proud countenance now looked like a tame lion. He felt defeat and remorse, and he slowly crumbled to weakness and fell to the ground.

Hwan Chul, Shin Dae, and the Security team ran to the Chairman and called for an ambulance while Hyun-Ki took a short glimpse of his dad and, holding Rielle's hand, started to walk away, not looking back.

The fireworks display, supposedly for the celebration of Han and Simon's Wedding, made a loud explosive bang when they were released as if to celebrate Hyun-Ki's success in defeating his dad.

Hyun-Ki successfully liberated himself from the influence and restraint of his father's selfishness and greed.

Hyun-Ki got his sweet freedom at last!

Chapter 52 is the last episode of my story. Did you like it? Please comment on it. I want to know your views about my novel. Thank you for being so supportive, my dear reader. I hope to see you again in my next book.

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